3P technology, the great secret of men
To eat, to drink, to cheat?
Who of us is dumb?
To praise, to feed, to encourage
Hah, but your option is not bad either.
I will support!
Dear copyright holders of racial series and other masterpieces of the art of cinema and music, block the distribution of your creativity on the network (internet), well please=(
— — —
Turn off the TV from the radio too.
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and. I am Regina.
I am 18 years old. Color of voice
and Carrie. The Ross Meteor 56.
I work in a maggot.
I look at our generation.
On February 16, Moscow will close Lenin's mausoleum for two months.
Stunned by the latest news, Lenin will try to recover.
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Somehow it was so:
The U.S. economy consists of derivatives and bubbles with bubbles. There are no factories, only co-workers of social startups with geolocation.
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However, in the states now there is a rise in local production of various scales. Take the grassroots initiative. Personally, I’m here in California, eating organic local foods, drinking local wine, enjoying local cosmetics (excellent quality!) and I buy clothes made in the US (natural materials, good sewing and models in line with time). The technique does not always work, but it also happens. However, if you exclude any surpluses such as iPhones and Japanese / German cars, you will still be able to live comfortably. Ride a Ford, run to the beach on Merlin (a titan-framed off-the-coaster), and watch a telecast of the Olivia brand. Thus e. If you decide to discuss the United States, to feel better about the state of affairs in Russia - a good attempt, but not. Better to put in order at home, and ask your servants of the people." Ah, yes, when you see the Caterpillar bulldozers, guess where they came from? About medical equipment, state-of-the-art medicines and other biological honey, I am generally silent.
Are you accusing girls that they want wealth, want to date a nice guy? Or maybe...
No one is arguing!You are right! Does the end justify the means? In order to success, they say, a variation of three qualities is important - 1. intelligence, 2. labor and 3. unprincipledness. Just in our dull time (and when was it not dull?) The overwhelming majority (NO ALL, I repeat - NO ALL) have climbed up into their elite cave, not even illegally (I am silent about the laws), but simply by immoral methods. And what will you say to your little son that he eats this black caviar with a golden spoon, because his father killed his friend's father Petty, stole his friend's father Stepa, and, if not to wipe out, threw out that firm where 40 different fathers worked? Let us then live by the rule of the Gypsies: "Don’t be a villain". I always wish everyone, both friends and enemies: "Let you be surrounded by as many people as you!"
The director of the company “Russian Space Systems” offered representatives of foreign countries photos of plantations with narcotic plants located on their territory.
Googl, where is the grass?
Quote from a familiar guide: "They flew well, the Minister of Education was lucky. I have no more questions about why we have this education"
>yyy: but it turns out that these turnarounds are something like monthly
You opened my eyes to PMS.
I work in WU. I asked the students to create a table of 40 lines with special content and send it to me. A student who couldn’t add rows to a table sent me 40 letters with 40 single-line tables.
by GMO:
Comrades struggling should remember how the society at one time met the vaccine against measles and what arguments to justify its harm. And how this whole matter eventually ended.
Very impressive, as I think.
Here is here:
UUU: Hey, I’ve always been interested – do they write the sound immediately or do they sound afterwards?
XXX is immediately. with a microphone. It appears to be recorded on the stick.
Here is FIG! More or less good porn is re-released. Because the actors can’t normally scream in the process. How do I know this? Well, so it went.
Letter to the Management Company:
I very much hope that your accounting has been hit by the bubble plague, because there is no other explanation for the fact that I can’t call her in 3 days. And the billing department of you, apparently, collectively smokes grass... because to count 3500 rubles (thank you, not the euro) for heating a single room of 29 square meters, in which 1 person is prescribed, and also to charge a penny for the fact that there are no debts, it is difficult for a person in common sense. Burn in hell together with your tariffs, hammered operators and rocks at the entrance! With love, a resident of 40 house on street. Leone
The cry of the soul, fucking))
And the clever U.S. spent years and billions of dollars creating a pen for space. And the stupid Ivan uses a pencil.
Very educational.
This story is nothing more than a fiction or a joke.
Paul Fisher fought over a non-flowing handle (the ball handles of the 50s and 60s were not very reliable) and used thick inks, and to make them flow, he conceived a strap under pressure (well and in detail). Eventually, a pencil came out writing anywhere. And he worked in Nevada, where the pilot with the katzmanafts was a doping. Here NASA bought it and specifically did not develop such a uberhren. Nasa pen, Fisher’s advertising.
American astronauts first also wrote with pencil, and then switched to flomasters, our ones had pencil but not graphite, but oil / wax, because the tree on board and current-conducing graphite does not contribute to normal work in the weightlessness and oxygen-saturated atmosphere of the nifig.
Thanks for attention.
I explain:
The RIA News:
According to the survey, 38% of respondents say that they are dissatisfied with the condition of their home. Pretentions are most often made to the cleaning of entrances (38%), the condition of stairs (37%), walls and ceilings (36%), sewage and sanitation (33%).
Why elementary algebra never works with social media? The enquiries?! to
Because you think that one respondent is one claim. But in this survey, one person may be dissatisfied with several things.
The motogans:
I just came across:
In Moscow, a 17-year-old man was hospitalized with serious injuries received as a result of a failed radio-technical experience, Interfax in the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. After charging it completely, he connected a digital aperometer, and at this moment the condenser exploded... When inspecting the scene of the incident, police discovered and seized fragments of the radio parts that had exploded, as well as a screwdriver with traces of current exposure and residues of the ampere.
The "known has received" a military ticket for health reasons. After the news he asks:
Who is the imbecile?
Timeline at the meeting today:
Have you read the book "Huyak-Pizdik: The Architecture of the Application"?
No is
I think this is your table book!
I love one theater and have been going to all of its premieres for ten years. The main irritant all this time were groups of schoolchildren in the hall - they were apparently dragged to the theater forcibly, so they always turned, joked, commented on what was happening in full voice, shurched with packs of chips and, in general, caused the desire to knock them on the head (I have no idea why acting students are taught to whisper so that the whole hall is heard, if the average six-grade student can do this without preparation!) is
Yesterday, my friend and I went to the next premiere of the same theater and around us, fortunately, there were no schoolchildren, but there was a crowd of youth of student age, who made selfies one by one and in groups and before the show loudly discussed what to make a status for Facebook, to show what they are "advanced and cultural" (citation). My girlfriend (thinking)
- But this is the first generation of schoolchildren, which we and you at the "Revizor" got, grew up!
K:By me, only stinking fish or turtles shine.)
N: There are no odorless fish? :D take a snake or an iguana
K: No, I also have a sad experience of communicating with snakes, the snake of one of the same groups was pumping on me when we were in the shelter.)
N: XD playa, round look, well how do you ?
K: She’s all swallowed, blinked right in my eyes, I’m even scared, and she turns out to be just thirsty.
N: ishahaha, stop
K: Yes, it wasn’t funny, I thought she would stick me in the nose or in the eye.