Review of the Game (Train Simulator)
and numb:
The game has a very small set of possibilities.
In the game you can not: take money from the lochs, deliver the left cargo, roll with the conductors.
As a result, this product cannot be called a simulator.
Harbour on a train on a magnetic pillow
A: The tickets will be gold. Already now, a plateau is worth like an airplane, and a coupe is a luxury in general. Prices were compared on the Moscow-Omsk-Moscow route in November of this year. No matter the difference in time.
B: Do you really think that the prices of all kinds of tickets (primarily rail) and gasoline in Russia depend heavily on the cost of construction/operation/self-cost?
A: I don’t know what it depends on. I know only that trains are not in my pocket, unlike planes. No matter how absurd it sounds.
"Deputies want to launch on Russians bio-dossier"
As in an Enlightened Europe:
Moses, according to the bio-dossier, you are a homosexual.
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here here :
More in the under-Russian: "directly to South Korea"
Right up, cattle and coal!! >_<
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A story from school childhood:
The house is painted,
A triangle with a dull angle.
A triangle with a sharp angle (any triangle is suitable, but this is not the essence).
A triangle with a straight angle.
Almost half of the class signed their creations as follows:
1) The thumbnail.
2) The Osteoporosis.
and the rectangle.)
...I go into the office, take off my pants, and there are pink cowboys with cows. The doctors almost stumbled.
==== is
All my clothes are dark and dark with a bunch of pockets and metal. And on the legs are usually barbers or motobots. And when on the apartment seats you have to rush, new acquaintances usually break a pattern from colorful striped / cellular socks. I like them.
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So, am I the only one who read the headline of the news "Sea Cats Rapture Penguins" and first thought about the U.S. Special Forces?
I cut my hair and painted it in a different color. I am satisfied at work. Leaving the office my boss, such a whispering and giving
R: Xenia, you have something in your head!
I: Yes, I am often told that. and :)
at work (on the interests of husbands):
Most of all, I like hunting. They sat in the siege for 3 hours, without breathing, without cracking, and the cock took and did not come.
From Sapphire WoT
>> hacked because the password was simple
As simple, I also set the year of the canonization of St. Paul. Dominic Gregory IX (1234) and how did they guess?? to
RavenRA : PizDaint is a Swiss supercomputer ranked 6th in the world with 6.27 PFLOPS. And, judging by the name, he should either engage in calculations of the consequences of nuclear explosions or in linguistic analysis.
XXX: Over the course of the year:
1st Large doors with cylinder.
2nd Large capacity for water.
Three Iron entrance door with a metal shell.
4 is Metal frame with grid.
5 is Carrying shelters from the roof.
6 is Metal pillars on which a wooden fence was held. They couldn’t break several times, they cut in the end.
7 is They took out all the grabbels, spots, moths.
YYY: It wasn’t you’ve gotten covered. It looks like you’ve robbed almost the entire set.
Bank Trust, online chat on site
You are:
Good day!
I made a contribution in Moscow in March 2014. Since then, I have changed my name, now I am in the city of Nagan. How should I notify the bank about the change of personal data?
The Hope:
Good day!
The Hope:
You need to write an application for data change in the office.
You are:
Where is the closest office to me?
The Hope:
Which metro station is closest to you?
You are:
I am now in the city of Nagan.
The Hope:
What is the nearest city to you?
You are:
I am not in the forest.
I am in town
to this:
xemten: I read the Talmuds of the PTU on the tokar/fresher affairs. There in the introduction usually write - "Tokar - an interesting and promising specialty. In our country, the tokar is a respected person". I was unwilling to say "I want to go to your country!!and "
Remember the guy, you probably never worked in production...Tokar is a very deficitary and, at the same time, a required profession. You can squeeze angry grandmothers by working with a tower. The other problem is that you won’t find a literate taper. Now all the managers, the herd of managers, who cheat about the salary, but can not pinpoint. And I got a triple ball in a ball as a gift.
My wife and I went to motor school for the first time. She is from home, I am from work. 10 minutes late. The theory takes place in the ordinary general school office. I run into it, there is a turniket and a guard (O) next to it:
Is there a Bachelor?
I: not
A: Then buy
Nearby there is a machine machine with bagels: you sew a coin 10p, turn the coin receiver, a small capsule with bagels falls from the bottom inside. I do everything I need, but the Bachiles do not fall. I speak to the guard:
I: There is no Bachil. No money, no baggage.
A: Heaven 2 rubles
I: then I would not accept, we tried as a child (evidently lied, in my childhood 10r only paper was)
A: Oh shit, it’s the second person for today, it’s never been that.
The security guard got his 10p, scrolled and gave me bats. After thanking him, I went to the office I needed. I sat next to my wife (J), I see: she is in the basil. I remembered that she told me on the phone that she had no money with her. at all.
I: Zay, where did you come from, you said there was no money?
I got 10 rubles. Even though they did not help.
I: The Bachiles did not fall out?
and UGU. You also have?
I am AHA. The security guard bought it for his money and said I was second for today.
J: I bought it too. I was the first to go.
The class is over, we go back. The security guard saw us walking together and smiling, understood everything and himself disappeared in a smile:
Are you not relatives?
I: the spouses
A: Then it is clear.
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I wonder how would a racial Japanese feel in Armenia? Approximately one-third of the surnames end in "-than" (Karapetyan, for example), the initial part may generally consist of some consonants (the same Mkrtshan). Thus e. in Russian it would be "Mgggkkkkkkkkrrrhrhhh!!!!-girl"... and the creature, named by the principle of {"the sound of the sliding garden scissors on the glass" + "the girl"}, is a curly-coated man with a huge nose!!! to
Is it rarely a compliment... to starve a man so that he eats morning oatmeal?! to
It’s not a compliment, it’s either hunger or love.
A middle-aged man, like a thin bear,
I was a coward in the room.
to his wife and to his aunt,
The sadness of his face.
Wear clothes, we don’t have a window.
People from the window are looking at you.
“Let them all see,” the man replied.
How you feed me!
If you touched this topic,
His wife continued to bite him.
Take off your trousers and stay naked.
What would you see for what to feed you?
Did you know that the stella on which the laws of Hammurabi are carved has a falical shape? That is, the first system of laws was written in XY? Why is so?
– But it is understandable now the expression "send to x...". This is a call to improve your legal literacy!
– And the trial is not...eye... trial. And the preparation of the lawsuit is preliminary lusts))
And when in ancient Babylon the judge said to the parties, “Yes, I have turned you!” it meant that the case would be solved exclusively in accordance with the law. But I am afraid then to imagine what the trials are.)
That is what it is.)
Sending a picture on origami:
Is it a bull?
XXX or a cat?
Tagged: cat
YYY: But I have a bitch.
The Guard!! to
Combine the sides first into one triangle, then twist it, like the tape of Mobius.
– – – – –
The tape of Mebius! Well of course. And I folded this unfortunate tent by the method "I closed my eyes, hook-hook. by Fuck. The Hook. by Fuck. Fuck you... Oh! It is done!"
I work as a teacher. We are in class 7 stage of social development. I tell about the agricultural, industrial, post-industrial societies, the main types of activities in them, etc. And here one student asks me:
- Imyarek Imyarekovich, say, and the representatives of the oldest profession are engaged in the service sector?
I play poker and say:
Yes you are right. Why are you asking?
- Just I didn't understand: You said that the field of services has been developed in the modern world, i.e. Post-industrial society, and the profession is the oldest.
We had to go deeper into the essence of the question and talk about the gradual development of the various branches of the non-productive sphere (although, on the example of trade).