— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №152303
I was 4 years old and when I sat down to eat I drove my mom out. I will not eat from this plate, give it another. My mother translated. And I’m telling my mother again and I’m not going to go from this one, let’s go from another. Then, the same thing with the glass, I will not drink from this, so my mom spilled and transferred 5-10 times there. I also changed skirts and skirts.

A grandmother comes and sees this picture. He said, “Give it to me for a few days.

My mom gave it.

I tried to do the same with my grandmother at lunch. I will not eat from this plate.

The Grandmother:

You will not? Well, okay, the cat will and toss out my cat’s food. The next meal is after dinner. Yes, I didn’t cry for a long time, because I quickly realized that it was useless. Children know who can be manipulated and who can not.

I tried for the next meal, again to check my caprices, but I was quickly out of training 2-3 days was enough.

My grandmother was not a sadist. My grandmother died in 1998 when I was 17. I loved and respected her and visited her frequently, almost every weekend, until her death.

And by the way, she never beat (their parents were beaten with a belt sometimes) and never shouted at us and our brother, but was an authority for us and we obeyed her.

She adhered to a simple rule – “I said – do,” it works very powerful.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №152302
When I was 14 or 15 years old, I had a diary. In it, I wrote about my teenage experiences, about my first love, made plans and “offended” my parents and my younger sister. And it was mine, personal, that nobody should ever have read! But one day my mom found it and read it (I understood it when she accidentally spoke about what she shouldn’t know). And then I burned it... in the oven... one leaf of it, and I burned it. And my mother in the next room pretended to be asleep, and she cried quietly in her pillow...I heard this, but then I was very upset that someone invaded my personal space without permission.

Of course, I understood why she did this, but much, much later, when she became a mother.

One day, while browsing the school table during the summer holidays, I got a notepad of my second-grade daughter, cut out of a notebook (I did it before). It didn’t look like a diary, and I decided to look at it. The paintings are mainly... On one page of a child’s handwriting was written:

“Today my mom tossed me again. I can’t tolerate cows!”

I felt terribly uncomfortable about invading somebody’s private, even my little daughter... But since then I haven’t wrapped her a single bit until she asked for it. It was in 9th grade!

by Zy. My personal space has been invaded many times... But worse than this was not me, but those who did it!

Thank you for reading!) This is personal, of course, but you can! ? All are good!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №152301
Time can cure everyone, but not everyone.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №152299
The mayor of Yekaterinburg agreed to conduct an independent survey on the construction of the temple in the square, according to the results of the survey won daughter Alsu.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna