I read about stories about different sex marathons... people are different, the possibilities and physiology, the whole stuff...
But constantly recalling the phrase from the anecdote "And you say"))
The first channel officially reports: “We have imposed our sanctions, and our channel will not be New Year’s Coca-Cola advertising. Don’t wait for the trucks with Santa Claus!”
XXX is Hi. I saw an advertisement in the net: Action - gold direct gifts!
Actually about phone numbers. I thought about my hands...
A delegation enters the cabinet in search of an eternally running, unmatched and irreplaceable employee:
Is Sasha here? Look, the jacket is in place, he should be here!
Response from local colleagues:
yyy: Touch the chair, if it is still warm, it could not go far!
In the catalogue: "Chinese phasen. by Sir. and Zol." It turned out, silver and gold...
This is:
And she did not try to raise weights from 50kg, give a strain to another man, without any false means to inseminate the girl, be stress-resistant as a man, suck standing, drink more than 0.5 vodka, work physically under difficult external conditions, etc.
Everything has its own strengths and strengths that cannot be replaced.
The heroine Ept.
Greetings my little friend. Simply put, all points except the insemination. A simple village girl.
Again, I will remind you: I have a beautiful wife, a beautiful son... I need sex as the satisfaction of physiological needs 2-3 times a week. The conclusion is: maybe you - impaired by sex, just have to do business, not just parasitize?
— — —
What is the dumb habit of measuring the world around you purely by the criteria of yourself??? If you need sex 2-3 times a week, the whole world is obliged to live the same way.
I just recently communicated with a girl (a very beautiful girl) who has sex with her husband is at best twice a month - and she meets him in a crochet underwear with a cooked borsche and catches on to make him go by and he does not need this hassle.... So you talk to your wife she may need sex 2-3 times a day and not a week but she quietly so as not to distract you from your robotics....
And also I always thought that sex is needed because you want a loved one and to meet physiological needs you can swing with one hand)))))
This is just the beginning!
==== is
I am a student. I had to make a youth card in the bank. In honor of the 21st century, you can write a statement via the Internet. I wrote and left contacts. All the works. Technical issues: "We will contact you. We will do it in a month". A month has passed. I call on the mountain line, say, you is a daz (What is das)? There was nothing, we know nothing, create a new one. Oh, and I’m writing for the second time. Again a month of waiting, the call did not pass. I come to the bank with a passport, in 10 minutes my aunt hangs the system in the window, I go to another, in 5 minutes and she hangs the system. I go. At home, I apply for the third time, at the end I attribute (and you’ll understand, I’m a very polite person...I’ve always been...until that moment) "Fuck it already! Please answer me at last!" in the trail. One day a girl from the bank calls and reports that my card request has passed, and in 2 weeks I can pick it up (!After 5 minutes again calls and reports that I already ordered the card 2 months back and she has been waiting for me since September (!). There is no scene.
==== is
In a month you will find that your card has been blocked because a new card has been issued on your name! And again in a month! :)
I signed the first part of the postcards, this is not the end yet) dog: if someone sees a swastika on his postcard, know, it's I don't know how to draw snowflakes(((
Video: The Russian fighter "cut off" the Norwegian F-16, which flew to intercept it. (It is already great!)
Comment: What is there to see? We have registers in the cars take better than they have in fighters.
[ +
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Neighbors with a perforator not only poison life.
On Sunday, I was helped to shake my clock. I went to bed for lunch and the little girl just woke up. But then the neighbor struck from the top, she once and to me under the side, lying down, begins to get up the neighbor once again by the perforator, she again to me under the side. I slept for more than an hour.
Let us remind:
Stop mocking me, I’m riding like God!
Are you walking on the water?
You see there on the water.
A thick layer of substance?
This gray matter is called "Ice"
He has been on the river for two months.
Winter in the courtyard, winter in the courtyard
The idiot!
c) KWN
The beginner demanded to block icmp
As for you:
1) Create a complete plan of network interactions with hundreds of servers and thousands of clients on dozens of sites.
2) Strictly ensure that McAfee’s corporate antivirus exclusively stands on corporate computers. That catches exclusively "Uzbek viruses". (Be careful, this message contains a virus)
Striped by! I am a Uzbek virus. Because of the terrible wickedness of my creator and the low urvin development of technology our country I am not able to cause any device your computer. Patamu očna prašju Was, pažalsta, themselves satriite what-nibut important for Was file, and patom disperse the mail of another address, Saraniya Blagadarin for panimaniya and co-workers.
The manufacturer of air refreshers for toilets, the first to get that the place on the balloon, previously occupied by the "composition" can be handed over as an advertising square... will be goldened.
@VladMoseev: With me a guy played with nick "−273 °C". This is zero. The Absolute.
Stop mocking me, I’m riding like God!
Are you walking on the water?
[ +
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xxx> in Lviv in Russian speaks good half of the “local” inhabitants.
yyy> and the evil half on which?
of the army life.
Negotiations on rail.
A to A? STT
Yippidy yi yi yippity yay.
I understood the
What do you know about inadequacy? To arrange a photo contest and give the first place not the most beautiful/interesting/artistic photo, but the one for which they composed a press release.
Yana: We agreed, in short, to make a celebration in Scottish style for the New Year. Well, I came up with costumes, went down for fabric, in the evening in front of the mirror: white golf shirts, a white blouse and a piece of fibrous sitz around the thighs instead of a shirt. I ask, “Well, how?” and he looks at me with a vivid interest and says, “You know, Scotland is not Scotland, but in some movie I have definitely seen such a suit...”