— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №155545
Xxx: By the way, just for the future for your safety. When the truck is behind you, and you are near the cabin, just raise your hand and pass. Maybe someday it will save your life.

Yyy: With my height of 150 I'll just die in Hitler's posture

Zzzz: And led in court:

I am standing on the light, and right in front of the car, Hitler throws the zig-zag. I am on gas.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №155544
The former colleague after the cuts decided to do business. There was little personal cash and he tried to clean sofas, carpets, mattresses. The price for the procedure is small 1500-3000 for cleaning, but the service itself is quite in demand. Working without weekends. At one of our meetings he told a busy case at work.

Finish the cleaning, collect the tool. The client girl:

I forgot to take the money, maybe we can make a deal. (He smiles mysteriously, curling his curls on his finger)

How to?

You do me a favor and I do you a favor. (He blinks and smiles all the same mysteriously)

-No question, just let's go faster, I need to get the injection in the skin dispenser.

The money was found immediately.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №155543
Oh, by the way, as a firefighter - tell me, how dangerous is it to charge lithium-ion batteries at home?

And the second question - if you are careful and put the batteries in a sandbox during charging, how effective will this be in the event of a possible fire?

Yyy: And Fig knows him. I usually come to the end of the experience.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna