— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №94187
Buy chess or chess.

YYY: Oh, I don’t have to. This is the most dangerous sport.
We once in the student years went to the cliff to visit our comrade-extermale (he had a fracture of one leg).
Next to him was a poor chess player with a screw fracture of both legs. He sat on a chair and thought about the move, and his legs around the legs of the chair were wrapped and swung. He fell and broke both legs. Speaking of Chess.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №94186
xxx: today I was finally convinced that something should be done with the sleep regime, when I woke up and came to the kitchen, I realized that the cupcake did not have time to cool.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №94185
The Dutch are just amazed.
XXX: They are like they are already born on skis.
YYY: Caesarean section
YYY: spontaneous

[ + 32 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94184
XXX: I understood why Western Ukraine is angry, they have no borders with Russia, here is their frog and suffocates)
XXX: I propose to move the Russian border closer to western Ukraine

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94183
Fragment from the news about the new TRC in Krasnoyarsk, which is being built for 11 years:

The complex will also have a planned parking space for 500 car seats. It will be partly underground and partly underground.

Now it is clear why the construction was delayed. Apparently, such a requirement was in the builders in the tech task, and they thought a few years what it meant.)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94182
The guy is going to another city to the girl (formerly communicated on Skype, meeting for the first time, etc.)) is :
his mother (m) he (p)

M: Who is it? Where does he live?
P: In Moscow, all the norms, don’t worry.
M: How long is she?
p: equal
M: of whom?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №94181
I personally watch Dexter quietly at night. Very relaxing. and ?
My friend at first grade honey liked to prepare bodies in the morrow at night. He also said it relaxed. and :)
It’s almost like cooking, but you don’t have to think about whether it will be delicious! and ;)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №94180
I will add here:
to this:
Children don’t really need Bentley or even a bicycle. Children need loving parents.

Children need smart parents who would understand that the child is missing. I’ve also had all of these stuff with the "do together, create the atmosphere of a loving family". And on the bicycle - slapped, justifying this same care, to say to us in the village on the road a car could shoot down. So guess what I hate, and what I bought as soon as I earned myself, from the list: sitting in a family circle "you have your hands out of your ass what, the usual pudding to ruin!", a new year of broken dream, showed love that deprived me of the only thing I wanted for ten years, and a bicycle. And make conclusions, trays, with your maid-hands.

You're fine, you bought yourself a lisaped...I ended up worse.
I was convinced as a child that I didn’t need that. have convinced. I’m 30 and I don’t need anything. No bicycle, no bentley, no parents, no family at all. and Nihua.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №94179
Strap ordered to make a layout of an anchor of false materials and paint it.

xxx: this case only took one night and by the morning the anchor took its place, permission for the passage was received.

xxx: it was necessary to see the eyes of the Turks looking after the ship with the anchor spreading on the wind.

— — —

And then they wonder why the satellites fall.
Because the wooden jacquard is equipped with the place of the staff, iron?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94178
to this:
Received from the head of the ears, he said, you can not call children by their names, it is unethical and unpedagogical. Well, what if there are seven boys in the group, and five of them are Daniels. Solved the problem: gave parents the task to come up with a loving nickname for the child, which can be used by the educator. Now I have in my group: Luchik, Masik, Frikadelka, Dalek and Aziraphel the Light, the Future Lord of Asgard.
Dalek - well a very affectionate nickname, carries peace and love (huvians in the topic)

[ + 24 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94177
to this:

Maelinhon: I communicate on the English website with European metalworkers. One carpenter, a second welder, a third archaeologist, saw a seller, a journalist, a nurse, a couple of builders and roofers and a fisherman (industrial).
And we have managers, managers, managers...what is that? Everyone has a hand out of his ass.


Easier - our carpenters, welders, sellers, health workers, builders (I will not say about the rest, but not excluded) weep in one and a half or two shifts, not always having a weekend and funds for entertainment... and if they have time at least for this, it is not the fact that it will be on the forum to sit.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №94176
Talk about the proteins of different colors: see how beautiful they are. And the grey white looks like rats. I’ve seen a lot of such things in London. Naked in addition, one to me in the bag began to go in and look like this with the claim: "Where is my to eat???I’m not married, I’m not used to that.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №94175
What do you know about luck? In the last two months, my belt has broken three times! And not a single valve has been bent!!!!! to
KiM: Strange you, vasodivers, the idea of luck.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №94174
>> and In our country it is not fashionable to work, for example, as a sanitary technician.
— — —

Sanitary technicians are only fashionable in Germany. There are even movies about sanitary equipment.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94173
The Forum...

I just pulled out my euros from "My Bank", now five pieces of cash.
"Russian standard" is stuck. What is going on with Russian banks?
The system?! to

Previously, there were problems with excess money, and questions arose where to store it.
But! A year ago on the wave of quite a lot of extra money I decided
Open the store.
Such a good store, spacious, squares for 70. How much and what not.
Everyone enters in.
Children's clothes, toys, the shelf life is not limited.
The store has everything.
I thought and asked again. And then more...
Now I have a store, a little less boring life, and no problems at all.
Excess of money.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94172
The problem with the properly working extractor - instead of a heated soup, a fried potato is obtained.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №94171
Wait, do you really discuss...USB hub? A simple hub, a hub in which there is only a hub and which works only as a hub? O_O


xxx: and work

zzz: This is Hubr, in posts about the lunar mission discuss the pelmeni, in posts about robots discuss the girls, in posts about the usb-hub discuss the hub!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94170
here here :

To all of these:

to this:

The commentary:

to this:
– – – –
I very much want to quote the autoban with the words "To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To the commentator:"and the like. Lords, this is a humorous resource, not a forum of pitchballs.
– – – –
I strongly support CS! All the commenters! Down the forum realities!
Hurra comrades!

Totally agree! They are already crazy!! Give it without stones!


Land for the peasants! Factory of Workers!

Just by name!! I strongly support...especially the factories.


I agree! Factory of Workers! Bridges to Trolls! The dead parks. The cow’s seat.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №94169
The Village:

It is so in Russian, to smoke the Parliament with firearms...

I love smoking, no matter what, I like the smell. My acquaintance has a large collection of light bulbs with the symbolism of various institutions, you know, there are such free. And again, since we are talking about parliament, in the context of expensive cigarettes, I dare to suggest that in the West, where you are quietly rushing, smoking natural wooden lights will be more expensive than Chinese lights.
a "in Russian", in your case - to demonstrate your collective origin.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94168
Why was there no curling in the USSR?
Well, stones on the ice, butts for melting the snow - a bourgeois game
Oh yeah, then I look at the bourgeoisie with the butterflies and the blades at our window today from the very morning.
Look at their expensive orange clothes.
Tagged with: bourgeoisie
Yesterday I saw one of the bourgeois shuffle champagne, straight to Mayakovsky.
Classic I would say.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna