Protest against chaos. Very well invented, fuck. Declare what a picket against entropy.
Imagine a situation: Thor and Hulk in a spacecraft in near-Earth orbit, in conditions of unweight. Thor releases the hammer from his hand, which hangs in the air. Question: Will Hulk be able to use the hammer?
If so, then weak protection from NSD, techno-magic pumped. It is uninteresting.
But if not, then it turns out to be a very interesting object: hanging in space is a relatively unmovable object that cannot be moved. Here is the point of Archimedes!
What if I put a hammer in a box? Also not? What is the difference between a box and a spacecraft in which the hammer can move?
The Millner
XXX: I have a bottle of whiskey stands - you need to invite people to poker in the evening to splash
YYY is max. You are falling!
YYY: Take a child and suffer like everyone else!
[ +
- ]
There was a psychiatrist at the department. I went into the office, sat down. And she and her girlfriend on the phone trembling about some frank anger. Candy, cocktails, I listened for half an hour exactly (I watched the clock every minute, and a lot of doctors had to go through). It didn’t irritate me as a child, but I stopped, saying nothing. After half an hour, she put the phone, put the stamp, said the next call and called the number... and what, an interesting method, I thought.
[ +
- ]
Mom looks at my Parliament pack: “What are you smoking? I am an EM-FI-ZE-MA.” It sounds like a disease of some sort.
While going to work, I watched the most fun thing: the children in the courtyard played, apparently, in the world war. The event was not that remarkable, but their conversation impressed me:
I use chemical weapons. One is threatening.
Oh yeah! It is not by rules! Takes him another.
And I am America, I am America!
The curtain.
The baby’s mouth, as they say.
to this:
I stopped writing about politics. And now, tell me, how can I know what is happening in the world?! to
I support. I’ve heard all the important news here before.
The woman at work talked about her problems:
My husband’s birthday happened today. We knew about it, but not in time.
Only in Russia you are already serving with weapons, when passing the military-medical commission, you need to bring a certificate from a psycho- and drug dispenser, that you are not registered there! >_<
XX: You imagine there are also non-executive directors. Funny sounds
YYY: How is it?
xxx: the type of director, but non-executive, rofl
What is there with the dishes?
Jets are
Tell her I won’t come.
Hawking said the emergence of artificial intelligence would be the greatest achievement of human civilization, but at the same time underestimating the threat from the birth of AI could be the biggest mistake in human history.
YYY: Yes for God’s sake. Robots are better than people. Among the robots I have not met any idiots.
Teekannee> As a child, probably each of us went to the village to my grandmother on the work and travel program.
On May 9, a plane with a two-colored Georgian tape will fly around New York City.
The Su-24?
and 160
Before the battle in WoT:
Something Elenemer does not work.
TTS: The familiar filmologist was very pleased. He loves animals very much, everyone knows this, so the boys of his neighbor brought him a puppy, all broken. Well, his uncle healed him, went out, fed him. And by the way, to say the poppy is quite large and beautiful, and therefore to talk!
In general, as he went to work, he included an infinite repetition on the comp any phrase, pre-recorded. The result exceeded all expectations. A week is a phrase.
By the way, the neighbors on the site also communicate with the same phrases)))))))
a little on the topic of ad mistakes or offers on selling flowers, I had a story with an unknown consequence
sitting like a local city forum, looking for an old steel for a holiday home
One person responded with this message "call this number
This girl has a castor, grows heroin in it "
I was delighted and promptly called, presented myself, and said:
Do you have heroin, do you sell it?
On that cable a second confusion and hanged the telephone.
After some time I learned that I was calling a very influential member, line.
I was listening, of course, some interested in "a cocktail with heroin..."
But what happened next, heh.
Before I came to know that the flower is not heroin, but GEORGIN!!!! to
aka' Biker_55
Thirty-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four-four! In Roskomnadzor they are trying to spray the all-Russian anti-bomber == it is just cool, comrades...
Why do you have such a big monitor, grandmother?
To see you on Skype, Red Hat.
The State Museum No. 8 is opened. You buy a ticket, you enter, and there is an empty room.
And the grandmother sits on the chair, guarding.