— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131265
XXX: I think nectarins are produced by people who are tired of shaving peaches.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131264
At the top of the trolling: When the call in the FAS sounds the song Yesterday
Yesterday all the troubles seemed like this.
and far away,
Today I can’t imagine my life.
Without them.
But I still believe that someday
The past will come back."

Thanks for the smile! ?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131263
The newest U.S. aircraft carrier worth $13 billion has again been out of combat capability.

What are you surprised? 13 is the unhappy number.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131262
A drunk man will never do what he himself (per in secret, including from himself) would not do with a sober head.
Alcohol removes barriers.
And many drink it intentionally to remove them, including many tight women.
But not all barriers can be removed, some live behind demons.
Therefore, it is better not to drink with anyone. In the sense of itself, you can drink, but to be in the company of drunkards - well, his naphid.
These are the two sides of one drunkard. A woman can and wants love, but receives by the fact of wear. Because I did not decide to drink. Because she wanted too much love and didn’t drink at all, by the way.
And it often goes just so that with a sober with him she seems to agree already, but when drunk - such a hatred that it is not what to sleep, you do not want to see him. But somewhere from this hatred is already extremely difficult.
Sleeping with a drunk woman is like sleeping with a rubber woman. I didn't try it myself, but I think it's worse than 'black in bed', and as I think, even the right hand will be more pleasant than the barrel. So it’s not a bit of wear, and even necrophilia is something.
But after a bottle of champagne for two with candles there is wonderful sex. By mutual agreement and for mutual pleasure. And it is a completely different story.
You are all involved in a bunch. A kind of youthful maximalism, no other.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131261
The xxx:
In general, yes, why not move the world of Warcraft to the streets of the city around you? And here you live in a cave, you go to work not in the subway, but in the carriages, and the boss of you is a wicked goblin.

They buried a mother-in-law and caught two Pokémon.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131260

I remember a dialogue with my younger brother a year ago (now he is 13, I am 23). I came to my parents on a visit that day, had not seen my brother for a long time, decided to ask what and how. My brother "does not like to shake", so he answers specific questions directly. I am I, B is my brother.

Hello little girl, like you? As a school?

B is OK. I received all the ratings from 1 to 5. * is joyful

I: Well you found something to be proud of, of course.) Are you joking?

B: No, I am not fighting.

I: You’ve been caught by a boy all the time.

B: Yes I got it.

I: You’ve always given it up? Have I endured?

B: I endured as much as I could, but I still had to beat him to get back.

I: What about now? Can’t get any more?

B: No, I can’t get it. He drowned this summer.

c) Picasso

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131259
In 2006, when I was in second grade, a new girl, Yulechko, was placed in our dorm room. At first glance, she seemed adequate, if not one "but" - to bathe in the social soul she cried, and went to her parents once a week or two. It smelled of it, gently speaking, not very much, but it’s flowers.

To her parents she travelled less and less often, and in the end, Yulechka spent the whole winter in the shelter not my! The smell in the room was such that we slept with the windows open all February. They tried to explain to her, but this creature only blinked innocently with the eyes, poured with perfumes, but did not rush to wash. Even our guests stopped walking because of the smell in the room.

And Yulechka asked not to touch her bed and her bed. The reason was revealed during the cleaning, when we placed the screws at her request and washed the whole room. In the box she kept bread, cakes and, his mother, cakes! This is if there is a refrigerator in the room! Did we think that the cockroaches were involved with us? But the worst was waiting for us under the bed, rather, he was waiting for me, because I used to wash there myself.

In the dust at the wall were two packages. I remember with horror the moment when I decided to look at them. One had a bunch of dirty socks and socks, but that’s not all...The other was covered with dirty cowards and, his mother, pads! ! to ! to ! to How I did not die there, Fig knows, but the stars of Yulechka nobles caught out.

Glad that soon she was moved to another room, and our new neighbor, although with a projectile in the head was, but was regularly washed))

All good and clean neighbors))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №131258
The wife went for a month and a half on a business trip to organize festivals for the children. I got bored in a couple of weeks. I asked to take a few pictures, but more poetically. I say, I miss-I love-I can't, you understand, you can't keep in yourself for a long time. And she refused, said, I am ashamed of what nonsense, in the room not alone, but with a colleague, etc. In the end, even quarreled.

The next day sends a "hot" almost no photo set. I ask what is the matter? My friend heard that we were fighting, asked what and how. My wife told me. She says, “My husband is alone in the apartment, there is a computer, there is the internet. He has all the porn of the world in front of his eyes, and he wants you. The best compliment, in my opinion.”

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131257
I do not know. I took a car driver here. It started before I regretted why I stopped at all.

Thank God for not being raped.)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131256
I remember the story from my student years. We had a cycle of childhood diseases and at this time there was a patient with obesity of the 3rd degree in the department. The girl at the time was 13 years old and weighed about 150 kilograms. She almost didn't walk, but came in connection with exacerbated pancreatitis. For those who do not know, with exacerbations of pancreatitis, table 0 is shown, in other words, hunger. And what was the surprise of nurses and doctors, when the girl began to tear the remnants of hamburgers and fried potatoes. It turned out that a good mother, seeing that the poor daughter the evil doctors in the hospital are not feeding at all, began to pull her bags of macdake. The mother, by the way, not far away from the daughter in size, could not understand why the doctor spit on her, and shouted in response that the killer's doctors want to starve the child and even wrote some complaints to the ministry. I don’t know how the story ended, but the girl was very sad.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131255
Fucking with the drunk also had to - a specific occupation, "on the amateur". In emotional terms, there is nothing better than the sobriety of a passionate girl who wants you. And in physiological terms, well, girls, you can hardly even reach my left hand.

Strange People of Men
unhappy with drunk girls, fuck and unhappy
This is the picture: it fucking and crushing, crushing but fucking

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131254
The magic place. In our city, the customs office is built on the site of a former psycho-neurological clinic. (People with a rich inner world among employees are enough). On the site of the 3rd school, where in 1981 two schoolgirls caught syphilis, a skin dispenser was built.In the rugged Soviet years, when there was not yet a normal sewage, there was a huge pit, where half of the city was hurt (sorry for naturalism).

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131253
Until the summer is over, I remember the white bracelets. The ones that mean that a man is looking for a second half.
— — —
I wear the third week.)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131252
xxx: Somewhere a year ago created a folder with the name "drop this shit". I created a new folder today.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №131251
With the same success, it can be said that the male "yes" means "I will say anything, only to retreat". is right?

Many marry so that a woman lags behind them.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131250
How to break a sales manager?
XXX is easy!
xxx: The order number xxx was 2pcs, only shipped 2pcs. Where is 1st?
With respect,
Ivanova Elena
YYY: It’s all shit.
Yyy: here is our warehouse cat managed to ship to Kaliningrad
Yyy: loaded she slept on top of the pallet
yyy: the fur three customs passed, the cat eaten out and nobody noticed :))
YYY: Now he lives in Kenya :)

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131249
I went to the passport, to extend the registration for the military ticket. There are two passports. While filling out form 3, one of them reads someone’s passport, the type of where they came from. In the passport is written: Blakovo, socialist street. I wonder what this F means. ...I am, the street of Fascist Socialism)))... no, it’s hardly RJET. The Final of Socialism. Both of them are already rolling. Yes, there must be something civilian. ...okay, the socialist fanatics of the street rjut already all))))... wrote the form 3, leashed in the innet. Let us all be ashamed! ? I found it in Yandex. Balakovo, F... And I gave, Balakovo, Fake of Socialism))))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131248
“My son can’t go to jail for acts that lasted only 20 minutes,” said the father of the young man who raped the girl. This is the United States, June 2016.
Brock Turner, a 20-year-old Stanford student, raped a girl who got so drunk that she turned off right on the grass, somewhere near the washing machine. The cute boy, a student athlete, either found her right there, or accompanied her home – and used her fortune to break and rape. He was frightened by two graduate students, he ran, they caught him.
The scandal is that Turner was given only six months.
“My son is already punished,” his father said. His future will never be what he dreamed of. He’s expelled from Stanford, he’s depressed, he doesn’t smile, he doesn’t have appetite.” This is a public letter, if anything.
The boy has no appetite. He was excluded. He only used the girl's body for 20 minutes for his sexual perversions, and his life has already been ruined. How is it.
This is truth. Who would not rape? If a person walks on the street unconscious - rob, rape, be.
Turner did not drag her into the basement, did not hold her there for a week, did not bind her, did not smoke her, did not rape her with bottles. He is just a humanist.

Arina Holina

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131247
Not early in the morning we go to the forest for berries. There are people with full baskets of mushrooms.
Friend, with a breath: Fungi do not shine for us today...
I: You know, I’t collect glowing mushrooms!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131246
I figured with the youth. In more than twenty years of violent sexual abuse, there was never a need for neither subjugation nor violence, most women remained friends, and there were somewhere two in a year. There were refusals, two or three. No no, not a question. There were no Venetians. There was no negativity at all. What is the secret? It’s just fucking casual sex. To get to know, to flirt, to talk. Without all this, the physiology of reading remains, and there is no difference with adolescence. No, there is no more trouble.
And by the way, sex with feminists is usually bright and lively, I like them. They say to me, too.
Good luck Nubia.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna