of the Chukovsky verbs.
Disappeared - a return verb, 2 disappearance (from the verb-exception to escape) past time, multiple number, perfect appearance, no face.
Hidden - a returning verb, 1 spinning (from the verb to hide) past time, multiple number, perfect appearance, no face.
Question is closed.
from the discussions.
xxx: Communication appeared when I left the house started again test gps communication then appeared then propodla captured a full antenna came out of check gps communication appeared XRN2,but I did not understand this coincidence or not but when I missed the communication after scanning gps in the engineering menu the communication disappeared and the villains of my apartment,I may have collapsed at all the tower near the house, funny but the fact I have the connection restored and no relatives
I have a mixer in my eye. What have I just read? The man lost his relatives.
During student years brought in visits to acquaintances of someone’s friends or something. In general, a typical twin in the bedroom area, there are two brothers and forever some guests blinking on the light. The younger brother - a student, the older one - has already graduated, worked as a watchman for a day after three and was not childish. In the apartment, as is required in such places, a mess, but the washroom in the bathroom is brightly clean. Later in the conversation it turned out that Cole (the older brother) is very vigilant about this, because of the dirt in the garbage can crash. Because it is unpleasant for him to go into a dirty cloth!
My kids and I dressed up at home. Directly complete - bridges, boots, helmets, good to drive to the stall for 10 minutes. And here I take two children to engage, and the horse itself to walk, all as well dressed and equipped, stops us by a hiker. I, slightly doubting, lower the glass, he looks inside... Then on me. Then inside again. And she says "You are a very responsible mother. I have seen everything, and child seats up to 15 years old, and even double seat belts, but that the whole family on the car in helmets ride - such a first time!"
Previously, the grass was greener, and the Internet was more interesting.
Wow: And don’t say, lately such a boring Internet has gone that you have to read books on the specialty and write articles to at least somehow have fun.
On the Internet review of the garden store: "Bought a bag of herb mixture for the boss - everyone was happy!". My husband from the couch commented:
Not to be left, with a bag of grass!
There are two types of cars on the road that can make the drivers around them behave decently and cautiously: the new Porsche and the old KAMAZ.
The working chain:
Who of you speaks Polish?
If the customer speaks English, our team will be happy to communicate with him.
Your team is joyfully communicating with him!
The anti-Soviet man at the same time dreamed of three-layer toilet paper with a discount of 19%.
In general, then about the usual dreamed, about such searches as multi-layeredness and did not think.
Also watch Star Wars. Dreams are not on paper, softly speaking. Yes, the dreams of space did not happen anywhere. Star Wars and space are perfectly combined.
Interested, what is so distinguished comrade, who is infinitely photographed - for this you do not have to be the beauty of heaven or wear bdsm costumes. To do this, much more prosaic things are enough - to park on the sidewalk with the commentary "not a tram, you will get around", to go for drinking water in the park, igniting everything around, to be a modest employee of the control bodies with a salary of three hundred dollars and ride a ranger, scorn the rotten west and regularly fly there for rest. And so are the flowers.
The traveler burned in time. The man asked where the street of digital, and such apparently in the city apparently not yet. Probably not in the downtown.
This is Saransk, Nikon Street. Canonical Street in Krakow.
Commentary on the news about the fire due to children's play with fireplaces:
PPV: For some reason, if children, then "played with light bulbs", if adults burned, then "uncareful handling of fire"... 5-7-year-olds already need to be taught how to handle light bulbs, so that there is no such completions of games. You need to give the child a box of light bulbs and ask him to light the light bulb, hold it in his hand, turn it off... And so repeat several times. First, the child will not immediately throw the light bulb as soon as it burns, and secondly in a difficult situation will be able to start a fire.
Reply to
Well, here they set the fire.
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I work as an engineer. Thus, any buyer sold from a neighboring store without a tower earns more. Is it also somehow related to the fact that I am a thief, not studying and hours? Yes, you can find a better place and all that, but selling such privileges for what? Why can all sellers, waiters and taxi drivers not grow up and be shameless, but at the same time scratch scratches? Country of sellers and resellers, bl. Soon ALL the specials in the sale and their business will go away from hunger, and what next - the air will be sold to each other?
Xxx: I thought he was fat. No, it was a catch. Who do they like at all?
Yyy: A friend of each other?
The most dangerous thing is to insult the feelings of believers in their own impunity.
A tale of a white bull. The White Mercedes.
Have you ever heard where the yellow Mercedes taxis, which are so many in Germany, go after service?
The answer doesn’t smell new. But experience, the son of difficult mistakes, whispers to us that many do not like to read sites like anekdot.ru, and prefer to buy Mers directly from Germany, with a run of 50 thousand in 5 years.
Well, I will tell you once again why this happens.
In fact, the yellow Mercedes taxi is actually absolutely any color. It all starts with the fact that the organization buys such cars with a discount of about 25-30%, as a wholesale buyer. Immediately after the purchase such a machine goes to a special CTO and goes through three mandatory procedures:
It is covered with a yellow film. Yes, with a film, no one ever repaints them, soon you will understand why.
- The native seats are removed from it, tightly packed in a film and sent to the warehouse.
They put corporate seats for taxis from skinzams.
Then the car passes. And as long as it’s going to run its miles for 5-6 years, I’ll tell you what private property is in German. And, no matter how stretching, I'll say right away - if you bought the car, it's all yours!
And the spidometer too. Do you catch? The speedometer (odometer) is also your full property, and the miles of distance on it too. In other words, no one can prohibit you from turning the speedometer to any numbers. For the sake of fairness, I will say that when selling within Germany you are obliged to indicate this in the documents, putting only 2 small letters before the current indications of the odometer and attributing in the contract the phrase type - "bought the car as I see".
Well, our people already understood everything.
After 5-6 years, such a machine has a range of 500-600 thousand and costs nothing. She is caught up again on the special-STO, well in the chamber crushed by steam. The whole film slides. The native paint coating underneath it shines as if it had just come from the factory. They get their home seats, put them in place. They turn the range up to 50 thousand, shamany plastic and all available surfaces, prepare a contract and go looking for lochs, very desirably - not from the European Union.
And then the standard story of grandfather, who so perfectly preserved the car that even the seats under the pipe did not change. He only went to church on the weekend. In five years, this is a small run. You are lucky and it is very cheap. Documents are OK.
The documents are almost perfect. According to German law.
Many believe. It is easy to deceive someone who wants to deceive. For the shirt, you can give the last shirt.
and Odessa. An old Jew runs to the urologist’s office, takes off his underwear and cries, pointing to the cause:
Doctor, what should I do about this? You see — small, squeezed, hanging! What to do?! to
The doctor is sad:
To do... to give...
From Adventure:
A: With the margin and competence everything is okay, just for loans to the bank now come not those whom the bank would like to lend.
B: According to my observations, the bank is willing to lend only to those to whom this loan has not been granted for the first time.
A: From a conversation with a representative of the Central Bank of a large bank, this was quite certain.
The Japanese Time
I am preparing for the spin-off season. I walked around the store and watched poppers. The most walking and catchy - kosadaka, salmo. From 500 rubles. And yesterday on the balcony killed - found an ordinary stamped swing. "C 30 cop."... 30 years ago, on a city beach pulled a shuga on her, as they said, "on-Kilo shissot". And now a rope of 300 grams is caught on a five-tubble vobler, and not always... And before the fish was more...
A good engineer and a good craftsman will always have the opportunity to pay well.
Oh, especially when the unsold products of the factory filled all the warehouses, employees transferred to a part-time week, and the factory shut down in anticipation of bankruptcy. A good man is paid and paid.