Noise (15:15:23 8/12/2009)
Beer after mining
Nicholas (15:35:49 8/12/2009)
to drink? :D
At work, the girl administrator sits next to the comp and prints a report for a week.You need to go out urgently and she asks the chief of the department to sit on the phone. The one from nothing to do looks at the report and at the bottom of the small font added "health I am not very - the legs are broken and the tail falls away".The administrator came and without looking at the report sent to the director. The director of cartoons did not watch as a child.
xxx: The mystery: which organ is most tense in Onanism??? Tagged: ears
The xxx:
Sleeping in the evening. I dream that I am sitting on the snow near Kirov ATB, in one hand I have a drill, connected unknown where, but working, in another rectangular position, in which I need to drill 4 holes at the corners, which I am doing. Three girls pass by, ticking their fingers at me and shouting: “Look, look, a gay man with a homodrel.” And the apophysis of this is my outrage like "well and what, hell, is this drill wrong?and "
Zygmunt in Ahaia
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This is what. I have a comment for all the comments.
"He demanded reproduction in the lesson of biology". We were cancelled and we went on strike. Interesting is.
In China, a driver with a cardboard instead of a front glass was detained:
Arharovets: The method is not original, the Chinese is not an innovator... In the ancient stagnant times, several trucks with drivers were dispatched from the base where I worked (who is older, remember this practice?). They were there for two months, and then several were transferred to Kursk to clean the potatoes. As a result, they returned somewhere in late October, i.e. "Fuck" was good on the road. Two hundred and two hundred yards. So one of them "cracked" the steering wheel - had to take on a tough clutch... But then it was just "happy" - the "tractor" stone from under some car broke the front glass and, the driver (cold, and not visible because of the flying jade) used the first means of subjugation - the usual straw hose was put on his head, having made a couple of holes for inspection... Those who saw it were hysterical! When they came to Peter, this picture had to be seen – the cars are a big piece of dirt, and THIS comes out! In general, the car base "left"! And you say " Chinese"...
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Talk with my brother at the TGU in Tomsk:
You are from where?
From Karaganda...
There is no such city!!! to
We really exist!!! to
I have in my diary for 7th grade:
He was in class with foreign affairs. and :)
The Wedding.
We stand photographing in the park... a crowd of children starts shouting: Bitter!!! We naturally kiss... They count loudly and at this moment one of our guests screams to me: “High her brain!”! to
The photo did not succeed...
I heard that the Pellets were bad ((((((
IF: Are you back, Mademoiselle?
If: Oh you are shit!
If: Z
If: =))))
Today I stood at the stop, waiting for the bus.I smoke and watch this picture: Grandma is trying to cross the road, half a meter from her carried by a taxi driver on the old six, whom she screams in the driveway ''shop you were empty!'in the same moment he is carried on the snow,and he enters the back of the new Lexus...
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If your "citation" was in the best - do not rush to rejoice, it was brought there by the same cockroaches as you.
When Alenka and Artem were young, their mother gave them a little cocker spaniel named Sonja. When Sonia was a kid, Alenka loved to play with her. And once, Alenka was walking with her on the street and lost her. Naturally, they searched for a long time and, as a result, a couple of weeks later, the puppy suddenly found and ran around the apartment delighting the child... only years later! Mom opened the veil of the secret that this is already the second Sonja dog in Alenka's life...
Heyu: Gest... and I had a Kiryush poppy as a child, he also flew three times, but then returned, but he communicated with the birds and forgot the words that I taught him and had to re-teach him. He was stupid :)
WOW, it doesn’t go away!!!! to
07 December 2009 16-30: AFFFIGENO!!!!!!! This is snow!! All the currencies from work and I go home, home I will write.
December 7, 2009 21-15: Fuck the snow!!!! and soooo!! I went back to the house (((((((
The girls!! You will not believe...
I put myself Linux and lost 8 kg in a month)))
I had to administer the Mary of Mr. Balashish in my life, which is in the Moscow Region. And my predecessor before leaving pulled out of the server absolutely everything, left a naked body and disk drive. Naturally, no one looked inside when handing over the equipment.
And here, they say to me, say, write up, that you accepted the equipment, I look - the servacle is empty, what am I going to write up for? They told me: Well, they stole, let’s make an act. In the act they wrote literally the following:
The Internet was stolen from Maria M. Balashish.
Hemp Scuca
? to? to
My headphone happened to hit him in the bank.
He opened it and laid it on his cheek.
During the sorting of socks, I understood: People are like socks, like they are all the same, but how you look at them - they are all different! It’s so hard to find a couple...
The xxx:
Scientists from Japan have created a robot that is equal in mind to a two-year-old child. The developers equipped the baby with sensitive skin, placing pressure and touch sensors underneath it, taught the robot to walk and just move. By the way, the "child" reacts to touch and just talk. The robot can walk thanks to 51 pneumatic muscles.
They will soon create a diet terminator.
"I need your pen"