— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95663
I am Russian. I am not afraid of the war with Ukraine, because I know for sure that I will not even target my brothers, let alone to press the trigger hook. I agree with everyone I know.

Per I will upset you, only the gamadrils weaponizing "Glory to Ukraine" won’t be so sentimental. Sasha White was killed.
If a drunk neighbor strikes me with a tail, I will try to kill him. It does not matter whether he praises God or the color of his skin.
But I do not understand why I should go and kill a neighbor if he is standing in his yard with his tail and speaks out loud about the moral qualities of the wife who changed him. Especially when I know for sure that she really cheated and I liked it (so how many years I sought it :).

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95662
Erin: Well who do you need to be to write "Novichok"?? to
Olga as a girl

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95661
Preamble: The wife has some kind of night cream for the face of brown color, which she periodically squeezes.
Fabula: Yesterday evening played in the Russian foreign policy.
She was Baraka with a brown face, and I, as a guarantor of the Constitution, imposed sanctions on her. The dog, not allowed into the room at the same time, depicted the EU pulling, crawling in the door and demanding that his opinion be taken into account.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №95660
XHH: Sometimes the hell dragged me to re-read the old book of Bremen, namely the book about insects. A lot of joy has already been delivered by the content, where all kinds of creatures are listed: a German sucking multi-foot, a square carapuzik, a topper-notopyr and others.
The main text was also not pushed. It is good in style and content. I’ll give you two murderous quotes:
1st Some chopsticks, having caught the acne, immediately swallow it whole. But the snake-like fish does not lose the presence of the spirit in such a disaster and after a few minutes appears again in the light of God, slipping out of the rectal hole, thus breaking through the entire intestinal canal. Having noticed such an unexpected new prey, the captive again swallows the straw, but with the same success.

Tagged with: anal acrobat
Have you heard the Viagra song "Try Number Five"? There are five attempts, one fish.

HHH: I will be happy with you. 2nd Aphodius is widespread throughout the world, mainly in the temperate and cold countries of Europe. In a warm summer evening, they fly over the ground around rubbish and rubbish heaps. These are very sharp fun creatures that lay eggs straight into the hive and therefore have more leisure.

It was a control shot in the head.
Wauu: bianks and spiders rest from such a natural description)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95659
At six in the morning, my husband can’t sleep. I suggest him to count sheep or elephants.
I’d rather count my breasts.
Imagine your breasts swimming slowly through the sky.
Separate from the body?
Well, then imagine that the naked breasts slowly pass by.
... and where are they going?
at the sunset.
Why are they naked?
On the beach, the toples were sunny and now they are back home.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №95658
111: an old quote, but an eternal journey))
"xxx: I can’t wait for social networks to get into the cars. He dropped such a traffic jamming on the side and said: "14 people think you're a hooligan.""
222: and this inscription on his special board on the car highlighted!!!! to
111: Running line on the forehead
222: and that he himself might not see it, and that those around him might enjoy it!
111: then just the inscription "huylo" and col-vo likes

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95657
xxx: The cat hit the corner, and to solve this problem was acquired "Antigadin". A pleasantly scented lemon spray was sprayed over one of her freshly washed labels. The cat approached, asked, smelled and left. And after some time after the spray, all the people in the apartment began to tear their eyes, we sneezed, coughed, in short, the effect was like from a pepper bubble. And the cat, even if henna, pofig at all, did not even squeeze. Now we have a human "Antigadin". It is a pity that it cannot be sprayed in the entrance so that the wild, untrained people do not suck there anymore.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95656
Let’s close the topic finally!! We dig up the Crimean crossroads and bury the Kerch Strait!? to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95655
I want the whole world to fall to my feet.
Are you not afraid that he will give it to you?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95654
How can you give a wife with four children a rest?? to
YYY: Do a couple more. Then she will realize that she wasn’t tired at four.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95653
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Friends are asking for help with the organization of Birthday. 10 people
200 thousand Ruby, who is interested?
Yyy: And it’s stupid to go for that sum – does the soul not accept it?
You just questioned the entire event industry.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95652
The husband:
US imposes sanctions on Russia over iPad
A child passionately pressed to the chest:
Will they not take away?? to

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95651
Citizens of another country are not entitled to pension
= = = is = is = is = is = is
Oh well on? Who told you that?

That is, a person has worked all his life, credited to pension funds, and here because of geopolitical events outside his control, someone rushes to press away from the elderly honestly earned piece of bread and funeral?

It’s like a mortgage – you paid for a house/apartment for several years, bought it out entirely, and then changed citizenship, you mean that a person’s property is confiscated, not allowed to sell. and Brad.

I will not say millions - but thousands of people in the civilized world, changing their citizenship, for one reason or another, retain their rights to retirement, simply transfer it to the bank of the country in which they live.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №95650
Commentary on the photo of the actress in the VK:
Different types of breasts? Or seemed...
WOW: In my breasts, girls are different from nature, right?
Fuck, you ruined my life! My breasts are symmetrical.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №95649
I sit behind the compass, I work. She goes to the dentist and asks:
Will you accompany me?
He went out to her in the hallway under the "Farewell to the Slavic".

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №95648
Did you know that Gary Oldman played Beethoven? O_O
Uncle Pec0s: A dog? O_O

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №95647
TTS: An employee, very blonde on the outside, standing in front of the MFU and squeezing in it with a pack of sheets, which seem to have to be scanned, complainingly condemns: "Now eat already, well please."

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95646
Did Crimea bite Venice? To her, not just her:
300,000 Americans have already expressed their desire to withdraw from the United States. People are guided by the Declaration of Independence, which states that “one of the peoples must break the political ties linking it with another people in order to ensure security and happiness.” Americans began collecting signatures on Monday, as in just one day about 70 thousand people in Texas signed under this petition. And then 28 other states expressed similar wishes. Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, New Jersey, North and South Carolina, Montana, Oregon, Missouri, Colorado, Mississippi, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Dakota, Georgia, Arkansas, New York, Alaska, California, Nevada, Arizona, Delaware, Wyoming, Ohio, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. The reason for the sharp desire to withdraw from the United States was constant violations of the rights of Americans, inadequate policy of the federal authorities and weak economic reforms. In petitions, Barack Obama is asked to allow a referendum or peacefully allow the states to separate from the country. To prevent this, Obama must convince people to change their minds as soon as possible.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №95645
As a child, I watched Soviet fiction, there the character on his chest hanged a box - a translator. He was able to communicate with aliens. She translated, she translated. He was very jealous, dreamed of such a "magic" box, although he realized that it was absolutely unreal.
A few days ago, I had to talk to the Spanish. He didn’t say a word in Russian, I didn’t say a word in Spanish ((( In a couple of minutes I found and downloaded a translator with a voice set on my smartphone. Great conversation))) I felt just a child’s enthusiasm and felt with full breasts that the future was coming.
Someone who agrees)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95644
She behaves like a man! I write to her I complain "Kitsik, I have trouble - I don't get in the jeans, washed them, and they sat down!!Is it for me "For giving false testimony"?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna