— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №152237
I saw it many years ago when I came to a large town in the Caucasus. In the yard of a residential house, an elderly serious man paints a large wooden bench. He works slowly, but very carefully. There is a little boy around, 12 years old. He then strikes the ball, then strikes him at the wall. He catches him if he can, or runs with screams to get him. All this happens in dangerous proximity to the worker. The man, as it is appropriate for a serious person, tries not to pay attention to the rush and the screams of a young enthusiast. Finally, the ball goes straight into him. Keeping calm, he holds him in his arms and calls the boy. By the way, in this city, then almost everyone spoke Russian. Giving him the ball, he with a deterrent annoyance says, "Listen, I was also a little boy, but I would never have been such a handed boy."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №152236
Anecdotes are not composed of a fun life.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №152235
Reading the publications on this site, I had the impression that the local community sees life in Europe through the "rosa" point.
Not thinking about the fact that the high standard of living has only disciplined laborious citizens of European countries.
It is the Discipline of Labor Citizenship - under these words I am ready to sign up and give a lot of examples.

And the first short story, which happened last year, I publish under the tag "Discipline", for the youngest visitors to the site.

The story is about a family of Jewish “refugees” from Ukraine who came to Germany in the early 2000s.

My father and mother are working. The daughter is studying in a prestigious gymnasium, preparing to enter the law faculty of the University. They live in Bavaria.
For those who do not know, in Germany, the system of holidays and school holidays is different in different countries.
In Bavaria, school holidays usually begin on the last Monday of July and end on the second Monday of September.
Only 6 weeks.
Father and Mother have a vacation in July and want the whole family to spend a vacation on the sea coast, and here the tour with a very good discount turned.
Yes, and the daughter to leave alone at home do not want to, if little thoughts in the teenage head walk, 17 years still.
And until the end of the academic year ALL 2 weeks and although all the tests are passed for excellent, the school NEED to attend.
But our people are not foolish.) And so a familiar doctor "takes" a certificate of illness, the whole family joyfully packs suitcases and rushes to the Munich Airport.
The rainbow prospects are slightly overshadowed by the interest of the Vigilant Police Officer when registering for the flight: "Is your daughter not obliged to attend a school, because the school year is not yet over?“”
To which the Father of the family politely smiled, and mentally sent the Employee many times.

The trouble began with the start of the new school year, when the daughter and parents were called to the director of the gymnasium.
It turns out that the Vigilant Employee made a complaint and sent it to court. All in the German spirit: "I (somebody) noticed a violation, not related to my direct responsibilities, committed by the student (such one (I did not let go of copying the data). Namely, this student was noticed when crossing the EU border in the direction of warm countries." and etc.

The director did not hide his irritation, because he received a warning from the Ministry of Education and a directive to approximately punish the culprit.
In general, in order not to tire the reader, I will list the penalties:
Violation of discipline and fraud.
1st Exclusion from the gymnasium for a period of 1 academic week with entry in Zeugnis (analogue of the Characteristics).
2nd Parents are fined €149 for every day of school.
Three A warning that in the event of any repeated violation of discipline, a permanent exclusion from the school will be applied.
Well, privately informed the parents that with such a characteristic the girl is unlikely to be accepted for a decent Yurfak.

On the further development of the story, the parents do not spread, only heard that they hired a lawyer, trying at least to "clean" the characteristic.

In a week I will publish a story under the tag "Work" if I'm not caught up again)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №152234
There are shortcomings in the law on the tax on parkland greenhouses - many crooks grow on the windows and thus avoid taxation. Send it to the Lord immediately!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152233
It was the case in the late nineties/early zero, I was a junior school student.

Study is easy, the relationship with parents is trustworthy, which I often use. Call the city phone (when did I last use it?) with a friend living in the neighborhood - and let's say, tomorrow we go to school, and go to play football / in the console / in the park in the slot machines? We sometimes did so – according to the classic, “mama, I have stomach pain – okay, lie down at home”, and you will wait until everyone goes to work, and walk to the neighboring yard. The main thing was not to overlook and do not turn this trick too often.

They went to the neighboring courtyard because they burned their grandmothers in the entrance, they everything where it should be, and in the evening the parents will come and give you an injection of propison intravenously.

Well, everything was done as agreed, I go out to the courtyard about nine o’clock and see a wonderful picture. Now it would be called “a dress out of control”: my friend is taken by an ambulance. I’m confused about his accompanying mom – Aunt Light, and what about Pashka?

Well, he says, something his stomach got sick, decided to call an ambulance, not to risk. Why are you not in school? Yes, the stomach also hurts – I joyfully, and, in order to avoid unnecessary questions, rushed home. I don’t think we were lucky in Pascha – obviously we both simulated.

And Pashka identified appendicitis, and in a few days successfully operated.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna