— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №150841
In the light of recent news.

When "Roskaposti" "declared" that the pasta products of Russian production are not inferior to the Italian in quality, but, in something, and superior, I began to seriously doubt as the "Roskaposti".

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №150840
No. 966033 “I never argue with bureaucrats.”

A acquaintance told me. His wife was engaged in drawing up documents, I don't remember which, she did everything, there was the last certificate, which is made within a few working days, let it be five. Comes to the office in five days - the certificate is not ready, they said to come in three days, then another day. And again, the certificate is not ready, it has not even started. The woman began to timidly upset, but as it is known, "the appetite comes during the meal", gradually upset acquired a higher amplitude of noise and rage, and then even went into the open mates, and loud so that the whole team of the office escaped. By this point, our heroine splashed all her anger and began to calm down a little bit.
One of the frightened employees tried to finally calm the already cold client with the phrase "woman, why are you screaming, calm down, wait 15 minutes, we will make you your certificate."
What started here...
So, this certificate is done for 15 minutes, and you’re chasing me for half a month?!!!?!!!? to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150839
Russia is the most attractive country in the world! You can attract anything here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna