Danterina: We were in Kubinka (tank museum near Moscow). Do you know what delighted me? We walk around the pavilion with Russian tanks, and a few soldiers, 10 people, apparently, enter it. Probably brought them on a trip. These soldiers stand and look at a tank. It’s a long time, maybe 5 minutes. And then one of them says, “Now enough to watch him, in part, what did they not see?” I remembered the whole company and went on to watch :)
<xxx> The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
<yyy> deathmatch is what?
How can you describe the state of the soul if, after reading the mistaken writing, the imagination of a young man instantly drew a minor alcoholic? ( by
Yuri, you’ve been on the foreks. How to distinguish a normal from a cowboy?
WOW: Look at the scheme like this – you and another 200 lochs bet on red, and on black puts only 100 lochs. The program knows this and the joke is not visible. How do you think it will fall?
HH: Oh I understood it. What are normal signs? Give a reference.
I am normal and described it.
So, the old grandmothers in the rows were already at that time, but I remember a store where, in response to the indignant screams of the Aborigines in the row, one young lady said: be ashamed, people from far away came for their own. He was absolutely right! We bought the shui sausage. I don’t like you, mosquitoes.
Old grandmothers and now EVERYWHERE defines infamous, prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics, bandits, etc., about which they always scream loudly - in shops, in the OT, sitting on the bench near the entrance :)
You made conclusions on an ungrateful ground. Unfortunately, not only you.
Believe me, much stronger prejudice in the regions to the Moscovites than the opposite. I hope that over time the regions will be able to get out of the economic pit into which they were driven by the disregard for the leadership of the country and the regions themselves, and then this stupid opposition of us to each other will end. Look deeper, an educated man will never allow himself anything like the described grandmothers (or do you and the young lady hate?It was everywhere, both in Moscow and in the village of Gadjukino. So what does it matter where we are from as long as we remain human?
Kitz: I dreamed here that my legs were hellish hairy, straight like a hobbit. The dreamers assured that this signaled my indisputable dominance in the family and a slight threat to wealth in the distant future. But everything turned out to be more prosaic - exactly one day I sowed somewhere my favorite collasso... :(
[ +
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An American student, who came to Germany for an exchange, got inside a giant sculpture in the form of a vagina and could not get out of there for a long time. In order to bring the young man into the world, 22 firefighters were needed.
There are no words.
The law of three denials: Do not do, do not say, do not think what you are not asked for.
If you are not a telepath...
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Especially if you are a telepath.
CCH: Oh, a great picture from the director of the broadcast. A fan of the English national team reads a newspaper on the tribune. This is all said.
You just didn’t notice the thermos with tea. Brazil by Brazil, but no one cancelled the O"clock
From Habr:
When it comes to the financial data of a huge organization, their loss is equivalent to disaster. I immediately recalled a similar story, when at the dawn of my engineering career I found myself repairing one customer – a serious structure that was legalized in the 90s. They discussed that their admin removed something inadvertently. “What happened to him?” I asked then. “Well, he’s sitting here in the basement for the third day now. We are waiting for the general, he will decide what to do with him," the bull-headed employee with a heavy chain on the bull's neck answered me seriously.
Last time I was riding around the city, I got a guy out of the car, I love you! My instructor, a man with no sense of humor, a tough type under the age of 60, like a guy- and I am you)))))
Dear Yulia K! Your essence is clear to us. Why write about it on a humorous website?
I remembered the joke: "Why didn’t you sit down tonight? Better to remain silent for one night than a month later.
The seeds of the seeds!))
What would they say if the Russians answered the same? If the Russians started screaming in their country "chokhlov on col"
-... then the crabs would start screaming "Not ON! It is ".
[17:30:19] xxx: Internet censorship will soon move from prohibitive to permissive practice.
That is, if a catalog of prohibited sites is being prepared now, then soon there will be a catalog of permitted sites.
And in order to get into permitted sites, you will have to pay a tax, register as a media, get permission from the FSB, Roskomnadzor, etc. and etc.
xxx: discovered a beautiful thing - wunderlist is called
YYY: what
XXX: Types of Books
xxx: with reminders, subscriptions, you can ball, blink on the devices
I discovered a beautiful thing a long time ago.
yyy: piece of paper next to the note :DDD
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! The bases do not fly, do not need to activate, no ads, even without electricity works!
YYYY: What a font, take it!
A short story from one of Tarantino's films:
Before he died, he admitted that he was a police officer.
Why before death?
Because I confessed.
[ +
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has been?
And yet another:
Continued by:
Fourteen is a number.
Fourteen is a room.
Seventy is a number.
Seven and forty – a bunch of deeply drunk Russian Jews dancing 7-40
Fourteen is a number.
And one forty is the husband of forty.
45 is a number.
And five forty is almost the end of the working day, you can slowly shrink.
"Collusion of fallen women,"-
Blonde and quietly whispering.
The intelligent archaeologist,
I hit my finger with a hammer.
I have long been accustomed to the non-standard requests of friends and acquaintances, but yesterday's call with a request to help sell a faulty Ukrainian An-12 in Crimea for "white", while I live in Vladivostok - an undoubted hit of the year.
I was invited by a girl here.
I asked for something sweet for tea.
Take half a kilo of sugar.