Somewhere in 2003 I came to work on April 1st, and there our girls are struggling.
- We have already played Vasilich (bucha) three times that they are pregnant - so that he would make a decree for us!
The company is small and every employee counts. Well, and the papers Bush didn’t like us. And there they are, my...
And he goes to me:
“You, dude, won’t make such a foolish joke — lie that you’re pregnant?
– Victor Vasilyevich, how can you — over you — and joke? In addition, I already have three children, and I, unlike this youth, know perfectly well that the maternity is issued at 30 weeks, and not at the stage of "two stripes".
At that time, I remember, our bush was really pale.
In November of that year I got pregnant, by the way... Nothing, survived somehow... :D
270 knives
This is the maximum hour of work.
A small example: The ceiling of one apartment takes about 1000 cartridges for G / K (One box)
Mother takes her son on a journey:
“Here I put you oil, bread and a kilogram of nails.
But why?
I understand why! Smell the oil on the bread and sing!
And the nails?
Well, here they are, I put it!
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can be!
Maybe a question?
Stupid of course. But how do boys with a basic male dignity use condoms? They have quite the same standard size.
Yes, I read on the package - 180 mm. What if someone is not 18, but 23, or, God be afraid,... much more?
The size of type "giant" is no more than that.
At school, a biologist told us, “If a guy tells you he’s too big and so he can’t use a condom – run away from him as far away as possible!” and with these words she got the usual condom and pulled it on her arm to the elbow.
A three-year-old daughter with a bag of nails in her ass breaks the apartment. The folder, leaving in vain attempts to calm her, gives:
In 17 years, some guy will come to us with the intention to take this miracle to him, and I will definitely tell him "Exchange and return is NOT subject to!!and "
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Here is a ghost pain, and I have a ghost bush in my pocket.
The technical publication. The results of the survey "What is best to give on February 23".
HH: Well, we can sum up preliminary conclusions:
The first is a radio-controlled helicopter.
2nd place is a radio-controlled minet.
The third place was divided by the blue isolant and the WD-40.
If you can’t prove that your head is more valuable than your body, then you should.
— — — —
If you are unable to prove to the boss that you need to be promoted, not his son, then you should.
The Truth?
"You have a broken psychic! You have a broken psychic! Everyone is treated! You are stupid!"Yes, your steel nerves are shining up, man.
I work as an electrician. A regular customer does not go for a day to pick up the car. The client is fun and with humor. I send him a SMS:
I’ll be like in the mafia movies where the fingers shuffle... I’ll be the first to send the wheel in the tofu, and you’re like it.and "
is discharged:
I read a wife, in historical laughter she slips on the floor. Don Carleone fucking :)"
Congratulations dear defenders!! All the best and best of you on this day and always!!! to
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Down the wage slavery! Let the chickens from the accounting office list the ZP in three dozen different banks! Long live the hour of judgment!
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I live in the wasted west and here everyone opens an account where they think it is necessary, and the accountantry transfers the salary to everyone in different banks without ever knocking. Because for accounting, this is not difficult - when employed, bank data is entered into the system and everything goes automatically. And you probably still have 95 years in the yard, every time you have to kill everything manually, until you disassemble the puddle no time.
And 5 more copies about the tradition of kissing hands
Chinese Empress Wu Hou of the Tang Dynasty introduced a duty for courtiers in the courtyard label, thanks to which the "blowing of lotus thistles" was raised to a high level. She forced all officials and officials to show special respect for Her Imperial Majesty through Kunnylingus.
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I will reveal the third and last secret:
I'll uncover a male secret: the hands sometimes stick strong enough, especially if it's not a little boy. A strong man’s handshake, and all that.
— — —
I will reveal to you a second secret: by the handshake it is immediately clear whether it is strong because the hand is pulled by a strong man or because the fool has wanted to penetrate with his "male power" (for in nothing else he can prove it. Complex and all that.
— — —
Normal people regulate the strength of the handshake depending on whom they hold the hand. "Strong men", will you break your old grandfather’s bones too? No is? And why?
The IMHO's whole fight with kissing the hand is related to the fact that someone has a "bomb" from the fact that a woman is engaged in business. At the same time, the majority of the disputants never attended business negotiations, but they know exactly how to behave there, even without knowing the context.
XHH: Yes, and I wanted to ALABAY before) And now I think I have enough cats, I understand them at least and know how to raise them more or less...
Would you say Alabama? Are you bad? Or are you smart and will you ride on it?
I saw him and I liked him wildly =) When he ran out of the dark street, smelled and ran back...
WOW: Such a small dog whose cheek is at the level of your chest, right?)
Then the owner came out of the street and asked if Genghis had scared me. And I, with a trembling voice – no, how can such a babysitter scare? x )
Do you not feel humiliated when you wear your shirt? Do you paint your lips? This is somewhat feminine. Give your hair in your arms and on your legs, so that it is more brutal. May God not confuse you with normal women.
Z is. In my opinion, if a woman cannot benefit from being a woman, it is a genetic defect.
I don’t feel humiliated in pants, in a shirt, washed, with makeup, with hair and without it. I feel humiliated when I am ticked into distinctive signs, declared a second-class person, and offered to take advantage of the body, not the head.
I add :
Therefore, you can be assured: if you find someone like me on your life path, and you stretch out your hand, then I will press it like any man. With the same force. And without hysteria, equality is equality.and ;)
Exactly the same? Or will you still try to break the fingers of a woman who dared not to bend under you? Because the hands of men, I have not once (and not only in the Russian Federation) and I will say - no special force is applied there.
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In 10+ years of holding my hands at work, only 2 times I’ve been grabbed my hand so that I almost got tears from my eyes. Both times, as it later turned out, were comrades, focused on suppressing everyone around them and asserting themselves as alpha males with all who are equal or lower in rank (hello, complexes!). The upper ones, even - even women, they did not grasp their hands so much, because they were scurvy (with one of them had a pleasure to compare personally - before and after the promotion). A strong handshake is simply not to serve a dead fish instead of a hand, and not a competition for who breaks whose fingers.
I went out with my husband and child to watch the night. A drunk man came to me.
What are you on the street? Why Why?
We walk.
Who told you to go out? Where are you going? Why Why?
The answer is "going" and is not satisfying. Then the husband says:
We have ordered you!
And you know, it helped! Zavis looked at us carefully and stood behind.
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Talk about motivation?
In the early 80s, a chemist took our class in the early spring for an excursion to the factory, which was our boss, to watch the dome. The factory was old, built in the middle of the 19th century, but it worked well at the time. And I was a young man, then all about the BAM, then about the construction of Komsomol, then all the class to the factory, so I could go on any affair for the company.
We are issued passes, and we are so clean, the territory is huge, we come to a small workshop, which is more than 100 years old. The floor is virtually earthly, the room is unheated, there is almost no light, there is a small dome around it, a few dirty men in dirty slats swirling around it, the engineer came out, dressed a little better than the men, began to rub something, and I don't hear him. I look around with horror and realize that I will be studying, studying, and studying to work in a warm, bright room at the table.
I am grateful for this tour of our chemistry all my life. and :-)
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In general, I will give up my seat to a pregnant woman, not because she is a woman, but because she is much harder to stand than I am. By the way, for the same reason I would offer my place to an old man or a disabled man, and not to a fifty-year-old healthy aunt. I will help the girl to bring home the shopping, but not because the man has to help the woman, but because she is hard and I would help a friend, or parents. No one should be late. and so on.
And all unwritten rules, such as those that say who should enter the elevator first, or in the door, who should go to the right and who to the left and the like are absolutely useless and can be ignored.