I sit with my mother as a secretary.
I am going to training courses on Thursday.
Q: What are the courses?
The Art of Oral Sex
M: What about what?
I announce the price.
M: What to pay, she would ask me.
He is sitting hiccups.
From the online game WorldOfTanks
At the beginning of the command battle, Cap arranges the equipment, speaking through headphones. TT there, ST here and others.
A voice from somewhere.
She: And where am I?
Cap: And who are you at all?
She: I’ll pull you out of the comp, you’ll know who I’m!
Found: In Finnish, “pedant” is “pilkunnussija”, which literally means “the ar of the clutches.”
Fuck it when the boss says that tomorrow will be a very tough day and you thought it was a very tough day today.
here here :
<Vanko> We have a customer
<Greece> Orthodox Church
<jelIo> is funny
<Vanko> Should I write in the act of work performed that they have a demon server?
<Vanko> And I revived this demon
— — —
Write "the service has stopped", for its renewal you will receive an extra blessing.
In the Segezh district of Karelia began the search for a meteorite, which is believed to have fallen into a lake.
And suddenly these aliens arrived :-X
YYY: Just the same as in Chelyabinsk last year.
XXX: This repair brigade arrived to repair the first ship.
I knew. I knew that only she could resist the all-powerful black super glue...Blue Isolent
[ +
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Remember how we wished for minus 5 and light snow? Let's do what, kindly wish a dollar - 30 rubles for the new year, suddenly rushes.
We lie in bed at night and rest.
Suddenly, I feel my husband pressing my foot under a blanket.
"They are I thought "I would point him back". I struck him on his foot.
And he lies with a serious mine, looks at TV and does not react.
"They are He plays in a bad way!"- I thought, "I will point him back again". I shrugged my leg stronger.
"Miau!" said dissatisfied from under the blankets.
I wondered why my leg was so hairy.
by Marinalevy
[ +
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to there:
here here :
And most of all, I am surprised that a prostitute woman is a fuffou, the lowest sort. A man who uses services is a hero and a good man.
— — —
It has long been said:
Why, if you have changed, are you a hero-lover, and if I have changed, am I a joke?
Because when I am, it is WE, and when you are, it is us.
And, that is, if a woman is a strangle to knock on left-handed men, will this be the norm?
Why do you not sleep at work?
YYY : No.
XXX: Just don’t sleep
YYY: Not sleeping is the goal of life.
XXX: for what
YYY: To have time to study spelling and punctuation.
[ +
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XHH: I think I’m pretty shy enough to allow myself to fuck it.
I imagined what Stalin said at the CPSU meeting.
[ +
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This is:
From Kelatudmaa
I go with my daughters (6 and 10 years old) on the street, meet a very bearded uncle. With such a long beard.
The Diane:
Mommy, Mommy look at me! Put your finger to the side of the wart.
I see, I say. To whom is he similar? I ask, meaning Karabas Barabas or Santa Claus.
Daughters of the Choir:
The ZZ Top!
This is what proper education means.
The right education is not to tick your finger at people.
So the cockroach has nothing to do with animals. You will talk about parthenogenesis in mammals. And suddenly.
— — — —
Even the ameba, the intelligent, has to do with animals. Animals are a kingdom. Mammals are just one of its classes, far from being the most numerous and successful.
The spies are very upset :-)))
One was sitting in the electric car and told the whole car on the phone:
Well what? You have a good legend, you have a good story. Stay on your own. They will prove nothing!
To anyone who writes:
At the end, the snow fell.
Men and women, shake up! and freeze.
with UV. Your great and mighty.
Is he also a military man?
YYY : No. It seemed to have served, but I don’t remember. It is terrible to say that he
YYY: And what is Vancouver other than a civilian type of flag?
It has long been said:
Why, if you have changed, are you a hero-lover, and if I have changed, am I a joke?
Because when I am, it is WE, and when you are, it is us.
My also reasoned, then came after the next “I’m gone,” stumbled onto the iron door and suitcases with his things.
What is characteristic of the one who "he is" turned out to be not immediately needed
XX: We have a fairly large building, the boss is in another wing, it’s a couple of days away.
XX: I came to work yesterday very sleepy, on the autopilot with the beginnings of the mind. Neighbor in the office to me: "called the boss, demanded you on the carpet"
XX: I go through the entire building, in which the repair is permanent, to the boss. I sleep on the way. When I almost get to the boss's office, I see some men in the specialty carry out a carpet rolled into a roll.
XX: Well I aimed "for carpet" set as well... for a while I followed the carpet
[ +
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And also I always thought that sex is needed because you want a loved one and to meet physiological needs you can swing with one hand)))))
and ah. And when you want a loved one a couple of times a day, and he or she wants you a couple of times a month, life begins to play just the fucking kind of rainbow colors.