— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139742
Spring really has arrived.
Because the electric heaters of the seats in the electric buses have returned from the spinning mode to the baking mode.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139741
xxx> Hello to all of you! Is this a channel about *nix?
yyy> just try it.
xxx> Advice ongoing some)

[ + 23 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139740
Did you not think that your problem is not in the absence of a decent way to get to know, but in the fact that you want everything and the hole? Should someone introduce you to a girl who will be interesting to you? What then? Someone will have to teach you how to behave with her, what to say, where to drive, right? But then, sorry, and someone else will have to fuck her too. Am I wrong?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139739
gomez: Trolls are easy to hear - it is enough to just joke without smiley.
And yes, it is the same in real.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139738
The most important thing in IT is to have an advanced level in extrasensory, shamanism skills and possess a powerful aura. The first will allow you to understand what really happened, the second - with a rhythmic knock on some object with commenting on this ritual, the mat solves many problems, and the third allows you to repair any broken equipment, you should only enter the room.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139737
by Nikita:
How are you dealing?
by Anna:
That’s why this red ass is buying toys...this wool pidoas continues to eat the blanket.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139736
Fyn: After my wife opened the door and realized that before her the evangelists shouted "Hassim! The aliens picked up the first spacecraft and disappeared, and our apartment was blacklisted. Everyone comes in and we are not. (I may not even remember)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139735
One boy here wants him to be introduced to accessible girls. The other girl wants the boys to do everything she needs for her and want nothing in return. I propose to marry them, it will be a beautiful couple, the crown of creation, the symbol of modern civilization.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139734
A clear answer to you? Oh, but will you like him? Women (there is nothing to do here) love conquerors.

Sorry, but what age are you from? And now sexual topics are freely discussed even by teenagers. Yes, and conquests are a bit out of fashion, for them it is easier to shelter 10 years of isolation from society than a constant sexual life.
Plus, if we talk about friendly relationships, there is nothing to hide, as if one of the properties of such relationships is mutual trust, openness and truthfulness. A friend who hides his intentions regardless of gender and intentions is a shit, not a friend.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139733
Reksi: Warner Bros. Studios decided to re-launch the cult film “The Matrix”. This is by The Hollywood Reporter with reference to anonymous sources.

Zrk47: A cross between the Matrix and the Terminator
Zrk47: There is a fight on the surface. The remains of the people under the command of D. Connor fights the machines to give Neo time to turn off the machines through the matrix.
Zrk47: To help Neo, Connor sends the T-800 program into the D-DOS matrix

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139732
All your problems with women come from uncertainty. You don't get a girl out of your head, so tell her about it in a direct text, on the other hand, too, many hints do not understand, it's general human. In the presence of information that she will be knocked out in all the cracks at the first opportunity, she will either agree to be friends on such conditions, or will fall away and will not illuminate and irritate various organs.
And if you are not able to clearly say what you need from a person, well, sit, friends, platonically, risking to spend your entire life.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139731
» hugs and kisses, and when trying somehow to define the relationship and move on makes a round face: "And I'm what, I'm nothing, you don't understand everything". This is friendship, not what you’re writing about.

Everyone would be as understandable as you :( Or for the desire to eat (for their own expense) in the company and discuss the news of music and movies in the friendship recorded...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139730
The Division!
Here I am gay (homic, pidaras – call me as you like, I’m poch). And about this most of my girls know, and for a long time: boys-boys-men as they grow up changed in their eyes.
Question: why every second made claims, say, you don’t look at me "as a woman"?! And no, it wasn’t meant to "notice a new hairstyle"—this was just fine. She did not eat, she was meant as a woman who carried a whistleblower.
I have to look like her, at least. Not that painful sadness.
WTF to you?

You, dear, are just communicating with foolish girls who are very concerned about the question of “marriage and pen”. Change the circle of communication, and everyone will get stuck.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №139729
vvv: Great news "The analysts of the company "Yandex" can not yet answer the question whether androids dream of electric sheep.
But they know the inhabitants of which regions will dream of horses, dragons and giant strawberries. More in this article..."

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139728
Science has proven that pigs cannot see the sky. That’s all you need to know about those who have stumbled into power.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139727
My mother in 1936. survived the occupation. History of her words. The little girl remembered what happened. As I remembered her stories, now, unfortunately, no one has to ask for details anymore.

The mother remembered that when the war had just begun, the grandmothers-neighbors whispered, saying that the German would come - even if order would be set. The German came. First, all the dogs were shot. If the German saw something in his yard or house that he needed, he simply took it. Not hiding or hiding. Right of the strong. If the hostess tried to object, he could just knock his fist, and could shoot at the spot.
There were more Romanians. They never took anything openly. But they stole godlessly, anything.
These are national characteristics.

They lived in the glory. It was very hungry. Her mother remembered her grandmother picking up the burnt leaves from under the first snow and cooking bread. As at night, the grandmother and other women were rushing through the bombs and shells robbed collegiate field for the remains of potatoes, which they had not yet had time to collect. There was a German patrol along the field. When they approached, they had to die and merge with the earth. The Germans used the light. You could also turn the machine. In any case.

When it became very bad, the younger sister of the grandmother came for them from Kramatorsk to pick them up. It seemed easier there. On their way back, two young girls were still in fact (the grandmother was 1914). And two children (the mother and her younger brother) took the German patrol. taken to command. Fortunately, the German translator was Polish. My grandmother spoke Polish. Pretending to be Poles. How could they explain where they are going and why? The translator whispered about something with a German officer.
Together with others, they were pushed into the body of a truck and taken somewhere under the convoy. I thought it was shooting. They went far. The truck stopped. They were planted. told to go. Her mother remembered her grandmother holding her hand and whispering, “Just don’t run. Just don’t run.” I thought they would shoot in the back. But the truck left. Those left in it were shot as partisans and their accomplices.

And the collaboration really did. From somewhere came our leaflets with information. The grandmother turned them, tied them, wore a coat on top, and the five-year-old child walked around the houses, carrying these leaflets. It is well understood that if they get caught, they will shoot the whole family.

Another mother recalled with gratitude the fat cook Otto from the officer dining room at the German airfield. The fat cook Otto took the children to work and clean the potatoes. For this, from the remains of the officer’s lunch, each of them poured a bowl of soup. It should have been on the spot, with the cook. Otto made sure that the elderly did not take food from the younger ones. If after the first round there was something left in the boiler, Otto poured the supplement to the smallest. There were “tricks” who quickly ate their portion and tried to get in line again, as if they had not yet been poured. Otto immediately pulled them out of the line.
Otto also allowed the children to take potatoes home. The whole family survived these crashes.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139726
In front of the lightforest stops two cars - Renault Logan and Lamborghini. Logan’s driver, turning the pen, drops the glass and asks Lamborghini’s driver:
How about the car at all? Does not break?
It’s like a normal car, why do you ask?
I see that people are not buying them.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139725
Childhood – curiosity

Doctors if there are. Tell me, why is there such a phenomenon as a prothesis of the hand? Especially with motorcycles. Is the brush a purely mechanical system, or do I know something? All her muscles are found around the radial bone, below the wrist only a willless puppet, for which the tendons are pulled.
Why do wildly expensive systems, when endoprostheses already exist even in series, and from soft tissues you can form at least a sickle, at least a sickle? What prevents titanium endoprostheses and a piece of skin with fatty fiber from making a new brush and sewing tendons to it?
Okay, it is easier. What prevents the tendons in general from sewing to some skin-throughing stitches or piercings that can move a purely mechanical prothesis gloves? Yes, at the point of contact, the mole will be filled, but it is better to use your hand sometimes than to sit without a clove at all and wait for the sea weather and all kinds of wonders with bio-flow control.
Tell me, I know for sure, there is at least one here who tells a story that is very obscene, humorous and with a fire. Enlighten the dark and distant man.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139724
XXX: And the day she threatened (!) With my intimate photos. I jumped up)
yyy: I would also like to spray on the intimate photos of Lenki)))

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139723
Tolerance is yes.
In our base floor is stored a line of unlimited length.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna