— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152215
For 7 years I have worked with children, schools, clubs, camps - stories of darkness. But I will never forget that. It was the first experience of working in the camp, the first trip to the sea, wine at night and... 34 children in a load. So it happened that two completely different delegations were identified in my squad: 20 children from Moscow with paid passports and 14 boys from a children’s home from Perm. As you can see, it was a wild change. But most of the problems, strangely enough, were related to the Moscowis. For on the third day of the shift, we and our partners noticed about ourselves that all our requests and remarks to the boys from the kindergarten are immediately fulfilled, if we transmit them not directly, but through the oldest boy Serjog, who in the boys indisputable authority. But among the Moscovites there was one picture - we will call it Sasha, who is said to be on the side of the frost. Sanya broke away as he could: squeezed the girls in the bags of dead medusas, the toothpaste poured the river on the little boys in his room, he broke two windows, broke the patch of the patsanu from another squad, etc. The list of his feats can be listed endlessly. And, of course, he spoke solely matto.

What we just did not do, and we talked to him, and invited the elders, the psychologist, the chief - the blameless, he built a guilty look, said that he would not be again and, leaving the director's office, answered someone with a junkie.

Do you know how it all ended? One day he brought my partner to tears that he saw Seroga, approached, asked what happened. Despite the fact that Sanya precautionaryly did not touch the children's homes, Seroga proposed to talk to him. We did not believe in the success of another conversation, so we agreed. They called Sanya to the cabin, where Seroga, sitting on a chair and smiling with a beaten front tooth, said to Sanya:

“Listen, Oops, I am not a leader, I will not ask. Another bit - I'll say that I hit myself, you'll smile like I hole holes.

And you know what? It worked. Probably because Sanya understood that the conversations would not end here and he would definitely come. But until the end of the shift he acted below the grass. This is not pedagogical, I agree. But it helped?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №152214
I do not like to share. I am not an ameba.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №152213
The most famous bank. I make a payment on the name of Sedova. The cashier is a pretty cute girl, young, in uniform, stretching the check. The recipient is Siddhartha. “Girl, I said, receiver SEDOV, from the word ‘grey’. I was angry, and I wrote that. I have to say that through “E”.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №152212
Where will you take me for May holidays?
Go to your mom!
And for the New Year?
I will come, I will take...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №152211
It was a long time ago, I met at the time with my future wife and as to behave in such cases I tried to make a good impression on her parents by entering with them in, often useless, and empty conversations.

One of which I remember, when I remember him, I always smile.

Her father, God give him health, spent 16 years at sea on Murmansk vessel bases and, accordingly, was in different countries about which he was not always willing to tell, every proposal had to be pulled out of it with "chips".

Have you been in America?

was was.

And in Canada?

He was also...

Was it in Africa?

In Cape Town.

How is there? In the Cape Town?

At that moment he looked closely at me, silenced a little and said, "And just like here, all black.

I haven’t talked to him any more about the sea.)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152210
told my brother. The words of my brother. I am actually my brother, X.

I came today to install a water filter in the kitchen. I met a young woman and showed her where to put it. I did my business, the housewife watched. Her phone ringed, she replied with a couple of phrases and asked:

Q: Do you want to discuss this now?

X: Wait a minute.

X: Young man, have you seen the Avengers?

I : No.

X: I have a master here, I haven’t watched Avengers, I don’t want to spoil. I’ll call back when he goes.

I thank you.

Not a blockbuster, but thank you. Brother is a big lover of this cinematic universe, even in the inets is not afraid to learn too much.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №152209
Today, a colleague told me about an interesting incident that happened to her last night. Following her words.

The evening. Food store on the letter P. There is one box office. The turn. I join the products with the waiting. Behind me stands a girl, and behind her three guys of some nationality. The guys get bored and they turn on music on the phone. Like music, rap with my mother. Behind these guys stood a healthy drunk man. Someone is calling the girl. She responding to the call loudly begins to tell that in the turn some guys are listening to rap with her mother. And then he adds that if they don’t turn off their music, a healthy man will definitely do them. The man was humorous. He pulled out the phone, called someone and said:

“Hello, Cole, are you in our area today? It is great! How many are you human? very well. Come right now to the store P, here the case appeared.

I also decided to participate, to be sure. I took the phone and called my husband.

Hello, go to the store! I am scared. There will be clashes here. Some guys listen to mother-in-law songs, cheat the matte and they are now being detained by the police.

A miracle happened. The guys turned off the music. I apologized and quickly left the store. That’s what I know about collective work :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna