When I bought the first dough, my mom said, don’t walk in the dark alone, they’ll be removed. The grandmother replied: "C Lenny? I would like to look at those idiots".
5 years have passed. I go in the evening, not late, but no one on the street. I met two guys, began to rush, one on my face came: "Why are you going alone so late? Take a live ". I hit them so that they apologized for a long time, gave them a pack of cigarettes and led them to a friend, where I, in fact, went, so that no one would hurt.
It was funny then, but now I realize that the guys just didn’t get serious.
"The Adventure of Captain Donka" Author: A. Sakov (1991 year like)
Take your stomach as an example. What can you do with such a stomach? Of course losing.
Leave my life in peace!! I am proud of my life!!! to
Diogenes: They start to be proud of the stomach when they can’t do anything about it.
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Beyonce finally broke up!
We sent you a message - you sent more than 3 SMS per month, we connect to you a service of 100 SMS per DAY! If you want it or not, you can turn it off.
This is despite the fact that 1 SMS costs 2.5 rubles, and their bear service is 5 rubles a day.
They seem to be very bad with money, you have to get rid of them.
xxx: And I came up with one word to describe Balrog’s awakening in Moria.
Yyy: Do you have docopalipsis?
XXX is infected. But I was the first to invent it.
He did not get out of there and at the moment when the girl, coming out of her station, came back to me again:
Have you changed your mind?
– – – – –
"Now again, fucking, — beautiful but dumb." — The girl thought...
It became very reminiscent of the anecdote about the swan flying south, and the poor weak spot:
And your joke reminded me of a similar, but about the frog: I am a strong bird, I am a proud bird, I am a smart bird.and "
You live in a universe where pony eat rainbow and catch butterflies.
Why is?
There is always a goblin in my universe that will run a script from the previous version in the next release. for another platform. And he will struggle in hysteria that he did everything according to the instructions he ate before reading.
In the garden of the son of the children painted portraits of mothers by March 8. I look at the exhibition with interest.
My son, where am I?
Here is!and proudly
Is it me?! (I understand, children’s drawing and all that... but aliens in bigodes???)
and yes! The most beautiful!!! to
And you will argue...
The sheep of 16669:
I would see what your nails will have, and how you will take care of the flying lacquer on them.
As the women were prostitutes, so they remain.
If your grandmother is a prostitute, it’s just your sad experience.
Choose yourself and suffer.
— — —
I will answer.
How far has chauvinism come - the computer for the Games has suddenly become a male feature! I still understand the chauvinism in programming – to it really the boys more often have abilities to manifest, but in toys, what kind of stuff?
— — —
Games have always been the "masculine feature". I will say more, at the dawn of mmo projects it was dangerous to admit that you are a girl. They could stop taking raids and consider them a player at all. And why? Because as everywhere. No good players can be heard. Silently do their job and communicate quietly mostly in ls. But there are others... Who "Oh, and dress up the girl, what’s sorry for you?", "Well, I don’t know what to do here, so I’m standing behind the candlestick and kidding you in the house, "I can’t be killed! I am a girl!" That’s why we don’t like games.
Girl gamer with 12 years of experience, accustomed to appearing a guy
Good luck with the metro clock. I once saw the difference in time between the stations at 10 minutes, when the train was driving a minute and a half from the force :) Once you have an injection - the time services are not easier to check? and :)
It is...
Moscow stations are the gates of the city.Concessionaries hardly broke into the exit and found themselves on the Kalanchev Square.Right of them, the heraldic chickens of Yaroslavl station rose.Directly against them, the October station blinked, painted with oil paint in two colors. The clock showed five minutes on eleven. At the time of Yaroslavsky it was exactly ten. And looking at the dark-blue, decorated with the signs of the Zodiac plate of the Ryazan station, travelers noticed that the clock showed without five and ten.
Very convenient for a date!
Discussing the work of searchers
I had a case with a Yandex photo, where there was an inf near the photo, where they came to see it. And there was, among other things, a picture of my cat hiding behind a plush salmon. And I put it in the post, where she wrote, "The cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner and hides behind the salmon." Then I look at the statistics - cats - my cat is issued by the search engine on requests "sex with a vacuum cleaner" and "hairs fuck".
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Not the perfect summer kids.
And there are also imperfect winter, autumn, spring. And there are also completely summer, and completely winter...
I am sitting on my diet.
HH: Well, I’t be happy with the child. Built and rejoicing.
The essence is in another.
I am a little frightened as she quietly continues to cook me deliciously and with a stone face to refuse to eat at various feasts.
XHH: Sometimes it seems, as calmly and with the same stone face, she could have crushed people into farce...
On the evening of February 23. I take a taxi home. The driver says: "Another clock and his nap - I will go home to celebrate the holiday!"" Amid the conversation I give him my visit card ("computer repair").
The morning of February 24. A call from a woman laughs: “We celebrated February 23 yesterday and poured vodka into the laptop. Husband with surprise and silent question "How??" gave me your business card."
The karma? ?
Today, I say to the average - go laundry laundry, loading socks and what else you will find black.
I reached the machine, I go hanging - there are two of his socks and my hair rubber.
The other socks he did not find.
Another variant of translation – can infinity be more infinite?
Maybe! Untold infinity is more infinite than counting infinity. We are talking about Alef-0 and Alef-1. Kantor wrote a lot about the power of infinite sets.
The joke:
There is a lecture in mathematics, in the audience a lecturer and 3 students.
Five people get up and leave.
The Lector:
There will be two more, and there will be no one left.
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The cameras at the site of Nemtsov’s murder were not working.
What is the probability that the cameras in the 200 meters of the Kremlin did not work?
The boy has just learned about the poem size and joyfully shares his discovery? Ask your teacher to tell you about a beast called Verliber.
Bahit is a clean pancucha, school you are thin.
Is there a law that prohibits punks from writing verlibrary? Or maybe, GOST on songs, where it is stated that the punk can only write them with jamb and strictly male rhythms? The very concept of "creativity" you know, "critic"?
An anecdote on the topic of "panks can't write verlibrom"
I have a migraine.
“Well you... Migraine is an aristocratic disease, and you are a tearwinner. You have a crack.