The guard says:
"At events, people often drag wine in a plastic container from under the gasoline.
If there is no more than a litre on the pot, we look through our fingers.
But the character who poured red wine into a bottle of sprite was pushed out with pleasure – idiots must suffer!”
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A case in one company. A new employee came to work.
Since the first day, the relationship has not been fine.
I was scared of the office cat.
Sisadmin, who arranged her workplace, gave her nail bar and said, “Do something with your nails.”
Then she grossly demanded a sandwich from the secretary (although, in general, the duty of the secretary in this company included the organization of snacks for all employees).
And all that. This continued week after week, while it is necessary to pay tribute to the employee - the ways to bring to white thickening all around her were distinguished by her exceptional diversity and creative approach.
At the same time, no one could understand what specifically she was doing in her workplace, just a manager and everything. What a manager? Why a manager?
Only a year later, when she was no longer working, and she was still remembered, the truth emerged. It turned out to be an innovative approach of the Director of Personnel aimed at team training. She was hired to be the most unpleasant person in the team against whom everyone would be friends.
The approach, by the way, worked, many agreed that the team was never as friendly as during her work, and the effect remained after her departure.
My friend has a teenage daughter, thirteen years old. We sat with a friend in the kitchen, talking, and she left, asking her daughter if she would have a baked potato with meat for dinner. He touched, got permission, looked around.
Do you want a potato with meat?
I eat vegetables.
Okay, I will cut you, come and eat.
Don’t worry, Mom, I am alone.
My girlfriend came back to the kitchen and I was sitting there surprised. and pleasant.
All my life in my family there was no understanding of what personal boundaries are. I shared a room with my younger sister, and I had no space. Although we were small, we had hardly any problems. But even such conditions my mother managed to make even harder. The door to the room never closed, “Do you have anything to hide? “” At some point I was hysterical about this, my mom listened. Two days later, it all started again.
There was no lock on the door to the bathroom, and the grandmother had a way to break in to take soap/powder/put something into the laundry. I still get nervous every time I come to my parents and take a shower.
You go out to talk on the phone to yourself, close up, speak quieter, "Who are you talking to? “”
I have been locked up, insecure, and my teenage years have been hell for me. At the age of twelve I started keeping a diary, and a couple of months later my mom called me to the kitchen. She had my notebook in her hands. Within me everything was cold of fear that she now knows everything about me. She opened the page by chance, ticked her finger and asked, “Who taught you to write the letter ‘T’?” I hope I do not see that again.” That she shouldn’t have seen it at all didn’t embarrass her. Now I think why she read all that was there, and worried not about my condition, but about the cracked calligraphy, but that’s a different question.
Now I live far from my hometown, with a man who respects my personal space, and for me it’s still wild, and I feel as if I owe something for it. The matter, of course, wasn’t in the doors that didn’t close, no matter how I asked, but it significantly added to my nervousness. It is important that children (especially adolescents) see an individual with their basic rights.