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It is not from chamomile and parmesan to give up, but from margarine and valocordine, which the whole world has given up.
This story happened to my school friend Alexey. It happened when there was no order in the railway stations and airports. Alexis waited quietly for his transfer in the waiting room. It was not too long, 18 hours. He entertained himself as he could - he was going to re-read the masterpiece of literary thought from the series "I am a thief in the law" for the second time, as he suddenly saw the Gypsies breeding the same male traveler.
Alexey came closer to this company and he heard fragments of phrases: “You have a deadly spoil”, “you need to be shot urgently”, “everyone will die”, “you need money or gold”. It was visible that the poor man under hypnosis, the most speaking Gypsy woman, was driving him through the face with a pen and drumming something. The other 5-6 formed the background. The man was behind his wallet. Alexey imagined himself without money in another city and rushed to protect the unknown.
- Comrade Roma, citizen with me, it is time for us to go, - he took the unhappy man under hypnosis for his elbow and led to the side. He immediately felt that he was being dragged away by the skin. He turned around, behind him stood a large Roma child with golden teeth. Through his teeth he cried:
Go where you went. I pay!
Was cut in another city Alexey did not want, and he left. Meanwhile, the man gave the Gypsies a gold engagement ring and a watch. There was a sense of justice in Alexei. He found in his pocket a melt jacket that remained with him after painting on the asphalt with his niece. I resolutely approached the crowd. Sitting at the feet of a man. As in the Gogolov "Vii" outlined a circle, within which was himself and a man. He raised his hands up and started screaming like a crazy man:
Anon Eehelen Edro Hi Amen! Fanos Nohosrim, Lasto beh Lamen!
The fact is that Alexey loved Tolkien's Lord of the Rings very much. This Gandalf's spell he learned in a way. It meant, “Elphic gates, open for us now; gnomes’ people’s gates, listen to my word.” Alexey worshiped and shouted the spell over and over again. His word was listened not only to the gnomes, but also to the Gypsies. Nervous, they began to be baptized and went away one by one. Alexey saw that same Roma child with golden teeth. He looked badly at Alexei and bragged something harshly. Alexey recalled his favorite scene, “Gandalf’s battle with Balrog,” a demonic creature, and, looking into the enemy’s face, spoke to the whole station:
I am the servant of the secret fire, the keeper of the flame of Anor.
The dark fire will not help you, the flame of Uduna!
Go back into the dark, you will not pass!
The face of the Gypsies was blurred. He fell on his knees. Then he took out the gold jewelry from his pockets and folded it into a circle of crust. Alexis couldn’t stop in the oral:
Go back into the dark, you won’t go through.
The poor Romanians said:
I have nothing more! I have teeth, but I need some time.
Alexis did not stop:
I am a secret fire servant.
The Gypsies cry:
I have a family. I am scared! The police help! They kill! He quickly got up and ran away.
At the end of the day, there were two people at the entrance to the station. Alexey stood up, stripped off his pants, and said to the man:
Take it, here is yours. Be healthy, don’t get involved anymore.
The man looked at him with shaken eyes.
How much do I owe you for removing the spoil?
*** by
When my children ask me, “Why do I read? It is boring! You can watch a telecast with YouTube,” I always remember Alexei and that gypsy with golden teeth, smile and answer the words of Felicia Jeanlis:
Those who read books will always control those who watch television.
c) A. Bessonov
I bought a fitness bracelet, mainly because of the pulse meter - the heart gives a crendel( but also to increase activity, such as dropping a couple of gays would be great. In the course of use it turned out that to the daily goal I lack a couple of thousand steps. And here this blinking screen and compliments from the app really made me take my file to air and reach.
But already in the course of several ventilations it turned out that in 2 thousand steps the route to the store with your favorite unfiltered and with the entrance to the fishery behind the belly of the samga is perfect.
I still hope to lose weight...