Why secretly confess in love and not in hatred? The man comes to you and says, “This is from a hidden hater.” He handed a box of sweets with a note. And the note reads, “It’s to you, miserable loser, I despise you.” And sweets are so ugly, ventilated, slurred, slurred. One even bitten to make sure it's really shit.
Fuck, after blocking the router, I like it even more, a bunch of new features have been posted: games, movies, everything you want. Here is a wild mouse simulator.It is :)
Yesterday I drank cognac, so this cognac is fucking!! to
How much did you drink?! to
HGH: 2 liters
It’s definitely the brandy!! to
From the comments under the photo of the Indian temple:
"All His Holy Ones"
Once upon a time, before the rabbits, we bought two Syrian hamsters for the children.
My mom asked what we would do if one of the hamsters died.
The kids were young then, so I said, “I’ll hide the corpse, quickly run to the zoo and buy exactly the same hamster.”
“Good idea,” said Mom, “we’ve always done the same for you!”
Always is! More than once!
My vision of the world fell down...
by Marinalevy
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The white actors who played the Negroes were in ruins. But they are all what? They grimmed under the Negro.
But as the Negro plays the role of a European, so immediately relevant interpretation of the image and tolerance in all fields.
to equality.
Do not be funny. I look forward to the time when the men here will start to be upset that they were not allowed to go to the women’s bath on the grounds of their gender.
The woman is allowed in the man.
It is by gender!!! to
Response to Green Peas:
Benefits of Green
Disadvantages: Yellow
The legal insecurity of a normal guy against a warrior and the legal insecurity of a normal girl against a faint man can coexist at the same time.
Only the second is met more frequently.
In the game Crazy Max on the sunny there is such a chip in the battle,like "Murder on the wall".The enemy of course.
There is such an ancient Eastern proverb: "Sit on the bank of the river and wait until the stream carries the corpse of your enemy."
The girl, distracting from reading the “Baptist Father”: “Who should I call?”
I am an ultra-right, but broad-minded man.
She smiled and whispered in exhalation: He had such wide ultra-right eyes that they regularly slipped onto the ultra-left, broke there barracks on barracks and stayed alive, regularly mixing borst with strains and dancing hopa under the ballayka.
by Sherhan12006
By the way, about games.
When I learned that I was crossing Skyrim (for the first time I played without patches and add-ons) I was called a shit.
I play, at best, once every three days a couple of hours before going to bed.
And, most importantly, who... The body, every day, from 7 p.m. to 5 p.m., rushing into tanks...
He was crying.
>>Aga, conscious choice, in eighth grade...
And at eighteen suddenly in the head a tumble blows and the awareness is turned on.
This is not an opera. This is the reality of our legislation. She drank with the guy, then refused, and he raped - it was her own fault. I went to a familiar guest, and he decided, once she came, she agreed - she was to blame. It is good to be in the office. And in the court, a failed lawyer also inflicts an insult to honour and dignity with a small fine.
What about Opera? They rarely come with real-proven rape, because they don’t believe in the punishment of the culprit. In our heads, the raped woman is guilty, even if she went in a potato bag in the afternoon on the busy streets, and she was publicly heated on her head and organized a group rape with witnesses.
I have everything.
It is worth at least a bit to dive into the question, and you will find out what men are going through who decided to file a report on rape.
Yes, yes, let’s always pull the blanket on ourselves – the fact that women and children are raped a thousand times more often – the main thing is that men too, right? And suddenly, most often again, men.
Find your car according to the zodiac sign.
What is the name of the car?
- Owned
I always liked this saying when distributing prizes "his family should be fed".
As if this prize really reaches the family, not settles in the ass.
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I respect an actor of any skin colour, but if the actor does not match the character by skin colour, it is a shit of a gray cock. Black can’t play white, just as white can’t play black, for the same reasons that an elderly actress can’t play a teenage girl, and a full-fledged actor won’t be taken on the role of a clearly thin character. I respect Jackie Chan, Morgan Freeman and any other actors of any skin color as long as they play roles that suit them in all characteristics.
On the first day of menstruation, I have severe pain. I can’t move, I hold back on people, but alone I can wildly sweep on a failed step. No, doctors will not cure it, after 6 years of treatment, I agreed that this is a personal biological feature, which nothing helps. All other days I am working, attentive, and so on. But one day a month at work I feel tortured, I can make mistakes, not answer questions because of the cutting pain.
None of the three former employers agreed to give me a day off a month. Not at the expense of my salary, nor at the expense of my leave. But one perfectly gave off the men on important raids, since he was a gamer. The second could calmly with the men's staff go to the bar earlier. The third almost gave no one a break, but to the dentist for a day calmly let go, and because of the pain worse tooth orals on me that I just want to cool down at home.
I read the shit and want to go into the world of pink pony, where women have favor at work. But most likely these indulgences are more rare than "you are a man, you have children to feed, we will raise your salary."