HHH: You know, in some situations you can only belt. Words do not work. This is education. You probably never did anything with children.
WOW: You are straight like our daddy thinks. So, you will hear the voice of ruthless children: exactly two mental qualities develop the belt.
The first is the complete ignorance of all opinions, advice, requests and beliefs of parents (and what they demand one, they do another, they do not motivate their actions in any way).
The second is secrecy (since the motivation of parents is incomprehensible, you can’t know how they will react to your action, and it’s better that they don’t know anything).
Training and education are incompatible.
Around the girl you have to wire a hammer, with each circle becoming more and more hammer.
The Frightened Women
On the contrary, I had fun. I am under 2 meters, a little over a hundred kg and, as friends say, not quite with a friendly expression on the face I usually walk.
Every morning there are two streams of people near the subway. Normals hold on to the left side, but there are always spires, which stick on the "meeting". I have a whim, until no padla decided to go to the tavern, but the little girls directly cause such sympathy, "that I can't eat." She turns away as poorly as she can, but still she is pushed from different sides.
And then behind her, trail by trail, I adjust.All, the girl suddenly appears the ability to "break the ice". It’s funny to watch her confuse when she realizes something’s going wrong. He burned a few times. Once thank you said, the second time looked suspiciously and maliciously.)
I have a desire not to hear "all men are potential rapists, so they have to do something"
Well that is you. And most men even here, on this site, openly write - yes, we are dangerous, be afraid of us, beware. I didn’t take care, it was my fault. Can you deal with each other? Well, as it is usually said, you’t be a potential rapist, you’t apply what was said to yourself and turn your just anger not on the victims, but on the criminals.
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Let us help brother necrophilus:
XXX: And if it stands in the heat, the starter turns but does not catch. Oil the starter takes 5-7 seconds to catch.There is a feeling that benz is leaving the highway.
Not always so. In the heat of hell.
What is it?
These are overheated by the gasoline pump (the membrane becomes too elastic). The classic costume is to wrap a wet cloth on it. In principle, the replacement of the standard pump on the Pekar helps well (but there are fireworks - googling the features of the original).
Thank you good man!
You are educational:
>>> It turns out that not to live is a verb! 0 O
Back to School March!
The verb "never" does not exist, there is a verb "live" and there is a particle "never". They are written separately.
to hide, to hide and to hide are also verbs and they are, meaning: to hide, to keep in care, etc.
In the stream of rape - straight gout of fresh air
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OK to:
Why should I live in fear? Can anyone give me a clear explanation?
For the same reason that you should lock the door of the house, carefully carry large sums of money, change the locks in a new apartment, and so on.
Men do that too. Sexual abuse by the opposite sex is mostly feared by women. Why don’t you, sweetheart, cross the other side of the road in the evening, seeing the silhouette of a man of the opposite sex, and I cross, and most women cross?
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About "drink and use"
Once I invited a friend from another city, with whom I started a relationship (as I thought long). She came and brought a beer. She said she needed to break up. I drank a bottle...and it really opened up. Guess what complaint she made to me this morning?
No sex with drunkards. without exceptions. Even if consent is given in a sober form.
There is a man at work who speaks loudly on the phone, so everyone can hear. A few minutes ago he was called from the children's camp and told that his child was sick and it would be good to take him home. What followed the answer "he passed the medical commission, and I gave him healthy to you, how could he get sick? Give me a healthy child.” He didn’t even joke.
The author never understood that he killed the rodents. It was because of him that they trusted people. And people are different.
Here is a wonderful illustration. The fault is not the man who entertained the hunting of unfortunate whites, but those who fed them.
You are rape, rape.
In Muslim countries, human rights activists hang posters: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them".
You will not tell me more accurately.
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Maryam: Well, there will be a dispute again - what is late and when is early
If female sexuality is revealed by 30 (and often after the birth of the first child), does this not mean that a woman should not have sex before these events occur? · ·
Do not have sex before the birth of the first child? The original plan.
Here you are stupid. Let us make better jokes about compasses, administrators, shredders, white bracelets, summer, sea and leisure. Or the majority of the audience want to shoot, the remaining to drown, and the necrozoophiles together with the feminists to send to the house 2 and burn us. They have the same.
Cat, Odmin, Shredder, Hoyacee and O. In the name of Alt, Delith and the Reverend Control.
For violent fighting:
In some countries of Africa to protect women invented condoms with dented spikes inside, which women wear in case of violence, and remove them from MPH without surgery is practically unrealistic, and not without consequences. A good invention, I think.
Talk about the rapists:
I’ve never been involved in crime, especially rape (I’m a quiet home boy), but there have been a couple of instances when I was considered a bandit and a rapist.
The first case. In the spring, I decided to run. After the winter, the dust is incredible. Stretched a sports suit, tied a bandana on the face - no one, and yet a filter. I run in the morning on the backdoors, so that people do not disturb, I count meters, think of my own. A woman walking a hundred meters in front of me turns to my distant boast, sees you understand whom and asks such a striker, which I could not depict when I passed the norms on physical education. It became very shameful. I had to break up on the runway and work at home.
The second case. In the winter noon, I browse the warehouse, find an old hammer, which I do not need at home, but in the garage will be useful. I dress civily, take a hammer in my hands and walk through the courtyard to the garages. A woman walking along the same path notices me, screams, slaps and tries to hit the squats on the four. "Madame, what about you? I thought you were a maniac!" And he was nervous.
Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize. I did not frighten you from evil. Just did not think.
Sasha Danilova: Destroyed the normal card with turtles
Sasha Danilova: Sudarani
Sasha Danilova: Funny was the map, dynamic
Sasha Danilova: Thank you for making me polite
Sasha Danilova: I meant the moderns
Thieves come, go and forget. Some come back regularly to calm down again after a day or two. And only the joke about rape is getting longer and longer each time. Do you think this is a serious problem in society?
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But there is a UK, and 95% are afraid of it and do not want to sit, so they will not touch the finger! And from the remaining handful of frostbite to protect is simple - do not walk in the streets at night alone and do not bustle with suspicious companies. and all!
How did we not guess! And so we already live on the violent schedule - don't go there, don't drink there, in the club fuck to the toilet with the girlfriends we go for every chance! Well, of course, to protect yourself from the rape of uncle-father-grandfather-chief-ex-family, your advice is helpful! You know, women are raped even in those countries where they walk from head to toe wrapped and in 90%+ cases accompanied by a man (not the one who is the rapist). It is time to grow teeth in the ass, no different.
Photos of celebrities in their youth, including the smoothly shaved Che Guevara.
X. Who is committed to communism?
YYY: Young yet Che, beret and beard have not yet climbed - testosterone is low.
XXX: now I’m Uzbek, so they’ll grow up.
I like the cabbage in the bull. Sometimes I buy different ones. Japanese and Chinese. They say it is harmful. On the question "what is harmful here" all as one say "chemistry" and "sodium glutamate". And when you say that it is safer than salt and chemical methods to synthesize it is unprofitable they say that "I am stupid."
and OK. I am stupid. What’s wrong with the beetle?