— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154851
Five years ago, I had to work from Peter to Moscow for a couple of days. As a transportation chose Bla bla kar (or as there his). I arrive at the exit point. There is a Mercedes minibus. I go to the back row. To drive at night, you need to sleep, so that you do not get out of the regime especially. The car crashed and touched. There were two deaf men with me. We go for an hour, two, and it begins to fall asleep. And here I just feel the vibrations in the air on a physical level. I open my eyes, and these two guys seem to be actively arguing with each other. They sit in their seats, communicate emotionally in their sign language. All the other companions are asleep, the driver turns the lamb, quietly playing the radio. I know they don’t bother anyone but me. I pick up the phone, open the message. I said, “You can talk quietly. I want to sleep very much.” I extend the phone to the person who is closer. He takes it in his hands smiling, passing it on to his companion. He reads and smiles too. They write on my phone that they are apologizing for the noise. They hand over the phone and knock on the shoulder. I don't really remember what I dreamed, but I slept well and well.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154850
In the apartment above live, there are 3 families: a man and a woman and their two children are also married. To argue is to say nothing. Almost every day someone is attacked, someone is driven out, something is demanded.

You know, but before I did not understand how noble and royal families waged such bloody wars with one another. My brother’s brother killed a village. And here in a two-room apartment whole wars unfold.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154849
If a man wants to make money by saying nonsense, he goes to clowns; if he wants to make a lot of money by doing the same, he goes to lawyers.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №154848
We work in a shopping complex two by two, we sell furniture. The woman immediately left and left her daughter instead. She sometimes worked with us. The terminal, the terminal. I’ll be here tonight, what about you? well well! Here is the sale, so much cash, so much at the terminal. The young man! He removed everything and closed the exchange. Deposit of cash? to whom? Did the director come? There was a man, but I didn’t give it, I said he looks like an attacker! I will give you. The director was crying ?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154847
From a discussion on "Popular Mechanics" news about the tests by the corporation "Hyundai" of the cabin of one of its cars a bunch of babouins.
Vitaly :
Is it a test? We had to sit there four students and tell them not to touch anything.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna