— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155507
Once asked us on the lesson of natural sciences in the third grade of school to write a work on the theme of "Vermost - a domestic animal".

We then studied in the third shift, from three o'clock in the afternoon, and from school I came at eight o'clock in the evening, ate a Chinese cup of soluble coffee "Pele" and went to bed under the black and white TV "Spring". In other words, you realize that it has been a long time.

I did the lessons in the morning. My mom was going to work, waking me up, and I sat down at the table to study.

Well, there was to write the composition "Vermell is a domestic animal." A paragraph of two or three. Apparently nothing complicated. But I knew almost nothing about camels then, except that they were splashing. I saw it in a Russian comedy.

He sat down, opened the notebook, wrote that the camel is a domestic animal, but does not live in the houses. Two lines came out. very little. He wrote that in the desert without a camel, people would have disappeared for a long time. Too little too.

And I wrote, as I now remember, "A vertebrate cannot be irritated for anything, beaten with a stick or dragged for a tail. Otherwise, he can release his 660 milliliters of food.” Apparently two-thirds of the page. It will go. It is time for mathematics.

I submitted my composition. The teacher checked and asked, “Alexa, why exactly 660 milliliters?” I do not know how to answer. In general, at that time, the kiosks began to sell bottle beer and all kinds of lemonade of the type of fantasy or Dr. Pepper there. And on the streets began to roll empty beautiful shiny bottles. All the boys took them home. And I pulled, gathered the whole collection. The bottles were 330 ml. It was written on them. As in the Chamber of Measures and Weights. Other amounts I did not know at the time. Then came mathematics and mathematics. I was commissioned to compose a three. Not a trouble. Three is not two.

Then I had to write a story about my family. Our family was modest: me, my mom and the cat Musa. I wrote so in my writing. I also wrote that my mom is constantly at work, and at night Moussa jumps on her bed and my mom screams so suddenly. The trio also caught. I have the most written about Moses. And the cat is not a family, as it turned out.

But the most interesting thing was when I wrote about how I spent the summer. The most striking impression was the scene when we were sailing on a boat and some adult man saw a worm leech floating next to him and began to beat him with a veil until he killed him and threw him off the shore. I wrote everything so. That in the summer I saw, as a neighbor in the country of Uncle Sereza killed a worm fish with a veil and tired.

The teacher said, “If you write any nonsense in your style again, I’ll give you three pairs in a row.” So I stopped writing in my own style and started writing like everybody else: “This summer we went for mushrooms and berries. I admired nature and collected a lot of blacks. Tonight we went swimming in the river. And if it was raining, I read a book about Tom Sawyer. I love summer and songs at the fire.

I have never read anything about Tom Sawyer. And the white mushroom from the bug began to differ only with the appearance of a phone with Google. At that time I was given four. It is a pity that his style has not appeared since then.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155506
Xxx: I have a cat on my laptop. In short, a potential customer with whom I have long decided that it didn’t work, remembered me and in response to a set of symbols, suggested a project.

Has the cat been raised?

XXX is an older cat.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №155505
A failure is a person who, if he gets a recipe for happiness, is written with an absolutely incomprehensible handwriting.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №155504
Vladimir Vladimirovich, what was the year?
of 2020.
and thanks.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №155503
15 years ago my parents had a small tour firm, besides them only 2 employees. They mainly traveled on business trips. And they had a regular customer, with very good orders.

One day he urgently needed tickets, but there was no opportunity to come for them. I ordered it and took it home to my wife. Only my daddy in the car. Everything was done quickly and lucky.

I came to the entrance, called the home phone, went in and on the staircase realized that the elevators are not called. Then often in new buildings they were still refined after giving up the house, sometimes even a couple of months.

I went to the 10th floor, but there was nothing to do.

From the client’s wife:

I opened the door and stood and waited. A minute or two, the elevator does not go. I think he should get up already. Here, from the stairway hole, a man's head appears, and, breathing deeply, he stretches the envelope.

As I was ashamed, I forgot to warn the home phone that the elevator from the second floor is being called, and the ad below is hardly visible. I pull a hundred rubles and I hear “Don’t... Fuck... I’m the director. “Better water”

Since that history, much has changed, the tour firm has burned, had to get out of a rather deep crisis, but at the same time a very strong friendship between our families began. Everything happens ?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №155502
They gathered a drill in the forest. Instead of a crane, we had a helicopter. Fuck the dance, but the arrow is clearly in place and I see it pressing the finger of one of my colleagues.

And he doesn’t even feel — he needs to catch millimeters. No matter what, I don’t have time to jump. And all, the arrow lay down. And only now this person is paying attention, very scared, pulls out his hand, the gloves are left under the arrow... And there is no finger! He was removed five years ago.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna