— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №67973
I have a boyfriend, he’s 30 and he’s afraid of marriage like a fire. With all this, he can not be alone for a long time (not that without sex, but just one in the apartment), so he brings to himself new girls on PMJ (and, infection, all such quiet and economic takes, no matter how the other man would head in vain, once in the ZAGS is not going). It will live for six months, then say goodbye. In a month, a new lead. Yesterday I greeted his passion. in response:
And now, Olga is retired.
I: What is it?
Q: I go home, and she laughs, and says, look into the kitchen closet. Well, I went in, and there, on top of the closet, a scotch-plated paper was glued. I read, and the heresy is, fuck, a whole instruction, how to live with me.What I love, what I don't like, what I can't say, my habits!Even it is written where I throw my socks. I have an emergency phone.
It is a useful thing.)
Fuck it, it is useful! On top of the laminate is written another handwriting:"Nothing will help anyway!And my mom’s old phone is fixed on the new one.
What does Olga have to do with it?
Q: Yes, you understand, this "monument for the care of Kostika", judging by the old number, is a lot of years. That is, each found it when cleaning, took note, and left it in place, even recorded its own. And Olya found, and told me, also a hiccala. He burned everyone who was before her. No female solidarity, how can we trust it?
I: What did I do with the paper?
Q: I wrote what beer I love, and left it in the same place

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №67972
Znayko: insert the missed word:... there is - the mind does not need (4 letters).
Despot76 by Google

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №67971
A friend told me that one day they were having a party at the admin’s house. So he before the drunk, conducting an instruction, asked: "Mom said do what you want, only do not bake in pots with flowers."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №67970
How are you there? How to do? What is new? I need to go to you one day.
Oh Ol, how are we? Vitaly is happy, and I am in a little shock.
Did you make a doll?? to
God let it go, no! On those weekends, they went fishing with Pasha and Sanay, they drank there, they started playing cards. And my miracle-husband somehow unexplainedly exchanged our apartment for Sanina! he has that trouble, my tell him like you in trouble alone to do, you do not get married anyway, and it is time for us and children to have, it is necessary that there is a lot of space. here is now moving))) while we all live together, and we do the repair in that apartment in the hall)) short, Olya, we live fun)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №67969
She wanted to get married so much that when she took the pen on the wrong side, she still signed it.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №67968
<frostfall> someday I will become a geneticist and raise mosquitoes that will suck fat.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №67967
This is strange:

>To all who cry out about the Post of Russia is dedicated:

All the salt of the long delivery of mail mail by the Russian Post is that the data of the shipment for a long time is in the sorting centers, waiting when the sufficient number of letters and packages will be collected to be sent by container. Who needs faster delivery (namely courier), then please to your services - EMS, DHL, TNT, >Antanta, etc. and so forth, but the price is equal. Cheap and fast you will never >do.

Why then my emails in the U.S. or Canada go a maximum of 2 days and cost less than half a dollar? But when I send the same letters to or from Russia, then from 2-3 weeks of delivery they are just in the sorting centers of Russia? Probably the containers in Russia are very large :)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №67966
The U.S. has the worst education system I know. The knowledge of our graduates is lower than in third world countries. How has the scientific elite of the United States yet to collapse? We produce a generation of idiots – watch our TV and reality shows. And I’ll tell you: Amrik has a secret weapon called a H-1B foreign scientist visa. Forget about Google, forget about Silicon Valley – all this was not done by Americans, but by immigrants. The U.S. sucks the brains better from all over the world – India, China, Russia. And we are only producing idiots".

American physicist Mitio Kaku

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №67965
Say the three words that make my heart beat more often.
I’ll bring the eggs!
Yippidy yi yi yi yippity yay!The Happy Wizg

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №67964
Mom, I’ll tell you a joke! My dad forced me to take a package of condoms with me on the trip. We started to battle, we blasted alone, we were burned by Yurić, everyone was so rotting, so rotting.
Sasha, why such a long journey?
“Yes, you know, my grandmother unpacked my suitcase, and here is the package unpacked...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №67963
Today, the 4-year-old son for a long time stumbled on the talismans of the London Olympics, after which he said
Dad, it has to be killed.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №67962
No, I understand everything, the cat is the master in the house, but when this wool pidaras goes to bed with my ass in my plate of undernourished mango and so falls asleep - it's somehow too much =/

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №67961
The distribution of "likes" has added another meaning to the word "sweet"...

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67960
I watch news, TV channel Russia, on the screen a journalist speaks to a doctor of a local hospital:
You don’t even have a knife!!! to
And we don’t need them...
What if someone broke his leg?! to
Oh, spit down...
The Russian Medicine.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67959
In front of me in the subway:
- Undetermined gender lochmatoe Pierro in a combination with rounds and in the beaches of Vietnam;
- a couple of slightly dirty gastarbayters;
- bald stroke for 40, nervously beating fingers on the tablet,
- a two-meter catch, well just a Macho Macho;
- and fragile babulence in curls, with redhead and in a hat.

I wonder how from this rag statistics manages to create an average moscovite?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №67958
My mom said that the cinema on color would sit, so my brother and I played black and white.
Yyy: I have a father and a brother sitting, and there is no cinema.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №67957
The donkey asks the lion:
Why are you the king of the beasts and not I?
Well, I have a grey!
“I also have a gray,” says the donkey.
I have a tail at the end of my tail.
Oh, and I have a fist!
And so a few arguments the donkey parishes.
Leo thought and said:
I can last longer in sex!
The Earl:
Not a fa-a-act!
Do we check?
Let us check!
The Lion:
Chur, I am the first! Take the time!
Going on a donkey and... 21 minutes. It is all, finished.
Then the donkey, and... It took!
The lion looks at the clock with anxiety: 15 minutes have passed, and the donkey does not think of exhaling. Then everything happens very quickly.
The lion in cellular numbers the lion:
What do you do to make me finish faster?
“Wow, Leo... I’m moving.
The lion begins to actively spin his ass - the donkey, at least henna, continues to sneeze.
The lion begging in the bell:
What about O-O?! to
I touch you slightly with the eggs.
The lion, continuing to feverishly whip his back, with all his ability to grab the donkey with his nails for the eggs, and the donkey in the 20th minute violently finishes, falling in exhaustion.
The Lion is proud:
Do you recognize that I am the king of the beasts?! to
He breathed, closing his eyes:
- Lion, you are not the king... you are BO-O-O-OH! 

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67956
I send a friend a link to a photo of a girl in a Gadget costume from Chip'i'Dale.
xxx: Do you want to go?
YYY: Well I could, yes
What is Subway?
XXX is nothing. Test of professional suitability.
and how? has passed?
xxx: Boy, you wanted to get the mice out of a child cartoon...
XXX is finally over!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №67955
comments on Kilimaplis))

I fully support you!!If a child kills animals, then he will get to humans in the future! and cats I adore, for them I can splash any stomach!! to

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №67954
Before the operation they were given to wear special socks so that no thrombosis formed. Dressed and I went to the operating room.
Just think – I’m in socks and two nurses... but last time it cost me half my salary!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna