yesterday the acting was seen, the parking lot is a penny, the back on the glass is written Porsche Copenhagen))))
Nick_yar: We got frozen, even unusual :D
Vario: and we were cold and something like snow was shedding a bit.
Nick_yar: The cold is yes, unusual :-)
Nick_yar: especially in winter :D
Vario: Yes, you will understand that. As if somewhere on top wrote a new version of "Winter 2009-2010" and will not deal with mistakes. Then the snow does not work, then the temperature goes wrong, then the mushrooms start to grow. The developers are confused, the customers are upset :)
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The Stone:
Today, the fifth girl called me an understanding, kind, smart and beautiful guy, and said that my future girlfriend would be lucky. And, shit, none of the downs offered themselves to this honorary post!
Translation: "You are a very cute man, and I would like to be peddled by some alpha man"
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Victor and Chuvayak!! I had an anal yesterday for the first time!! to
Who beat you? – Who beat you? and ;)
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I am 17 years old. I myself and friends sometimes play hiding, catching up, up the feet from the ground is too. It is fun! And it’s better than smoking or sitting at home all day and getting caught up in any kind of mess or!
And yet, looking at you, everyone thinks: "Look, they have swollen/smoked and are doing shit..."
I got a mouse ?
The computer? →? to
I do not want to do it. ? Handmade.
Basil: Wireless means... )))
I talked to my 13-year-old daughter about livestock and egg-leggers. A few days later, my Polina profoundly stated that it is a pity that we are not egg-leggers. To my question about the reason for this statement, the answer was given:
"Now, if they don't want a child, you have to have an abortion, and so would have made an egg and all!
This is the regulation of population growth. and c)
<AvadoN> nervous you are a poor man who is beating with you
<naška> no one wants me!
<AvadoN> well from the insignia on your grave will write no man or injured
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to this:
Do you have any funny notes in your old school diaries?
I have: "Door with window"
Questions to the Governor
The question
This morning I discovered that I had a cracked ring "Save and Save". What does it mean?
Dear Christina, most likely this means that your ring has been subjected to some kind of load that turned out to be excessive for him, or was done with a factory marriage, which, unfortunately, also happens.
After the drinking:
- Hear, somehow to melt a nun... there are full of menta and goops... can you run?
I can fly... fast.
[ +
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The Fall of a Man:
I came here completely by chance, and amused reading quotes in "accidental".
Then I understood a little about how everything is arranged here, and in half a night I read the whole Main (during this time it grew from 200 to 400 pages, but I still read it to the end).
Then I got bored and started looking for the best. No, I did not read everything, but the 600 pages are definitely there... Having understood that the state of the best reflects the current state of affairs in the country and the minds of the population, I abandoned all the other information resources and stopped reading earlier quotes in the Better. But the current state of mind changed more slowly than I read, so I slipped into the Abyss.
Who lived here for a long time. Is there a place to fall below? and :-)
xxx: Hey, you know that the witnesses are usually cleaned up)
yyy: I know and I will do it all fine!)))
XXX: And what then?
yyy: I will shoot from the bow a silver arrow with a poisoned tip and cut feathers))
I don’t even know, pleasant to me, that everything is so elegant, or sad, that I even want to be killed from a distance)
yyyy : ))
It’s just because I’m a shooter.
That is to say, considering that I am a cancer, everything should look sad at all.
[ +
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Do you remember how savage tigers were fashionable to domesticate? They all had the nickname ‘Schröder’ and they always wept right at the entrance to the cave.
Remember how the boys from the neighboring cave played the mammoth tigers? No one has ever wanted to play for mammoths, and always picked the mammoths the furest.
And remember how at one time all the youth was informal - they wore fur inside, not outside, like everyone else. Some even wore the skin of the wilds so.
And remember how you painted on the wall of the cave that you are like a cool hunter and water a mammoth alone? And then all those passing by drizzled themselves on your masterpiece.
The genetic memory of Hule???)
Family life is when you try to drink a girl not for it.
to drag her to bed and to play at the computer.)))
by Chistokrovka:
Fuck, three more weeks.
by Agent Diego:
It is crazy!! Just three weeks 0_o!!!!! to
by Agent Diego:
You can see who is the student and who is the student.
[ +
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Czechoslovak: Czech is a funny language =) We roasted. The labyrinth is the prostitute, the airport is the airport, the catamaran has killed me! The shuffle!
Q: How do they call the public house? and ;)
In Vladivostok yesterday snow fell, to the ass... Namely, to the ass.
From the Mental Forum:
Illusion is Hello. I came to the forum by chance. I met a young man who worked in such bodies. I would like to ask you, men...He is constantly missing at work and day and night...So will it always be???And the opera carries weapons???Can he be killed on the task? And, in general, this is a serious job?I am very interested in listening. thank you.
And then Anja?! to
A friend worked in a polygraphy, says:
We bought, therefore, a printer for the printing of photo collages (on canvas) computers in the office one, and it has already connected three printers, respectively, this is the fourth...
The facts:
The employees use the printer for personal purposes.
Printers are easy to confuse.)
The metro map on the canvas looks spectacular.