— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №39936
Fuck, the first digits of my number are the same as the city code (####)! Not only that some inhabitants of our city type the code of our city before the main telephone number (!So these fools don’t pick up before code 8. so everyone who calls the number the first digits of which (right after the code) come down with the last of mine, fall to me for execution (something like "But, MORG", "Help for fools, I listen to You") But there are fools who try to engage a conversation:
I:(standard) "but, MORG"
Cretin:"A Dime, can you"
I:"We don’t have one, but there’s one on the 2nd shelf"
Cretin:"Can I get it on the phone?"
I:"He is unlikely to be able to talk now"
Cretin:"What about it?"
I:"I don’t know, I haven’t opened it yet"
Question: "Who is who?and "
I am:"Dmitry Gennadyevich!"
Cretin:"Fu...bla... not that!!and "
Kretin:"I need Dmitry Vasilyevich"
I (nearly crashed out of the chair)"We have no such yet"
Cretin:"If it is appropriate, let me know that he promised to bring me the flash";
I:"Good" (I cry)
You need to call the other 99 subscribers, whose first phone numbers coincide with the city code, and find out how they mock such fools. Maybe we can organize a club ?

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №39935
0 - 06.12.2010 - 14:35 Here the situation happened. The customer complained to the manager - the one, first, sold them the machine with a 85% price rate, and secondly scratched the buyer a slight discount, for allegedly a 30% discount. The boss runs around and speaks with a bad voice, as he can’t decide what to do with the manager: whether to shoot and dismiss, whether to give a prize and raise...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №39934
schmetterling (23:56:13 6/12/2010)
you only think of sex when I want it --> I always want it --> you always think of sex --> you only want sex from me!!!!!!!!!!!!I knew it!!! to

The evil is invincible (

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №39933
<BP> This morning I decided to throw a coin, if an eagle - I will go in pairs, if a rope - I will sleep. After the third throw, the rope fell out and I lay down with a clear conscience.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №39932
Weather conditions: snow, flour, PPC full.
In the morning we go to the yard. On the road in one direction can only pass one car. We drive carefully 8-10 cars (male drivers in all). There is a girl in Kalina. The head in the head. She sparked a horn: "I will not miss everyone, do what you want".
Well, we didn't think long, pulled her car with the crowd on the side against her will and went on.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №39931
Parent meetings (1 and 2 parents)
1: So tell me - why do children schedule so "hop"? In the first class, then in the third. The lessons are not evenly distributed.
Your kids are smoking at school.
1: o_o"
How not to smoke, with such problems!? to

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №39930
I just get out of the subway, by the flying walk of bombs,... his phrase: you will not happen to be on a cup of cappuccino??? Peter’s bombs are dead!!!! to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №39929
The xxx:
How to distinguish Kira Knightley from Natalie Portman?

Ask her what colour Johnny Depp’s coward is, the one who was confused is Knightley.

[ + 65 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39928
Users of the GLONASS system have recently been available updated maps of the underwater world.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №39927
The client burned at the meeting:
Despite all the high-tech, innovation and capitalization level of our business, the trunk and your mother are still relevant.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №39926
by Dmitry:
I listen to you
and Stanislav:
Yes, I do, to testify to my respect, to ask for my health
by Dmitry:
With your little daddy.
and Stanislav:
God give me this.
by Dmitry:
Good luck, let’s continue our conversation.
and Stanislav:
to print the wine in the fall, to swallow the vodka to tempt us with you.
by Dmitry:
Soon I’ll be back, half a year left.
and Stanislav:
But even in front of the devil's boxes, alcoholic speeches, the sick brain can be delighted, and you can listen.
by Dmitry:
I will come to the capital city and send you a message.
and Stanislav:
by Dmitry:
Do not wait for it to be hard.
and Stanislav:
In all the will of God

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №39925
I may have seen it, but I haven’t seen it anywhere:

0_o7 - a confusingly chewing tail smiley.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №39924
I love you!
The young man.
And you?
I am a good guy too.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №39923
Suicide – Shampoo
I am afraid to meet girls in the early autumn. There is a risk of falling in love, and then, when it’s cold, to find out that she’s wearing uggy.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №39922
My friend came from Egypt.
xxx: Today, after discussing sharks, I read my journal and see this phrase:"if you want to decorate your room with your own hands...", you immediately wanted to write " with your legs and other body parts, turn to Egypt, there you will be helped".
Yyy: and I see your humor also burned)) like chocolate - so black)

[ + 79 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39921
Announcement on the Kyrgyz forum, in the topic of job search:"The drug control department for a permanent job requires a DJ".

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №39920
of Abkhazia. Jigite takes us on a jeep walk, stupidly breaking the rules. Destroy the local houses.
Jigget: Listen brother, I’m in a hurry, right?
If you’re in a hurry, drive.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №39919
YYY: I don’t give me peace of question))) What did you call at 12 at night?)) OZ is interesting

XXX You Can't Believe It

My husband had an ultraviolet light.

yyy: a great choice))

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №39918
A man smoking topless in the frost.

My father smokes on the balcony (in the apartment to smoke bull, the balcony is not glazed) in some trousers, but smokes quickly and when back the spoon on the couch the cowards crumble))))

[ + 81 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39917
YYY: We had a strong group. It was a matter of prestige to close the session for 5 not just so, but also before the session :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna