— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №157930
This winter, I got courage and decided it was time to let my older six-year-old daughter walk in the yard on her own.

One day she comes out of a walk and tells me:

I played with the boys, there were no girls today, so I made friends with the boys. We played bats and ran from the mountains. One even invited me to get married.

What did you answer him? I asked with curiosity.

My mother did not answer him. I just sat on him and went on him from the mountain.

Why then? He was hard, probably.

Let them know that marriage is difficult.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №157929
If the enemy soldier fights to the end, he is a fanatic.
If he is yours, he is a hero.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157928
We are going to cruise in the near future, for the first time on the ship of this company, and in addition, after the pandemic, the rules are constantly changing, so we go to the thematic online forum of passengers of this company in search of information. The contingent is overwhelmingly American-British, with a minor influx of Europeans. A Swedish man asks:
“I’m going to sail on this ship for the first time, I want to know if there are Russians among the passengers? I’t want to, because it’s a discomfort to be with them on the same boat and to see them enjoying life at such a time.
The answer below:
“I’m going to sail on the same ship and I’m an American Chinese, and the Chinese, as some people know, are guilty of spreading the cowboy. Well, you know: China, Wuhan, flying mice... And I’m much easier to recognize than the Russians, so I wanted to warn you in advance for the event that the presence of Chinese enjoying life on board may cause you discomfort enough for you, God give it, to cancel the trip. Or I had two years of that shit already enough, and in the cruise I would just like to rest.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157927
A well-known photographer cut half his credit card Tinkoff for condemning the war by Tinkov.
And his camera was not broken by Nikon for condemning the war by Japan.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157926
The night. I wait for the train. I didn’t take food from home, I thought I would buy it at the train station. But all the bullets were closed, in the train too, with a bullet. Hungry and unhappy, I went to the upper shelf. And here I see a modestly dressed couple, sitting below, whispering. The woman offered me a couple of sandwiches. They were uncomfortable because, well, it was too simple food. They took six sandwiches and divided them into three. How grateful I am to them so far!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna