On my band of friends there is the impression that the thicker the man / grandmother, the more photos when they are engaged in sports. usually 6-8 pieces at a time: first a dull picture of the form on the floor, then in the course of classes, then in the end. In about an hour, the pictures are coming. One is straight while running selfies and puts on Instagram.
That is shit all. I went to a new pool here, so there was a guy swimming with a phone on his neck in a plastic bag. Go swim and take a picture. All half an hour. I’m so sorry I didn’t have that phone with me!
CCC : Hey! I will send you happiness!
PVV: Is it a threat?
CCC: This is a prerequisite!
I went down to the seventh floor, asked to smoke: I sit on the third floor, listen to music - a collection of dark ambient and gothic doom metal - and do my business. Here my hand stretched out from the street and closed the fortress to me. The wall is rough, and it is practically not for nothing to cling. Gas pipes on the second and tiny windows. My husband did not like my music. I understand, of course, that not everyone loves her, but to be so :-)
Xxx: Hi you Gluck!
RJiOK: Hello to you. What owe you?
Oh fuck, you know...
xxx: When I saw your nick, I started picking up options for how to contact you, whether it was OK, or Glock, or Ergey...
Karoche, when I was obscured, I forgot what I needed from you.
Discussion of prizes for the upcoming fishing festival at the Perm Fishing Forum.
AAA: The text on the medals will be as follows:
"Smile Men - 2014"
"Sexy Women - 2014"
"Smile Kids - 2014"
BBB: I disagree with you. Why not mention the Mouth River, because this mouth is formed from two rivers, Mouth and Shallashna.Why not Mouth Men; Mouth Women; Mouth Children?? to
ccc: a "floating spring" or anything like that?
AAA: What a banal...
ccc: "Daddy, Daddy and for what do you have a medal on which is written "Joke Men, 1st Place"", well yes - intrigue)
aaa: Wife brought home the medal "shocking woman - 1 place"... husband stressed... :-)
And the most epic picture of the early rabbit: a guy in family boots and boots digging the garden. :D
Should the garden be digged in the smoking?
He came to the Decanate to recover, after 3 conducting his business and disappearing from the university.
The Dean. Why did you stop walking?
I am. I had trouble.
D is Which ones?
and I. I was too smart.
D is And now?
and I. I have no such problem now.
[ +
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> yyy: Yes for the sake of God. Robots are better than people. Among the robots I have not met any idiots.
Have you ever heard of the future?? to
[ +
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From the discussion of the new conditions of work of Visa and MasterCard in Russia
The next step after the abandonment of international payment systems will be the abandonment of international units of measurement, the SI system. You give poods and elbows, arshins, versts, charks, scales and cages!!! to
We had a hole on the same road. Great enough. And I could not get around her, because of her there was a stalemate all the time. And now roadmen before the repair of the asphalt there removed and essentially equated the road with the pit. Now it is much easier to travel there and there are almost no congestion.
xxx: repair of roads in Russian - roads are descending to the level of dams!
XXX: Dear colleagues and experts! I stood here in a traffic jams at the congress of Leninsky on the 60th anniversary of October, and in front of the evacuator, the upper point of which was a couple of centimeters below the trolleybus wires. Now the attention, the question. Am I grounded?
YYY: Attention to the answer:
Welsh corgi belong to the family of shepherds, although rather miniature. The low height allowed them to turn away from the horns and horns during the shepherd's work.
Zzzz: Bravo Mr Friend! As always at the point.
[ +
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Mom says I have never seen such a frightened man who is afraid to shell (I slept at him 5 stops).
Sleeping children and girls are sacred. He also sat without moving in the electric car because the girl fell asleep on her shoulder. From Yaroslavl to Moscow.
Sometimes I don’t read and respond to messages right away, like let people think I have business. I am a mysterious guy :DD
[ +
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and Ogo:
Full of trolls, absolutely all!
There is a funny quote on the internet.
There is a funny quote on the internet.
Full of trolls, absolutely all!
The Internet Guru, Bydlo and Hanji,
Grammar-Nazis are wicked with their "#GREAT",
Grammar-Nazis are wicked with their "#GREAT",
Internet gurus, bydlo and hanji.
Whatever happens here is not funny.
No sense of humor, no matter what.
No sense of humor, no matter.
Whatever happens here is not funny.
They were stupid and could live.
Through this whole forum shut up.
Under this whole box, the forum turns -
They were stupid and could live.
Creators don’t need social networks.
May you succeed in this field.
May this work succeed,
Creators don’t need social networks!
Pa-pa-pa on this occasion, round days
There are no humans everywhere,
And the adminas pray, the shredders, the cats
On your forum, in the net, somewhere there!
Okay, but I didn’t put them there.)
xxh: I am lying in a spa, soaked with some strange jade and fantasy. Afrodite was born of foam. Who was born of dirt?
Tagged: orcs
(Discussion of the picture)
XXX: Enlighten me, who is this?
and Wassermann. Googled further
xxx: A familiar face... In "your game", for a while, did not play?
zzz: "for an hour, not playing" is an insult to Onotole. The whole game was built around him, smell!
Together for 6 years. I got drunk from the company yesterday. Confessed in love. I started making an offer.
I: Are you serious? A drunk man was going to make an offer.
Looking at your family: What, to remove?
Parking at the women's consultation pleased: in all the cars are sitting men and thoughtfully smoking...
and :)
I want to learn how to make money from the air. Does the cowboy have instructions? Where to drop it?
2: There are instructions. Get out of the air.
A sports master, a woman measures her clothes in a sample, her husband tries to humiliate a mad son.
Wife (because of the curtain): Dear, bring me this size 50.
Husband: Little, go, my mom needs a bigger size because she eats Rasti-i-ku...