— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №40828
From Contact:

"Daria ✿ܓ Maryazova became all difficult with History and Mathematics. andquot;

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №40827
We work with a company in the building. Snow fell overnight on my knee. We meet in the morning at work, and the friend gives his morning impressions:
On an ordinary December morning, at that early hour, when the awakening and overnight world, still like an old coloured photo, I came out of the entrance and...measured! A couple of seconds of stupor and confusion of my body, of my external – visible, to the strange eye – movements, paradoxically reflected on the inner, hidden outflows of my mentality. Immediately all the power of the male mind, with its analytical capabilities and the power of Aristotle logic, turned on. The terabytes of information read by the brain from the optic nerves and from the distal nerve endings located under the epithelium of the skin of the face and the open areas of the neck - the oceanic tide slid into the subcorpus, causing the synapses to grumble from repeatedly increased tension, and the brain tissue feverishly eat, deposited since yesterday's dinner - glucose. The thought formed, thanks to such a mental rapid force and sounded by voice bonds - flew out of the mouth, a cloud of warm, white - like eaten half an hour ago, manna meat - a pair: "- O-O-U-U-U-UH YOU-Y... BLA-A-A!!and "

I swallowed lightly...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №40826
The subject of the explanatory editor: "How I spent this"...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №40825
My grandmother cried out:

I go home: where is my father? What does he do?
She: With some tripper, he fights, says he forgot a slogan from him.
I: O_O
A cry out of the room: Mommy! Are you scaring the people? by Login! I forgot my login on Twitter!! to

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №40824
My husband and I talked about shoes.

CherryJB: yes)) the coat is glue, but expensive.
CherryJB: Listen, can someone get in a shirt?
Medicine: No, all kinds of insects don’t eat wool, but blood, so they can’t wear shoes.
Medicine: Although not
Medicine: a woman can get in a shirt! Fuck you smoke it out!

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №40823
Soon New Year, this year I met the most wonderful girl, my love! I wish everyone in the new year to find their half! All with New Year!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №40822
xxx: My acquaintance is afraid to watch the series "Soldiers" during the session.
He doesn’t wear green clothes.
“You In The Army Now” and “You In The Army Now”.
Say that idiots are not taken into the army.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №40821
I am at home) %
XXX: I didn’t even drink.
XXX: Do you respect me?
Chapter 1: You are burning!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №40820
A friend shows pictures from Egypt:
– But here’s Murena... They didn’t get closer to swimming so as not to grieve.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №40819
Anna for a marriage to her. I have been breaking for half a year.

2: Poor.... there is a pissed option, effective, in the Zagse:
Masha (and all of her) you agree to take this individual of unpleasant appearance and intrinsicity into a husband;
and yes;
- and you are an unfamiliar individual, and do not worry, please, demon, you want to take this wretched chocolate-eater into your wives...
Here you are:
-Eyeyee, I am not Odykvad, you beat her (mama from the sting) from her legs, you sing a litre of vodka (if you can pour simple water into a bottle under the vodka), you go to the parents of the bride and sing:"As from my mom's bedroom, the sting was real" you kill from the sting... it would look spectacular, I would be jealous of you))))

[ + 88 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40818
happened to get sick. I camouflage on the bed. My 3-year-old daughter is playing a ball. "I, Alinochka, am sick, I can’t play" – I answer. She understandably sneezes and drags a chair with wheels to the furniture hill, on which all sorts of blunders are displayed. He pulls out of a bunch of barracks the Zenit flag:"On, daddy, hurt me". He sat, waving with a flag while Alina was chasing the ball around the room.

[ + 64 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40817
A friend (P) took her niece to the morning while they were dancing there, she looks at everything and writes to me in ask:
Q: There’s a thick sheep... And a little bearded fairy... with a wing... the second has fallen... There’s another small condom... The parents have no mind.
P: A
A: The Snowman

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №40816
We will live long and fuck.
Tagged: happy

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №40815
The girl’s microblog:
A true friend like a whistleblower-close to the heart and always supports :D

Comment of the guy:
Can I be your girlfriend?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №40814
Katya: No, you understand that I’ll drink a bottle of champagne right now, and I’ll never give it anyway?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №40813
You watched the movie... this... well, like that... about the blue.
Is it a mountainous mountain?
Yes, this is... Avatar!

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №40812
A seller in a store refuses to sell beer to three-year-old guys, not believing that they are 18 years old:
I have a student ticket with me. If you think logically, a student of the third course can not be a minor, since they enter the institute from the age of 17, then the third course should already be 20 years old.
What do you, fool, think of logically?! to

[ + 114 - ] Comment quote №40811
I just saw. A man walks with a dog (mops), found a piece of icy road and rides a dog there.
On the face of the dog is frozen astonishment, and the man feels childish enthusiasm!

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №40810
Don’t ask how or why I got to the city landfill, but I found a whole box of blue insulate there, now I will have all things forever :)

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40809
From Pickup Forum:

And where can you go with a girl if you have only your member of all the treasures in the world?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna