— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133103
A:... removed the laser target from the shotgun to play with the cat. by Mimi, bl...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №133102
XXX: You will not spoil meat.
The vegans may disagree with you.
xxx: vegans can suck my member
Yyy: vegans can’t, it’s from meat
Fuck, these fuckers are comfortable.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133101
One day I go and side-sightedly cling to a new sign. "Nearly a bank" After a couple of meters I realize the non-conformity.... It was due - "Post Bank". Right at the root...

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №133100
As I remember: the first course, the first day of study, we fill out some questionnaires. One of them is this question:
How did you know about our school?
Options of answers:
by parents
From friends, known
from Internet
My Option
One of my colleagues directly wrote:
My dad came to the doorstep and said, “Go, make a claim.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133099
I watch a movie about zombies, and behind the door, stuck in a chair, a drunk father. A feeling of full immersion.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133098
News on the city portal about smoke of the tram during traffic
The Weapons?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №133097
Vadim_Va: Description on the website of the film Ninja Turtles-2 "...A well-known four pioneers in bone armor jerseys continues to keep public order in New York. Meanwhile, the city’s main criminal authority, Schrödinger, escapes from custody. Together with his gang, Black Foot, he begins to create all sorts of unnecessary things: he tossed ants, watered flowers in the park with Chinese super glue, sang the hymn of the Soviet Union in Japanese and organized the invasion of an alien brain-gele, which is about to beautifully bomb mankind with the northern light. The Turtles and their fighting friend April O'Neill once again have to save all people of good will, getting the unexpected help of the "Friday the 13th" fan - the avenger in the hockey mask Casey Jones...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №133096
I remember sitting so pregnant, and here comes the information from the mother-in-law that in May to give birth is bad...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133095
Milonov accidentally admitted that he was a pirates of all Russia. While watching Peppa Pig (God what he is watching!) YouTube showed him an advertisement for a remedy for impotence, which he rushed to report on his page. Probably, he does not get up on his wife, here she without his knowledge and was looking for some Viagra.

The fucking. Google should still not display purely adult advertising on children’s content. But Milosevic is still pidding.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133094
>> literary translation of the original expression in the Ukrainian language?
Asked by? We answer!

This attractive, charming, enchanting, magical, enchanting, appalling, belonging, enchanting, rich, beautiful, amazing, extraordinary, wonderful, fascinating, lush, flowery, glowing, strange Ukrainian language.

And no surgeons! and :)

P.S Damn, cat and shredder!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №133093
I work in a office with two women over fifty. I rarely listen to their conversations, but I was lucky to hear something interesting.
"But the granddaughter of Peter Alekseevich is so good, even to England hop-stop arrived.
Quietly, I imagined this picture: Hey, young man, will you not have a car to drive to England?
%) by %

[ + 26 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133092
"The rider is chasing him"

Let me understand you already!! What they do is chase. They do what they want to do. Just before primitivism. Test word "does/does" If there is a soft sign in the test word - put, if not - do not put. Sorry, enough is enough.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №133091
So it turned out that in our friendly company very common name Zhenya. One thing is simple, she’s a girl. He is also a Zhenya programmer. The other two are translators. They are called "Girl-English" and "Girl-French".

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133090
Post about making onion rings for beer. In the cooking process, a blender is needed.

XXX: Thank you very much! I don't know what a blender is, but I think I'll figure it out.

YYY: You take the car, remove the wheel, unload, put the disk from the wheel back, tilt the car 90 degrees, pour the sauce into a large container, drop the disk from the wheel into the container, turn on the fifth gear and beat the sauce. Do not thank!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133089
But Milosevic is still pidding.
– is
Is that what gay people have done so badly to you that you insult them so much?! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133088
pull the perfocart and tape drum boards - also start making a soft that weighs little.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133087
From the recall of the damaged stand for the drill:

Amazing product - there are almost no flat surfaces. Table is broken. Ticks with the outcome from below - swing on the table. Lift in the guiding on 2 mm. When dropping the movement with the riding, side runs, that is, the threat of the breakdown of the instrument. Unfortunately, when buying it is difficult to assess without experience - you need to collect. I gathered and officed.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133086
Article on the KA-50 (The Black Shark). The stones:

A good helicopter.
YYY: And the spots are interesting.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №133085
Remember, I wrote about a teacher who told me that truffles are candy, not mushrooms?
She has a daughter who teaches geography to my son.
The son came from school and said that...evna told me today in the class that Greenland, it turns out, is a continent!!! to
Who will be the next one in the family...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133084
I have not been my own lately. Maybe someone bought me?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna