My wife is a designer, working all day. Here I gave: it seems that at night I lead a more active lifestyle, I would like to sleep.
I add :
Eat them yourself. Do you know why they are so cheap? Answer: Because nobody takes it. And why not take - it is you will remember how many tons and mega-quarters of spent nuclear fuel was thrown on unfortunate Serbia by the Americans.
==== is
I didn’t get polished, I measured with a dosimeter. All is OK. In the formation of the price, in our world, quality is not involved in the first place.
Serbian apples are cheap, because they are duty-free. Before you scratch your eyes and scare you on the topic read at least something, the first commentator. Or can’t you?
Somewhere in the Middle Ages.
Something cats refuse to eat the food I bought them yesterday.
YYY: What is the food? Have you read its composition?
xxx: Yes composition as composition, selective pieces of young lamb in exquisite sauce...
Yes, it is banal...
The contemporaries of Galileo Galilei could hardly have thought of human flight anywhere.
x: People born in the 19th century could not imagine the phrase combination of the 21st century.
x: I read in the news "AUTOVAZ recalls about 15 thousand LADA Granta"
Now I Can Die!
[ +
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What would you recommend about project management?
- Tom Demarco, "Dedline"
I have read. And yet?
Goldrat "The Critical Chain"
I have read. And yet?
Lolita Nabokova.
Do you read other books besides Nabokov and Goldrat? Or just those two? :)
Why not two? I read more. But "The Odyssey of the Space Prostitute", I fear you are too early. Complex and ambiguous.
[ +
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Ads in Lithuanian clinics and hospitals: Yesenin committed suicide at the age of 30. Majakovsky at 37. What did you do to save money from the Ministry of Health?"
For some reason in our country it is believed that only bourgeois travels abroad, and simple mortals travel through Russia. And no one takes into account that flying to Germany is cheaper than to Altai, to Iceland is cheaper than to Kamchatka, and even travel to Norway with their furious prices will be cheaper than to the Baikal. I am not talking about the level of service that can be obtained for the same money in Russia and abroad. This is sad, comrades, but I was in Crimea and Sochi, but the second time I went there with no foot.
xxx: I live in communion, classical, with cockroaches, who have been aboriginal here since the times of the Great Union.
XXX: We get rid of the cockroaches with sticky traps. One of them stuck inside herself.
XXX: I used to unlock it.
xxx: A neighbor passes by and says, “What, there is nothing at all?”
Slept to sleep. A roaring cat came to me. Now I know the meaning of the phrase "In my mouth my feet".
I read the news that sea cats are raping penguins, at first I thought it was a special force.
Today my mom asked me such an unusual question that I couldn’t answer it:
"Are you in mind or with yourself?"
Only then realized that she meant a shopping list.
The glass of optimist is half full.
The glass of a pessimist is half empty.
A glass of perfectionist should not be half, it irritates.
This is:
It is called Lucifer! It was called Lucifer!"
On May 15, 2011 in Yaroslavl, Dobryna Nikitich Bogatyrov was born.
Dobryna Vladimirovich was born on April 26, 1987. And nothing, I live the norm.
The most epic file was in the period of love and absolute mimimi, when he decided to confess to me in love in Russian, honestly found and learned the phrase, guessed the romantic moment and issued "I love you!", felt something wrong and corrected "I fucking you!" and in despair finished "I love, fucking!". I was not merciful to translate what he said.
C is:
One can the same by excavating a veteran's garden, taking a couple of bags for garbage and cleaning a piece of park or sea shore, and you can still work as a carrier and get more money for it))
Commentator2: - So I imagine myself after work calling all sorts of offices - "Allo, I have a workout today, I want you to dig potatoes, but I have a chest today, so I will dig only half and only 30 pounds of spade for 5 approaches of 10 potatoes";
WoT now reminds me of how I used to play “Soldiers” when I was a child, where sailors and Indians fought hand in hand against ninja turtles. © by
I came to visit relatives. And the head of the family, it must be said, at the time quietly barreled with "left" alcohol. In the evening, we sit down and drink tea. On TV show local news, there is a report on how "covered" another garage with counterfeit alcohol. And at the end of the report the phrase type "if you are aware of such cases - call on the phone XXXXXX".
The head of the family, without breaking away from the newspaper, headed to the neighboring room:
The son! I hope you’re not a frostbite?
Eat them yourself. Do you know why they are so cheap? Answer: Because nobody takes it. And why not take - it is you will remember how many tons and mega-quarters of spent nuclear fuel was thrown on unfortunate Serbia by the Americans.
==== is
I didn’t get polished, I measured with a dosimeter. All is OK. In the formation of the price, in our world, quality is not involved in the first place.
Once my (D)rug went with his wife on a wedding trip away from the Russians. They went deep into Thailand. Several times by buses and boats. In short, we stood up in some dust in a bungalow. During the day, they lie with their wife on the beach and argue for a long time about how well without the Russians:
Some of the Thais. The beauty!
Distracting on (C) Ossed: This is probably American.
Fuck you in your nose.
The Paranoid:
and ninja. The second month I always buy cheap and delicious Serbian apples. Let the Poles eat their own, the Serbs are much better.
— — —
Eat them yourself. Do you know why they are so cheap? Answer: Because nobody takes it. And why not take - it is you will remember how many tons and mega-quarters of spent nuclear fuel was thrown on unfortunate Serbia by the Americans.
Not just because of people like you. The content of something residual is elementarly checked. And in order that even apples from an entire country become dangerous, the country needs to be transformed into a radioactive desert of the level even not of present-day Pripyat, and Pripyat in the first year after the yopk. And the whole country.
We will eat, but innocent people are unfortunate: because of the dirty radio phobes they lose their jobs.