— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 115 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40928
And you also love to press your pimples wherever you can because she likes it?
by gexmur

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №40927
Bravin: And I see that there are all the blankets, blacks, dear ones.
Bravin: more than three hundred rubles per piece.
Bravin: bubble for a small piece of cloth around the cell phone...
Really bluffing
You are blatant, gentleman!
You, Blair, didn’t just gather yourself.
You yourself, bleat, and mobile phone collected yourself, bleat
XHHH: and you crack, bluff, about the cloth for the mobile phone!
Yes, fuck, take it yourself!
Bravin: That is a thought!

[ + 111 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40926
Abyss, you are the fuller of desires.
Give all of us, single girls and boys, in the new year the one we are waiting for.
And whoever has the same ones they have been waiting for, let them have it all well.
With the coming!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №40925
My today at three o’clock at night came from the cooperative... so I said :)

[ + 153 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40924
Russia is the most independent state in the world. Because: the results of the elections here do not depend on the electorate, the president does not depend on the opinion of the people, the courts do not depend on the Law, the deputies do not depend on the voters, the news of the media does not depend on what is happening, the well-being of the official does not depend on his wages, diseases and mortality of people do not depend on medicine, the level of crime, drunkenness, depravity - do not depend on Orthodox "morality", even the wealth of the Russians does not depend on his work.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №40923
Shortest at work is a muji in a service car. The Ford Tour. such a hernia in the form of a brick with a flat roof. He was on his way home after a recent freezing and when he slowed down the 5 centimetre layer of ice on the roof he jumped onto the hood, cutting off the antenna.
grit "brake on the brake, and the roof flies on"

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №40922
Status in VK:
Today in the disc store found in the section "horrors/thrillers" disc with "Ranetks". However...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №40921
from ZH
Why are all humans mammals?
Not all but half. The other half are eggs.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №40920
Ire (who works with the Chinese) has come a shiz letter to the mail "Dear Kaleka, congratulations from Ng". The Chinese cannot remember the word colleague.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №40919
Remember what "green" means? (in the old Russian)
I did not remember.
I asked a acquaintance.
In the end:
"Green is the sector on the doll at the casino"
Who would doubt.

[ + 69 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40918
From the forum:
Anuta_: Please tell me why every time I and M.H. lie in bed before going to bed, he tells me, “Good night, Datr Weider.”

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №40917
Hi, what are you doing? ?
I am
What do you eat? ?
by Pele
Is it delicious?
It is not your business!!! to

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №40916
xxx: my brother
YYY: Is it a fact or a claim?! to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №40915
I realized that I grew up... I am not looking forward to the New Year as a holiday, but to the fact that there will be three!!! It’s a weekend and there’s plenty of food. In three days you will be able to sleep and not cook anything... and it’s really a celebration.

[ + 115 - ] Comment quote №40914
Letters to Santa Claus. I worked somewhere in 1995, while on an exchange in the United States, Santa Claus: children sent letters describing the gifts they wanted, we found and sent these gifts to parents, not for free, naturally.
The company then did not think about allowing parents to read and decode children's messages, so the weight of the work was on our experts.

One letter I remembered for a long time. The child wrote (naturally, unconditionally): When I was a kid, I watched cartoons. There were two heroes, one big and green, the other small but with a big head. I don’t remember what was there, I think they were working in the building. I want a toy as a second hero.

I was only saved by the fact that the girl signed up as Sveta. What do you think who it was?


The Cheetah!

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №40913
I am on advice.

I found my mom’s faloimiter and I can’t sleep.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №40912
Comment on the article about approaching the Earth three "flying aircraft":
Aliens endured Independence Day, Star Landing, Signs, World War, District No. 9 and others, but after the release of Skyline their patience broke)))"

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №40911
Well now in fashion, for example, britt pop.
YYY: What to do? O_O

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №40910
She went to the kitchen for an apple and suddenly ate a cottage. Weighting

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №40909
dr_Qlman> Here you can immediately see a man whose childhood has not been in the village in the USSR. I had a wooden horse with a paper on the puze "Horse-50" and more about GOST, factory and production stream - and I imagined that!

Dubb-dubb> Yes, I could build any vehicle from five chairs!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna