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4 is The country of the Finns is called "Suomi", and Russia is called "Venice".
The Finns generally manage to name a lot of countries not as the rest of the world (and not as the inhabitants of these countries themselves call them). Russia really has Venezia (Belarus, respectively, Valko Venezia), Sweden - Rootsy, Germany - Saxony, France - Ranska, Hungary - Unkari, Austria - Itavalta, China - China. And even their brothers and sisters are not magnified as Estonians, like everyone, but suddenly - Viro.
I woke up at five in the morning. Running 4 kilometers. He came and took a cold shower. I made a cup of coffee. I drank and fell asleep. What am I doing wrong?
From the article - "If you are over 30":
Once you dreamed of learning how to scratch your fingers, but you didn’t succeed.
Now the fingers crush without problems, but you are not happy at all.
As for
"Under the cold whisper of the hemp stars popped up"
I bought a TV with voice recognition. He can speak with a female voice. Dad tested it. Their dialogue :
Films are online.
Looking for, nothing was found, repeat the request.
Films are online.
Looking for, nothing was found, repeat the request.
Daddy, I scream online!
Looking for, nothing was found, repeat the request.
You are stupid, B.
I hope you have heard me and you have not offended me.
He laughed with his dad.
In 10 years, in such situations, they will already electronically write statements for insults.
The Prince of Darkness was interested in the products on which it was written "Made with soul!"
Very educational.
here here :
INNOPROM 2016 participant: Mudanjiang Cultural Company with Organic Responsibility "Bohemohé"
Good name, patriotic = all right. Mudanjiang is located in Manchuria, where in the early Middle Ages the Bohai state existed, formed by the Mohe tribes.
Greetings from Primorye =)
The little devil, sitting on my left shoulder, repeats: “Go out of medicine. Go away forever. You don’t need anyone here..."
On the other side is a little angel sitting, looking at me with crying eyes, and whispering: “Hear, the guy is talking.”
Once in school, as a young boy, I decided to meet with an African woman, who I liked to the damn, and invited her on a date - she said that she does not represent us together, because I am a white and also with Soviet-Jewish roots a godless. I was so offended that I told her very loudly in the face that she was a racist and a Nazi and had no right to humiliate me with my white color of skin and my country of origin. This was heard by our cool leader and the girl received Verweis (a type of excuse) for intolerant attitude toward other peoples and beliefs.
After that, my friend, the German, joked that he was shocked by what he saw as a Soviet Jew was able to call a black refugee from Africa racist on the territory of the former Nazi Germany, and also to punish her for being intolerant to himself.
It was long ago. Everyone reacts differently to their first failure with the other sex.
If anything, I am still ashamed :) All good :)
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I was born in a country that no longer exists. The city where I was born has been renamed three times. The kindergarten I went to, now no, was given under the offices. The high school where I studied is now the House of Children’s Creativity. SPTU No2, where I studied for the Masters of DPI, is now a branch of the Russian University.
Does life see traces of me?
XXX: And if it stands in the heat, the starter turns but does not catch. Oil the starter takes 5-7 seconds to catch.There is a feeling that benz is leaving the highway.
Not always so. In the heat of hell.
What is it?
As a child, when I was sent to a store with a large list and I forgot to buy something, I was sent there again. So I did so that the saleswoman would not think that I was a forgetful fool, turning my jacket up, chesting on the other side, changing the expression of my face and speaking lowly so that she would not recognize me. I was a master of conspiracy.
A phone call, the number did not appear. After they named my name, I talked to a man for half an hour, trying to remember who he was. He asked how all of his relatives were doing, why he did not come to a graduate meeting, where he bought a camera, how he treated his back. I told myself that I had not rested for a long time, the work was hard and that we need to collect our own and go fishing or just a beer. Then I asked him where his son was going (which I don’t have), and I put a couple of guides. I found the number wrong.
I like to go to places like the hospital. There are always a lot of simple people and fun things happen. Today, while sitting in a row, I listened to the complaints of one woman that they are treated here poorly and the money is extortioned, otherwise they refuse to treat. Suddenly there was a loud crash on the floor, to see something broken somewhere. This woman calmly says:"Have you heard? This is the head of the doctor fucking cracked". I rushed all day.
And why didn’t anyone remember the option “Under the cold whisper of the stars, we burned a diode bridge?”
He started drinking at 2 p.m. You know the lies. If he starts with beer, he ends with beer.
Well yes yes yes. When bringing the wood to an ideal condition, polyurethane is mandatory.
Now you run through the shops, watch TV, for the kids a bunch of fun. And a book to read, and see that, and play with what to eat before going to bed. of abundance. Because children and capricious are like that.
For example, when I was a child, I was putting my teeth to the wall and I was looking at the carpet while playing with the patterns with my finger.
The garden is like me. But looking at the empty lawn on my native six hundred is boring to me, so I made a lawn. Every year, in the spring, I just pour a few packs of flower seeds into it and watch what comes up. This is Dendro-restling. This year wins the basil and, suddenly, cabbage.
A few days did not come out of the forum, where he set up everything - from access rights and antimate to the color of the border and smiley. I went to the news to see what happened in the world during this time. On the phrase "paid bus" hanged for a couple of minutes... In my head were the ideas about registration on the forum on a credit card, pricing of auto payments for violation of the rules of the forum and the bus with discounting and blocking the account in case of a lack of money on the account...
So you hang out in the kitchen and got off - you want to cook, wash dishes, wash, give birth to children... And you drink a beer and let go... It’s hard to be a woman.