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xxx: I started charging and stopped charging the laptop, what about it?
YYY: xxx, she started choking and stopped charging the laptop, obviously.
zzz: Mmm... probably she started kicking and stopped charging the laptop?
But I am not sure. Maybe someone else will speak?
xxx: who can say answer plz
XXX: What about her?
aaa: xxx, IMHO, she started pitting and stopped charging the laptop.
BBB is mm. Do you also think that she started kicking and stopped charging the laptop?
We are a lot of such. Probably it is really that. But someone else needs to confirm.
ccc: bbb, I think it’s really possible that she started choking and stopped charging the laptop. But not to say exactly, too many nuances.
From the Hicks, to the news about the "unbreakable" car Tesla S.
“NCAP/NHTSA experts were unable to conduct a crash test of a Tesla electric car because it was actively evading obstacles. In addition, the Tesla S took control of the entire crash lab to stop these years of bullying.”
With Dairy:
My daughter is scary, she loves cocoa. Well, he sits down and eats it with a spoonful of a pack. I say, I’m crazy, have you gone? Fake cocoa is not eaten.
- Om-nom, and I tried the fork - uncomfortable, om-nom...
On behalf of the Russian stability, I would like to greet 1998!
A friend who surprised the silent installer of watercounters:
I got a call from the company from where the engineer came from. And asked to leave a response on the flame. He said he had 10 children. Now I understand why he was always silent. Rest at work.
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From Zems
Can you ask why they are pimples?
I can. Ask me. (In general, I can ask in the journal immediately without asking if I can ask.)
You don’t know anything about “earned”
xxx: recently went to buy a candle for the cake name
I found what I wanted, I bought it.
XXX: I take home all the joy, I praise my mother
XXX: Why is it 3?
XXX: And here it comes to me.
xxx: two years old
XXX: It would be nothing... but this is my son (((
Fossi: When I was going through the medical commission in the military, the psychiatrist asked me:
How is the moon different from the sun?
I answered that the moon is the satellite of the earth and the sun is a star. What the psychologist said:
What are you, fool? The sun shines during the day and the moon at night.
News on the tape : Anaconda will eat the scientist in the live broadcast of the TV channel Discovery
The researcher will not suffer due to a special costume
The comments:
XXX: Will it be removed?
YYY: And it will be shown on the First Channel.
From a short quote:
Rising from the knees, Russia dropped the ruble.
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And to lean behind him, glittering with his naked ass in the rainbow crowd of euphopes, is terrible... so we live.
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Man, what are you glowing about?
WOW: Yesterday I bought myself a plush unicorn, so my stated that according to Freud it is a symbol of a man with a spinning penis, and the type I am a nymphoman. I got angry and said that in his dancers, members on the goats actually crawl and he is a 100% gay by this Freud. He is psychic.
HH: How did it end?
WOW: The third night proves to me that he is natural.)))))
From the series "All you wanted to know about cognitive dissonance but were afraid to ask":
The head of the information center of the dreadful “Right Sector” Borislav Bereza is a Russian-speaking Jew.
I have everything.
In the course of German literature, we describe the picture.
I: So what is there with the prospects?
Single group, dark: no prospects. It is a humanitarian course.
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We apply the old good way of obtaining initial capital - we throw metal and build materials, we get it all at a similar price.
— — —
To rush and sell... You can’t continue, you described the essence of Russian business in one phrase.)))
I: Let’s go to sleep.
Man: Turn off the light.
Turn off yourself.
Oh, you offer to sleep, and you don’t want to do anything for it.
No matter what, I am lying for it.
Electrical safety rules are written in coal.
[ +
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Yes, only in our villages the people are good and good and will be happy to smell on you, bless you, and kiss your hands on holidays... what, isn’t it? We had farmers here, trying to start a farm, and a sausage shop, and to strut the furniture, and to grow mushrooms... A month or two - good peasants and the farm, and the workshop will be burned... And that it would be unnecessary to get rich! Genetically rejected desire to work and build from where to come? If the grandfather remembered how the clever masters were scolded and told the grandchildren...so being a clever master is bad! And by the way, nowhere so brightly captured the image of Russian rural life as in fairy tales. Ivan the fool, who achieved complete happiness, lying on the oven - is it not the ideal and dream of generations?
[ +
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XXX: Oh, there is a rainbow
xxx: I sell car discs, set
XXX: Some people are calling.
Do you sell two out of four?? to
XXX: I will answer you.
Buy 4 and then sell 2.
How do I sell two?
I’m going to sell two! ?
You personally have everything so bad in the ghetto, you only suffer for the idea and think that everyone who is not so ideal is just waiting for the opportunity to crack for the forbidden figs?
" Fifty and six of the flies. Can I condemn a flies for doing it? When in my head, I am angry. As well as the pirates. When in silent solitude they do what their souls are to do, who will object? But they organize façade rallies and tie themselves to the lanterns on the shore, dude in dudes, beat in drums and scream so that everyone knows about their temper – somewhat scratching in the point and scratching in the ass. Indeed, they are worse than flies, for flies only occasionally sin on my head, but pidaras try from day to day to gather in the very center of it. The flies are misunderstood, but the pirates are cold-blooded and conscious. And by that I realize that they do not want to watch each other, but all, and forcibly, and mutual sodomy for them is only a pretext and reason.
She: I've been able to change the topic of the conversation 5 times, and you didn't answer anything!! to