— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №150762
My grandmother was a thin little girl in her youth. She was very afraid of heights. But one day I decided to ride on the wheel of observation, overcoming fear. I paid for the ticket. In the first round, she realized that she was dying of fear and reluctantly tried to get out when the cabin was down. But at the attraction worked a healthy aunt "seven for eight-eight for seven", who replied to the attempts of the girl to go out "for three rounds of time! " I pushed her back. This was repeated after the second round.

The time was Soviet, whether the aunt worried that there would be an attempt to return the money, or if she simply thought that once such an order, then there is nothing to violate it...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №150761
Love of the Fatherland in small doses is medicine, in large doses is poison.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150760
This story was told by a familiar doctor, I only tell as I can. Once it happened that we love in the country after a bath, under a cocktail, bikes to get in good company. This time we talked about miraculous salvations, I told you and my own, you can read here:
The doctor also did not remain in debt, he has such cases, of course, in order more, further from his words, but I am not a doctor, so I could misunderstand something and misunderstand, well, the tales from doctors usually with eternal medical cynicism, with their special attitude to life and death, which sometimes corrupts the ordinary person, so the rumor I smote it, in general - do not judge strictly.

After graduation, I began my medical activity in 1995 at the regional hospital of the city of Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan). So it turned out that for the entire hospital I was the only neurosurgeon, and by the feeling that in the whole city too, an ambulance with CT (cranial-brain injuries) brought everyone to us. There was more work than before Doha... well, to say gently, it was a lot. Sometimes there was a feeling that the world behind the walls of the hospital went crazy and there are fighting, and I am working in the hospital almost at the forefront. I was then given a room near the hospital, young, single, and was dragged at any time.
Another late winter evening, I went to the office and decided not to go home, drink tea and fall on the couch here, one hour at night will definitely be raised. So it coincided that there was a duty, and a few complicated operations, in general, on the legs at 35 hours exactly. The nurse offered to warm the couch in the nursing room, but not before you, the thoughts - to lie down and sleep, sleep, sleep...
When we woke up, looking at the clock with the arrows, for a long time I could not understand how much time has passed, if more than 12 hours, then what do you want to sleep, no, apparently only 20 minutes. My face is washed off, I go, and my eyes are closed, even if you put the light bulbs in, it is also snooping, it is shaking, the heating has been turned off? Well there is light. At that difficult time in Kazakhstan, wind turbines were practiced, sometimes in the residential sector, electricity was given only for a few hours a day, hospitals tried not to turn off, but it was also frequent. In short, I persuade myself, not only 20 minutes managed to sleep, but a whole 20 and going home, it could not work at all. Okay, coffee bread, the anesthesiologist will breathe oxygen and it will be normal.
So what is here with us? A boy in a police uniform, a younger sergeant aged 23-25, lies on a catwalk unconscious, got a steel bar or a pipe on his head. The mission broke the skull in the area of the junction of temporary and thymal bones.
- Okay, what to think here, go to the operating room, the opening will show.. - the last words I said almost in the corridor.
What is this opening?!!! – In the evening, a whole major of the militia jumped to me – a low and thick Kazakh.
We brought it to you alive, e-ha, we brought it! – grabbed me for the oral coat, sprinkling the saliva major.
"Calm down, he is alive, I will do trepanation, thyfu - the skull needs to be opened, here I said the opening - I flushed away from mint.
Are you someone? - almost instantly calming down, the major with suspicion looked around me and began to smell. Yes, it was immediately clear that my appearance caused deep doubts in him. Young, insolite, roasted, with red, tearful eyes, unbroken, in a faint and not very clean coat, in a hospital shirt on a barefoot, whom he still tastingly shakes in the cold, and also lost the front tooth of the third day by misunderstanding (slide and hit the edge of the shell, the lip has not yet healed and whispered noticeably), there was still a good smell of frostbite (although the nurse offered to brew alcohol), and so the spilled bombage.
- Okay, I went to prepare, time is expensive... - I rushed through the corridor.
“Yes, you don’t worry, this is our neurosurgeon, a good doctor... This is an elderly sanitary major whose suspicious, narrow-eyed look in the back I felt directly physically. This is another problem – do not give Hippocrates, the patient will die.

I made a cut, removed the fragments, well, even if there is luck, there is no bleeding inside, the brain will not fall. About luck rushed, another surgeon immediately went, said that in the neighboring operating room another miser is already being prepared for me. Fuck, when am I going to go out?
I let the nurse team interfere. This is such a two-component type of patch, when hardened, quite hard and elastic, having good adhesion to the skull bone. The edge of the hole was leveled, he drove longer than he had planned, the sister was already squeezing in his hands, grabbed on the machine, began to form a puddle. When I sample, it turned out that I did at least twice as much as necessary, to rework late, to catch the beginning. Okay, and so it will come down, well, there will be one cubicle more, on a not-so-perfect skull.
The skin is stretched - I seam, and the worm in the shower glutes, in the center is almost a centimeter thick. My professors-teachers for such a halter head with their hands would cut off, yes, even eggs...
The patient once after the operation observed, wrote the recommendations, the guy came to consciousness, well, of course, shook strong, but thanks to Hippocrates, they did not force all of their operated.

A few months have passed, and I have forgotten how many have passed through me.
Another challenge in the reception, gunshot injury of the head, again a police officer, a sergeant this time, the butt and half of the face is wrapped with bandages, like 20 crooks were wrapped, oh these ambulance officers... I ask another mint of the partner, what, and how. They fired meters from 4-5 from Makar (pistol Makarov, caliber 9 mm). In the touch? Almost in the top. There is no entrance, no exit. Hm..., it doesn’t seem to be a resident, there should be brains in the bush, I’m wondering – why did we go here, do we have nothing to do? Okay, I will come and see. I feel the pulse, it is necessary, still alive... Oh, he suddenly met up, standing up, Azamat-suku to him, you see, it is urgently necessary to wet. As in the anecdote from the series: the bullet asked for a whisk, came out of the second, but the brain did not hit...
- Lie down, lie down - both of us and our partner barely hold him.
"You have already soaked your Azamat, I personally soaked when he was shooting at you," a partner told him.
Winnie is silent? I want to see if I get up again.
You have a bullet in your head, I lied. I shouted the second mouth again. He finally calmed down, lying down... In full consciousness, the speech is a bit vague, it is understandable, but it doesn’t look like nonsense. Just thought so, he began to call us all into the carpentry, urgently he suddenly stumbled, something fell asleep. And you go nakui, and you doctor too go nakui... Yes, no rich people have moved in the Kazakh villages. Okay, prepare it, and I went too.

Only I looked at the broken turtle, sewing my own hand over the clot, so I immediately remembered it. How did I not admit it right away? The bullet entered almost exactly the center of my leech, and it stuck there. If she had fallen into the skull anywhere else, or if I had done the right thing then, they would have a cold corpse now, and so only a shock of the brain and a hole in the skin. So think, rework now, as it was, or as it should be?

As Maradona said after the quarter-finals with England at the 1986 World Cup: “If it was a hand, it was a hand of God.” So what goes? It was not my halta that was wronghanded, but this is the fishing of God.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150759
Do not believe. I accidentally encountered a guy who always offended me at school. He dug a garden, and suddenly something solid.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna