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News: The monument to Steve Jobs was demolished in Peter because Tim Cook is gay
The comments:
Why do you write the truth? In the statement of the company ZEFS (Western European Financial Union) black on white said "The monument is removed for restoration".
and AGA. In 2013 put, and a year later - on restoration....Another would write what to change the version of IOS!!! to
I saw with my husband a new store with stylish and inexpensive things, including for children.
I:- we found such a nice shop, now we will buy your clothes only there
Is it called 38?
111: What is your status?
I change my grandmother-engineer for a grandmother-cooker with a surcharge.
222: And without payment no one will agree. She is proud of me that she has a higher education, the kind of smartest. In fact, 30% is bad curiosity, 30% is dumb persistence and 30% is inventive.
Add 10% to Advertising
222: The remaining 10% is in g***
222: Imagine, I pulled off with a percentage, I think, say, I want to sleep more than to eat, I will sleep for three hours, I will shake my puppets and loaf again. I cut off the cell phone, pulled out the home from the router, sent a bunch of rays of hatred to the fierce child of the neighbors from above... You won’t believe, I wake up from the doorbell. At least 10 calls to the door! The day! The fire? The flood? The neighbor is giving birth? It eats! It was my grandmother who found a neighbor’s phone, brought her a mosquito and forced me to knock on the door to transmit that I called and told my grandmother how I worked at the universe!!! to
to this
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
I'm a bad romantic, one night I walked on the balconies to the lady in the window, broke the fork, broke the pots with flowers, awakened my dad.
had to marry.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Poor Dad...
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To confess to a friend that he is gay, answer "Yes, what’s the difference?!" is not the best option.
Dome is a great gift.
Especially if you work in a group. On March 8th, we will say:
Yesterday I got my perfume. I have a ring! I have a photoshop!
In the background there is such a low voice:
I am a housekeeper.
and silence...
BlackFox: Advertising by UAZ Patriot. I quote literally: "There are still those who doubt that it is not suitable for the city! We will dispel their doubts. I thought...
Russian imperialists are interesting people. They are like Russia with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, but without Uzbek and Kyrgyz.
My mother burned me up... she went to Moscow (we live 1000 km away) and took the keys from the garage. Calling today, I ask: Did you take the keys from the garage?
She: Yes, if I urgently need to bring in December!
I go from the shoe shop, (I was looking for cheap high-performance shoes for the autumn breakdown) the spouse deliberately gives:
What is the difference between shit and shit?
XXX is PPC. 21st century in the courtyard...I come home: a phone for charging, a clock for charging, an additional battery for charging, a headset for charging.
YYY: Good for you, but I still have a laptop, a tablet and a player.
In this respect, I am an aristocrat: I cannot drink one-off tea in bags or coffee three-in-one. I’m buying the most expensive tea and coffee in the grains,” she said, adding to her bread.
Doshirak is one of the most expensive pasta products in terms of money per kilogram.
Think about this when you decide to eat cheaper.
The question of child fears. In the fifth grade, my girlfriend and I read each other out loud, in turn, Aleksey Tolstoy. In the winter it dunked early. And my mother had the habit of knocking on the window to open the door in advance (we lived on the first floor). This is how to be - and the door must be opened, and the feet from fear to the floor have grown.
xxx: This is when he will be taught how to solve diffusions, it will be an occasion to start an iPhone.
Yyy: When the iPhone learns how to solve diffusion, it will need a good reason to get you.
here here :
About the Robot Dust:
The first time the aunt walked after him and turned on the light in his rooms - if there are other people on this planet, then the following information for them - the dust can remove an apartment in the dark!!! to
Boy, you won’t believe it. He has optical dust sensors on his mouth and they are not even infrared. Try to drive it into a dark room, and after a week into the same room with light. The cleaning time is reduced by 2.
This is how the Mantoux ordered.
The designer is right, and the one you are talking about can only eat the mantle.
Commentary on the video of the Bachelor's work:
The idea for the startup is an automatic condom wearer. The thermostat.
A gentleman is a man who will never refuse to help a woman, even knowing that they will not have sex.
Recently, he and his husband moved to Kiev, he was transferred to work. We moved with the whole family, my husband and my dog. The dog’s name is Deia.
Every morning and evening I walk my dog. One day, I let her go for a walk without a lead, well, and apparently, swallowed by unknown smells to me, Deika washed away somewhere. I go. I am looking.
At first calmly:
The act! the act!
Then I start to get nervous and... a picture with oil – imagine a aunt, her hair is dumb, her eyes are angry, who is wearing around the yard and wildly screams:
The act! The act! The act!
I remind you, the case is happening in Kiev, “Where am I?” In Ukrainian: Where am I?“”
Approaches to me the bumpy look of an uncle, suddenly embraces, glimpses on his head and says kindly:
The Aunt! Relax, you are in Kiev.
I don’t even know what this guy thought of me.
The dog, I found it.
“Son, look: I have 850 rubles, and my mother has 150 rubles. How much money does my mom have?
A thousand rubles.
It is true, son...