What did you do before me, the Almighty? I will only raise this stone at the same time and not raise it. And you already think about your all sorts of theories of relativity and the principles of uncertainty, once they are smart, scuttle.
Yesterday everything came to its place. The guy explained to me what a prelude from a man looks like:
Q: Imagine you are very hungry and come to MacDack.
I: Well what?
Q: You buy your favorite hamburger and grind it for 10 minutes.
He left the car in the parking lot, blocking the departure of several other cars.
A girl calls:
Hi to! Is your car like that? You can move her so that I can leave.
I may be able to go out alone now.
I have never had such a motivation to drive a car before.
This aunt:
For many years, she worked in offices where male and female toilets were separate, and recently settled in a place where it was common (because there were very few women, no one became separate for them). I see the amount of wet spots on the floor and walls, I have one question: men, is he in you, sorry, wild and breaking out?! to
Why do men sweat by the scribes?
Well, it is simple: the exit tube of the output hydro system in men is much longer and thinner than the female, therefore, with the same force of compression of the tank and the creation of equivalent pressures, the flow rate of the working fluid from the hose will be significantly higher, which, coupled with the soft design of the output pipe and the irregularity of its hand-pressure at the time of initial targeting, adds a large element of chance to the hydrodynamics of the whole system and causes to introduce negative feedback on the polar coordinates in the target system in the form of a relatively slow manual correction, which does not succeed behind the lavine-like growing flow of fluid. It is also necessary to take into account the inevitable fluctuations of the initial conditions, depending on a number of parameters, including, for example, the temperature of the external environment, and the possibility of self-excitation of the system with a natural change in geometry, and, as a result, hydrodynamics. In other words, I never know in advance where I am!
It is fun to ride a taxi, as drivers constantly ask questions such as: how to drive?, which street?, and we will pass there?, and traffic jams already exist? and etc. But yesterday delighted one: came terribly dissatisfied with the claim "you, women, can’t explain where you are", long dulled, and then switched on the chat and said in the stream: "Ponchik, let’s take this woman out of the ocean...Ponchik, you are here? How sweet are they?" How sweet are they?
I went to work in the subway last night and watched the documentary Hidden Worlds, a series about hamsters that eat scorpions, and elephant jumpers that use their trail system to move quickly and find food. The movie is interesting, I go, I don’t notice anything. I go out at my station, there a woman stops me and asks: girl, are you currently watching a movie? I say: yes, I. She: it was so interesting, she stood and looked all the way, didn’t notice how she got there))
We stand with our admin in the kitchen some morning, waiting for the tea to boil. He tells me about the fact that he decided to monitor health, started with the purchase of some supplements(:D) that you need to drink for the night. In general, on his phrase "In general, I will drink before going to bed, they say, better sleep" our new girl designer enters the kitchen (a meter tall with a cap, about 20 years old, big-eyed, cute creature) and issues "Drink it tomorrow! The best option is a cognac in coffee. And the bosses do not smoke, and the soul warms, and you want to live, oh, and what, our coffee is over?
We are O_O
Hardware and software company. Half a hundred employees.
We have three dogs in the company.
2: You are a fool! Was it hard to finish the tests a week earlier? Sales from your delays fell by a quarter!
1: No one has accidentally told you that a poorly tested product is a potential headache of sapports and bag fixers, and therefore a nonchalant component of the cost of the product.
Are you pretending or really a fool? Money comes from sales. Sapphire is a net loss.
Also, let’s say that the developer is Darmoods :)
2: Yes, you have half there to release, there will be more oxygen! Everything goes on in marketing! Print it on the wall so you don’t forget it.
Amendment: We have four bugs in the company.
Near the garbage tanks in the last came a decent stack of our teethy brothers.
Tonight I watch TV, advertisement: Four out of five adult dogs..."
The husband enthusiastically continues: "Live, %&#, in our yard!"
The guys were discussing something that was in the system! I issued: "Without bicycles the system will not stand!"... Adding: "And without bicycles - will not go".
Everything seems obvious, but the guys were very pleased and decided to make it our project doctrine.
For a strong and independent woman:
A selfie stick.
A stick for sex
DerArto: No one has seen little pigeons, because they are like the children of deputies - grow up abroad, and come here to chew and fuck.
I liked a young man in the office.
But all the erotic fantasies suddenly disappeared when he came to my house for a cup of tea and took off his shoes.
Habr, an article with a very detailed description of the processes that occur when entering an address in a browser:
Then the “Input” button returns to the original position.
WOW: This is if the keyboard is not pre-pulled with sweet tea :) Because then chemistry, physics, mechanics, psychology and a large number of linguistics in the field of obscene vocabulary will be embedded in the chain of processes.
The boss said that for toning inside the cup more than 10% will be fined on coffee sugar and cookies.
Q: Did you drink milk? and ;)
yyy: Managua drank as in childhood
Did you drink the sausage? :D
xxx: "milk bought" and "collabs bought" ;)
Yyyy: I hear from the quasdapil!))
and allo! Department of IT?
Yes to hello.
The labels are multiplying on my desk.
Yesterday we were sitting with a friend in the park, from the nephyg to do removed the link knot and hanged on a tree.I am passing by this tree today and I see a note - Where was the soap, soap?
And here Malakhov (who is Gennady Petrovich): "You can’t imagine how birth is GREATENING, DIRECTLY YOUNGING WOMEN!
As a man who worked with this fan of sweaters, cars and kicking girls for poops, I can reveal a secret. Three programs of this kind were written on a day with the little girl. The theme is developed and the script is written in 3-4 hours. Achinea, which results has nothing to do even with traditional medicine. But the correspondent gets his 120k a month for this and comes up with the next portion of the creative.
The Armenian Radio says:
For about 20 years, I have been concerned about the question: what is the fate of Lida’s girlfriend, who was forgotten in the bus?
For a girlfriend I will not say, but the actress who played her a few months later gave birth.