— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №600
I will choose which socks to wear and come.
What to Wear? With a hole or without?
YYY: with two
XXX: Big or small?
YYY: Average
XXX: On the socks or on the heels?
Yyy: one on the heels and the other on the socks
Is it warm or light?
Yyy: one by one and can be on hand))
XXX: What do you think about the wool bill?? to
XXX: Only one socks that are wool, it is hollow.
The thing is that some are not holy, but smell, and other holy but do not smell... what if you dress wool on top of the odor... will smell strong?? to
Yyy: Fuck Go Basic

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №599
XXX is
The executive ordered to print the file

XXX is
on each sheet the inscription healthy: "bear wallpaper"... "prin beautiful"..."prinsess charm"
XXX is
for corporation

XXX is
In general, she now has no time and she has not noticed the miraculous transformation in the "bear topunishko", "princ crocodile" and "princess crocodile";

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №598
I wonder, I am alone, not reading at home, what would I do at work? O_0

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №597
What to give to a man who has everything?? to
2: Confiscation of property

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №596
VirginHunter (16:05:43 25/12/2007)
To us here the secretary constantly comes to sit on the gift box and fuck with us, so we put empty instead of a full box.

VirginHunter (16:25:00 25/12/2007)
She doesn’t talk to me ?

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №595
Do you know how to break soap?? to
Sanyok: Yes You need to dry it first.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №594
Did you know that, according to Wikipedia, the word HUGE expresses the triumph of the irrational over the rational beginning?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №593
Bayman: tell me where the codecs can be downloaded
Dronishe: Yandex has become paid? O_O
Did you have fun on Google?
Dronishe: Rambler is unavailable?
Dronishe: I give a hint:
Dronishe: Follow the White Rabbit
Dronishe: tfu, I wanted to say:
Dronishe: K-lite codec pack

[ + 87 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №592
Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Stop this horror! Which fool has invented adding himself to the contact list!!!? I added myself... type set the status that I sleep... fell down in the eve... the bot turned on... well and decided to check... what really will be if I write myself...

Shut up this bot who is nibut! I have a Miranda! Open the main window. The second hour of the battle will be the second hour of the battle, the second hour of the battle will be the second hour of the battle.

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №591
If you’re having sex and talking to me at the same time, I think it’s disrespectful.
Yyy: What a coincidence, she also says the same.)

[ + 191 - ] Comment quote №590
Yesterday you came from the corporate New Year, I took off your boots, told you a hundred compliments, patiently listened to who they gave gifts, what a fool this Nelly Stepanovna, I danced with you three times your favorite song from Criminal Chiv, twice fucked you, on your capriza opened champagne, how I put you to sleep, smoothed your hair...
Today I came from the corporation: - long discussions, why it is so late and why the mask on the shirt, then a shirt on the e@lu and went to the x#y, drunk cattle, I don't talk to you.
Where is equality?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna