From the conversation:
“Please open a bag of coffee, or I have fat hands.
I am not bad either...
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A fellow programmer thoughtfully estimates the thickness of the envelope with the salary and says:
I learned to develop in ten years, and to earn something is not very important.
This is:
How you borrowed with your "in the stock *and here is some text with spelling errors*". They write
Your mother is not funny. People cannot write well because they are not taught how to write well. They had bad teachers. It is not funny. It is sad.
So you have a reason to joke. A few months ago, I took part in the ‘Total Dictation’ and wrote it on 4, with one mistake. I decided that everything was bad, and colleagues said, “You are a monster.” Do you know who I work for? journalist in the federal publication.
not funny. and sad. It is sad that in their laziness and stupidity people blame teachers.
I can’t catch that delicate moment when those. The task "Make us beautiful, magical" turns into "poch#y like, MOVE!"
discussion of the process of removing hair from the body with the help of sugar paste (shugaring).
XXX: 8 tablespoons of table sugar, 1 tablespoon of table water, and a tablespoon of lemon juice. I mix and put on the smallest fire, I have a straight little comfort and cover with a cover, when the sugar dissolves often do not need to mix, just make sure that the color becomes slightly golden,
Wonderful candy on the stick.
The kids smashed everything.
XX: Well I’m not saying it’s not the first time.
Comment on the YouTube video with the advertisement of the fuel-saving device Fuel Shark:
Excellent Device, I recommend it to everyone! Since I am a greedy person, I bought 4 pieces at once and a grinder for 4 smokers, now I have a saving of 120% and with every 10 liters poured I get 2 liters of net profit, you can open my small fuel tank.
I also ask for advice from those who use this device: noticed that every 50 km the penis grows by 1 cm, how to stop it?
Waiting for the next book to start downloading, I felt a vague anxiety, an increasing discomfort. Chaos that destroys my ordered consciousness. The response to the book was outrageous, it sounded as follows: "O wonderful wonderful world, discovered by a brilliant author. The unparalleled talent of the author has revealed to our world this miracle, which will take a worthy place in the library. The plot, presented by a perfect writing skill, makes you not break before reading from cork to cork, leaving a blessed ecstasy. But most importantly, it is the anticipation with which you will once again take this book from the shelf, hold it in your hands, not uncovering, stretching pleasure, and only then dive into it with your head. The book was called "Theory of Probability. Mathematics and statistics"
No funny things, really so. There is such an author Gmurman "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics".. 10 years have passed, no more, I still remember this enthusiasm.
In Russia, there are three eternal questions - what to do, who is to blame and how many fingers?
Changed on the floors of the garbage pipes. We were put in such a way that I could only remove the lid with two hands + keys and a bag of garbage. I do not manage. I walk to the 7th floor, where the lounge can be opened with one hand.
Going home a neighbor from the 7th, she saw me, excited, began to scream, - all here to us go, throw the garbage late, do not let rest.
Well, okay, the next time I go on the 13th, let my bag fly on the pipe past the 7th with a thunderstorm, and let the neighbor remember physics.
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Why is Russia accused of Stalin’s sins and not Georgia?
Because he was a Jew.
here here :
You are fucking. "To have in mind" is always written together. Put in appearance separately. And squeezing on the face and having the result available - different such word forms.
You would like to have a goat because of your own ignorance. Here it is, there will be sludge.
Answer by
The question:
How to buy a tablet for a child 1 year 2 months?
The best answer:
You are late, Mommy. I’ve been online for six months.
Leave Tchaikovsky in peace! He was ashamed of his character and hid it. And I did not go to parades to demand same-sex love.
*111 works as a seller in a zoo store*
When I work without a partner, I sell my playlist from VK and forget about it. Well, you know, I have the music there collected in a few years, I do not edit it there especially, so at the end of the working day, the unexpected tracks of the times of our foolishness can be heard.)
222 (I think I guess)
111: by Ugo In short, something fell into the space, cutting prices, buyers, probably, the beat hour was not. The buyer came for the ordered goods in advance. In general, I got caught up in what was happening about when the columns near the box office (at this moment the goods were just piercing him) began to spread "I am the enemy of the system, and you are all goats! You are all goats! And you are all goats!" I did not dare to look up at him, I cut out the columns with the words "Khm, something I was caught".
222: sssshuuukaya)))))))
111: Well though the guy adequate got, young, says: "Yes, okay, good music!"" I in response drum something about the inappropriacy of such music in the store, and I think myself that he hardly guesses that it is not now such music I listen to and generally slowly prepare for the defense of the dissertation, and the player came to the tracks of fun times, which I almost forgot)
222: oh, Mr. future candidate of sciences, and should the buyer have thought a couple of weeks ago about your involvement in the scientific world when you gave him with a smile from ear to ear a ton of little stuff under the main theme from Fort Boyard?)))))
With a sharp condemnation of the motto "Seek everything that moves", Kostromic necrophils spoke.
In line in the store next to the university dormitories.
The girl says to the seller:
– Give me that round, well, that... well, how he... Ah! The Bread!
In my opinion, it is time to add the button "Author, go nahuy", with a mandatory notification of that to the email...
I suspect that the cats in the factories do not slip out. We run a few thousand. They live on average 2-3 years. Wilds do not fit people.
I only managed to get along with Chuvyrla - a small, forever pregnant and hungry cat. When I first swallowed, my hand was all black. A week later, it was discovered that the cat was not black, but a turtle.
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Comments on the film:
Guest: Fuck, I’m intrigued, I have to see what you, the miserable saliva, have all gone out of the sludge.
Guest: I take my words back, I also replied at the end.
What do you know about inconvenience?
Last night, my ex-boyfriend and I ran around his office.
At the most interesting moment, when his shirt was shaking (he was trying to put me on the shoulder, and I didn’t want to do it at all), the machine stumbled and asked:
Did you call a taxi?