— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105885
I seem to have enormous reserves of the mind, and it sometimes takes me almost a week to get them out.

c) Mark Twain

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №105884
After raising two children, I have everything to do with chocolate – associated with a brown sticky goose that can’t be washed off. Especially me kills the phrase - "Everything in Chocolate" - for me it is synonymous with the word "Pizzeria".

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №105883
Greetings again!

Has the pedestrian chauffeur started? I have a recipe.
*** by
Going out or out on the road, we will consider ALL those around us to be debils, then we will almost guaranteed to preserve our lives, health, freedom, finances.
Yes, a pedestrian, this driver must give you the way. If he’s normal, he’ll slow down, or even smash your hand/blink your headlights to show your intentions. But if he's a fool, he either doesn't see you, or he just doesn't care. Do you want to spend the rest of your life on asphalt?
Yes, the driver, the pedestrian had to make sure that the road was free. If he is normal, then, when he notices you approaching, he will apologize, then stop his run, or accelerate and leave your trajectory. The fool will either ignore you, or catch right under the wheels, or start to throw, eventually diving under your buffer. Do you have any other plans besides dealing with the police?

What if two normal people meet who consider their visavi a fool? And nothing special. The pedestrian will stop on the edge of the road, and the driver smoothly and in advance slows down, after which both will smile to each other and calmly break away.
You know, it’s nice to know that the one who at first seemed a fool has turned out to be an adequate person. On the contrary, it is terribly disappointing.

P.S If this becomes a clandestine public movement, I propose to use, as a symbol of identification, a volcanic salute, well, or a scout.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №105882
In Russia there are only two banned signs on the roads: "Photoshooting" and "The evacuator works".

And also the foundation block FB1500. This is when travel is completely prohibited.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105881
In the nearest pharmacy, I saw a plate for small things with an advertising picture, as it is. Drawed pregnant mermaid and advertises it for some reason a remedy for hemorrhoids. I was surprised, telling my faithful tonight, saying, what is the logic? To what he answers me, he said, probably, meant that being a pregnant mermaid is such a hemorrhoid...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105880
In the discussion of the film erotic content:
XXX: Sorry for the silly question, but what is the story of the film?
YYY: Long to explain. Everything is confused there. In short, they were all fucking.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105879
You come to the usual forum - no one understands the mail that is crazy smart. You come to the forum of specialists - no one understands you because you are stupid and know nothing about the subject, in addition, you can't understand anything from them.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105878
The Academic Institute. Next to the hood is a refrigerator with drinks, the door is glass. The grandfather with the appearance of the professor dresses and looks at her like a mirror. He subdues another, with the appearance of a docent and echoingly interested: "what, pepsicolls wanted, and you are embarrassed to ask?"

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №105877
C has commented:
If it were necessary to pass a logic exam to use the Internet, what a wonderful place would the network be again.
Yyy: Oh, empty and uninhabited. and ;-)
zzz: If a logic exam were required for a child to be born, the Internet exam would not be required.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105876
It is naive:

The previous boss considered her a valuable figure, who "is not obliged to know all the wisdom." I was already looking for a new job, as suddenly came a new, young boss, who after listening to me advised the SD, closing the application, to describe in detail the cause of the malfunction and send him notifications. In parallel, a new accountant, a 25-year-old girl, who recently graduated from the university, was found and interviewed. From the old aunt the boss began to take explanatory for every "false" challenge. tk. The aunt was inclined, wicked and stupid, then thought that these explanatory would make me, and therefore did not change her behavior and continued to do harm. Soon, on the basis of explanatory, she was fired for official non-conformity, with an article in the work book. Now for almost a year, a new girl is working, shows good results and does not bother the admin with stuff.

You are like small. The boss is always aware of all the dirty financial secrets of his boss, and therefore he is an inviolable personality. People have the tendency to age, and their knowledge and skills - to age. If your girl will not regularly improve her qualifications, then in 15 years she will become absolutely the same not painfully literate aunt, whom the boss who worked with her for a long time will never dismiss, because then she can give it to anyone she wants.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №105875
My husband and I were in a small accident. The husband writes an explanatory:...Around the accident, he took the left, because people and police officers stood and walked on the road..."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №105874
I have not been here for a long time. Are you talking about lighting? Here is for you, comrades dissatisfied, a reason for reflection: In the dark hours of the day on the unlit section of the road in the rain (and if even the encounter is blind), the driver not only does not see the pedestrians, but also generally doubts in which part of the street he is.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105873
In the chat WoT:
111: I stumbled your grandmother!
222: She is 90 years old. She is happy. You are a crazy necrophil.
333 e. un-shatun

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105872
I learned here recently: in the Post of Russia there is a service - an electronic translation, which goes in Russia THREE DAYS. Guess what he is called? The Fortress! The joke, the shit.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №105871
The CIA is everywhere!! to
YYY: Are you crawling everywhere? Do not paint everywhere.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105870
Car replacement makes life more diverse

XXX: I said it.
xxx for him
HH: that is
HHH: his
XHH: I have agreed
I am a poncho.
WOW: I understood
Tagged: xd

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105869
18:01:54 xxx ticked
18:03:56 yyy please tell me it's a snail!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105868
Far Cry Shooter, which sends players to the fictional region of the Himalayas, comes with an editor that allows users to create their own levels.

Video blogger built a level in Far Cry, inhabited only by goats. He recorded a dramatic video about his struggle with the steamboats: on the video, the hero secretly penetrates the base of goats, confronts their leader, and then breaks into the sea with the battle.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105867
A very distant acquaintance in social networks writes to me: "I don't know how to tell you or not, but I decided to say - I saw yesterday your husband in such a restaurant with a puddle. Per you will be comforted that this body was pretty fat". I was comforted. I was in the 9th month.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №105866
How were these people raised? I, even completely immersed in my own thoughts, cannot cross the road without stopping and looking side by side. Who is raising these fools? Full of videos, which can be seen as pedestrians just cross and cross the road, even without looking at the sides, and, as a result, fall under the wheels of a variety of drivers, including those who were driving correctly. People, give safety technology enough time when raising children, please. If anything, I am a pedestrian, periodically driving.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna