— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25648

I join. Mr. Perm,.. we are gathering with a bunch of friends, the recognition sign serves...... we hold the cell in our hands.

Perm goppers are creative, haha :)

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №25647
Why 4 hours of cat vigor often fall on my 8 hours of sleep? : / /

[ + 90 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25646
X: Blyyn, I didn’t sleep at all... I slept late yesterday
A really late bedtime is when in the morning the socket rings, you take the telephone, read the alarm, press the answer button, scream in the telephone: -
ALLO!", and you yourself convulsively try to remember: who is the Wake-up and how do you know him?

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25645
Shortness is the sister of talent, but not in the case of logs!
The Windows Server has now broken down.
There is only a message in the log:
"The previous completion of the work was unexpected"

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №25644
The eyes are frightened and the hands...
And the hands throw out all the naked so that the eyes are not afraid ><!

[ + 51 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25643
Once everybody can...

Plus those who want no more goats to post here like this shit.

[ + 80 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25642
to this:

The Japanese invented a device that processes documents into toilet paper right in the office.

here the main thing before filling this "shredder" do not forget to pull the scraps out

[ + 75 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25641
I am a native of Ukraine, with American and Israeli citizenship. And to me, in the United States, Spanish is taught by a woman from South Africa whose mother tongue is French.
The Globalization and the Jump.

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25640
In the Republic of Mari El, we decided to introduce a new measure of punishment: instead of imprisonment, the convicted is placed under house arrest. The first person to be convicted of this punishment was convicted of beating his wife:)))))

[ + 88 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25639
and XPLoiD:
The situation is like this, from MTS came a letter, to which the auto-respondent on my Yandex-mail shelet "thank you, your letter has reached me", to which from MTS comes a letter: "This address is not intended for receiving emails.
This message is automatically formed, and you do not need to respond to it." and my email again answers "thank you, your email has arrived" and so on.
In general, the box contains 108 300 letters from MTS and their number is increasing. This was a long dialogue. I think by 2012 the box will come fucking. Or the Yandex.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №25638
Only in Russia you can see that people in the guests stretch their pants - to fit more.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №25637
With the years wisdom comes, but stupidity does not go away.

[ + 28 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25636
This story, recorded from the words of the immediate participant, took place in the year and thus ninety-first. Maybe not in the first, not the point. And the point is that a group of third-students of the biology and ground faculty then left LGU to Belgorod, to practice. Why I am not lying there. Per they have soils there that are amazing and different from the unchanging St. Peter's swamp. Or the leader of the group was a noble excavator and collector of all kinds of German automatic boilers there, which are rich in Belgorod land, which absorbed more than one SS division. And in addition to souvenirs, the earth will give birth in immeasurable amounts of sugar beetle, from which local grandmothers cook an elixir in which, according to rumors, a spoon is standing, and standing for a minute and completely dissolves into the component atoms. Not to mention the influence of such an elixir on human consciousness.

The group was the most ordinary – there were in it both botanists (both in the literal and in the translated sense), and lodyris, and there was even one Negro. In addition to the coffeey color of the skin, brightly expressed lips and hair, this Negro had a fantasticly chic name: Gabriel Rabinovich. His name was Gaby, in honour of the heroine Svetlicna with whom Stirlic danced, but no more.
History silences how Father Gaby, a ship doctor of the Baltic Sea Steam, managed to bring from Cuba a tropical beauty-woman, and how many shells had to write down on the captain of the ship, the private person, and all kinds of customs officials, but it all ended successfully, thanks to Daddy's breakthrough power, which, however, unlike the eagle's nose and nightmarish sight, our hero did not inherit.

When on the first day the group became a camp on the edge of a small hill, the first thing, of course, arose the problem of replenishing the reserves of fuel, which ended in the train before reaching Kursk. They decided not to wait for the evening to send a capture group to the nearby village. The commander of the group was appointed a well-known trainer Vítka Petrov, who, for the sake of the trick, took Gaby with him, to surprise the local population. In Gaby, even in the metro of St. Petersburg, other politically uneducated grandmothers pointed with their fingers, and here and more so. The village was small, one main street and one secondary. Right in the corner, under a red cloth guaranteeing
In May, there was labour in the world. It was, of course, closed, but on the doorstep, apparently because of the tradition, a local cognizant of the green snake smoked. He appreciated it, apparently, from early preschool age and up to this moment, and therefore was a valuable language.
Envying Vítka with Gabi Alkas for some reason was not surprised, and showed unexpected insight, giving testimony without waiting for the interrogation. For you, guys, it is visible to the grandmother Clave, right by the column and the third house on the left.

The house was found without any problems, and Vitka, a disgustingly shy man, sent the shy Gaby to knock on the door, and he placed himself on the side, but so to see the reaction of the grandmother of Clava to the Negro presented before her. Per from fear the self will fly cheaper, or maybe the entire device will give. But the door did not open, but a window opened, and a head of about the size of this window emerged from the window, shaved naked, and the colors of purple-black.
After evaluating the situation, the head unexpectedly proposed - well, come in, earners...

That evening, a cover group came out on the tracks of the missing capture group.
After a short search, the group approached the house, at the doorstep of which Vitka lay with a glass in his hand, lovingly looking at the starry sky with glass eyes, in the position of a man ready to embrace the entire universe. In the doorway, in a coward and a maid, stood a younger researcher.
Petro Omagumbi, who was a guest in the village and quietly sang "Ihav kozak za Dunaj." And adhering to the puppy of stability behind the curtain, the student of the third course of the glorious biology and ground faculty of the Leningrad State University Gabriel Mikhailovich Rabinovich urinated from the door.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №25635
Everything is fine in Iowa. It is sorry! What a rhythm could be...

[ + 59 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25634
It’s all right now, Dr. Mommy and the other sweet delicious coughs from cough, and who remembers BRONCHOLITIN fucking!!! to

[ + 108 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25633
And finally:
here here :
to this:

We have already mastered the weather. Now let’s do the business. Plus, we are raising our salary! They went.

by GaD.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

and a scholarship)
and Goopie.

Is it possible to increase the chest? I very much want...
Write more about the member!! by Patterson!! to

[ + 67 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25632
And why does it seem to me that the fight against UG in the Abyss is what kind of fight against corruption or alcoholism in Russia...

[ + 60 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25631
I removed 346 friends, left only him, opened friends... put status"succa, offer to meet!I can’t wait" xDD suggested )))))))))))))))))

[ + 74 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25630
How is it??? How can I explain to a girl that my passivity to throw socks around the room is inherited in me on a genetic level? It is like going out of her soul with a hat on her head!! to
Z. s How do they tie it? As long as I try, it doesn’t work out.

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №25629
and re_soon_key
I tried Cannes before.
I was such a freak in college, you were.
blue eye pencil, brown mask and lightened hair

She is :
Oh, you were cool.
And then what?

re_soon_key – 314
I bought a mirror.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna