— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156525
The mass regime will never be cancelled, and vaccinations will become mandatory once every six months. It is not possible to deprive the surplus profits of businessmen who are approaching power: some make masks, others make a vaccine.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156524
Cole is a very big man. Growth - a meter ninety, weight - 160kg; somewhere 120, no less - "dry weight". "Fingers are like microphones," if anyone remembers Evdokimov and his Sergey Bugaenko. In his youth he went on landing. At the age of forty, his life brought him to the United States with his wife and children, where he opened a small construction company. My wife hardly worked. One day he found another man at home who was not at work. Strangely enough, he was not injured, but the family came to an end. Kolya went out with a small suitcase and a dog, scratched his thinning hair, and pretended that even with business, he would have to pull up the belt. Two-and-a-half salaries are not easy. However, the work prompted the idea: Colin's business consisted of repairing and rebuilding houses in a not very successful area of a not very successful city. And if you move away another quarter by five, then there was already a very unimportant area. Still, the big plus of this place was that the apartment there could be rented for just a penny. The appropriate, i.e. The house was found quickly, and the "euroremont" was carried out by the firm in a couple of weeks. Then our hero came in with a dog. Here you need to explain in the form of a retreat that Cole very much liked to shake and knock the dog on the side. Knowing his strength, he bought a dog from the calculation "to not kill" (his words). Thus e. Simply put, he had a huge rottweiler-cable that grew up to 60+kg weight. Having reasoned that in any area the main danger on the street would be those with foot, Kolya began to walk him along and across twice a day.

However, the reputation of the area was softened. One evening, "the lady with the dog" was surrounded by local non-adults, aged 15-16, in the amount of 5 pieces. Here, of course, the question arises, who exactly they did not notice: the collar or his beast on the lead. In any case, they made friends and began to surround him. The leader even picked up a scarf and showed it to Cole, arguing for the proposal to promote the evening. As often happens with very strong people, Kolya is a kind, responsive, and very calm person. The scissors he had just seen before, and even knew how to use, so this aspect of the meeting did not surprise him and did not very upset him. He looked at the boys, looked at the dog (the dog, hanging out his tongue, dropped saliva on the asphalt and questioningly looked at the owner). And here, as Cole explained later, he became very funny. He widely divided his open palms the size of a shark and in his English with the pronouncement of the classic Hollywood Russian bandit and the Ellochki-man-eating dictionary connected exactly two words: Boyz, wound! Guys, go on running! From the eyes of the boys the diaper dropped. They looked at the “client” and the dog in shock and... ran away, shining their heels! There were no more problems in the area.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №156523
Sberbank has officially warned all of its clients that it has no Security Service.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №156522
I drove once, a couple of years ago, in a trolleybus on May 9, quite late, probably on the last. There were five people in the cabin, everyone was driving peacefully and clinged to the phones. A slightly empty man of the 50s came in, sat on the back seat, a conductor approached him and asked to pay for the trip. Mudachok at first cuddled on the topic that "his father fought", the conductor quietly continued to say that his world was his father, but the trip must be paid. After that, the bastard pulled a little bit out of his pocket and just threw it on the floor. The driver cried quietly. She did not scream, did not argue, but stood, shutting her face with her hands. The trolleybus was driving. Suddenly one of the men stood up, approached the driver and asked to open the back door. The trolleybus stood up and the door opened. As the man walked to the rear seat, another silently stood up. And they both, without saying anything, took him for the belt and belt, and just threw the plasma on the asphalt. I hope that this wise man gave himself all he could at the moment of landing. After that, they also silently picked up the little stuff from the floor and gave it to the conductor. How lucky that we still have such men!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №156521
Last summer I worked a week in a remote location. A place isolated chose specifically, at the same time and to rest in silence, unload. Fortunately, of all the neighbors on the street, there was only one family on the right. I did not bother anyone throughout the week, in the afternoon I sat with a note on the veranda and quietly crafted myself on various projects, in the evenings dreamingly pulled a whisker on the balcony, enjoying the loneliness, the country silence, the shell of the forest and the birds. But the housewife of the neighboring country decided to arrange a Sabbat girl. Not just a sabotage! A bunch of ladies arrived, everyone was forced around by cars, chats, or, gogots, music grimmed so that in a house with closed windows, the head was pierced through. I went for a walk, I come back after midnight - the show is in the midst. Very polite asked to behave quieter, or at least to transfer the fun to the other half of their country, outside the house. The drunk hostess sent me amusingly, stating, "at my country with my girlfriends, I want to do that and I do not make a decree."

Ok to Ok.

I’m not going to argue with my wife, right?

I calmly went on to walk. Night walks have their charm. In the morning, at 6 o’clock, the goulens were drunk, squeezed, and fell to sleep right in the pavilion and on the lawn, they could not get to the house.

And I remembered that we should cut the lawn, we so agreed with the tenant.

He opened the sarai, got his beautiful Honda, filled it and let us bring the beauty.

Can you imagine what sounds a dog-size gasoline grinder makes at 6 a.m.?

Oh, how did they beg for the fence to stop. They asked, even cried, shouted, threatened, mocked, promised that their husbands would come to me now for a breakup, even tried to climb to me to fight, but drunken didn't work, the ladies were very upset.

And I cut. Until nine in the morning.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna