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There have been several times in my memory when I was accepted not for who I am.
A couple of times I passed by the mom with the capricious child, who got hysterical, and they, calming the child, pointed to me with a finger and said, "stop, or that uncle will steal you." What is most interesting, it helped - the child, raising his head from the ground and looking with his rotting eyes, for a while smiled and scanned me from foot to head: the truth will steal or not. As if he was not a Gypsy, he did not want to steal anyone.
A couple of times the bombs approached, asked how to go to the store or to the pebble. The last such incident was last weekend.
I go, I do not touch anyone, people in front and behind me, who go where, the movement is lively. Suddenly I see a bomb moving. Compared to me for some reason, he stops and says, “Brother, where is the beer shop here?” I answer that he needs to go straight, on the first light on the right, and there he will rise straight into him. “Direct to him?He almost shouted joyfully. “Right in him,” I answered. "Oh, thank you, brother," says the bomb and joyfully goes to meet the adventures. And I go, and in my head revolves “brother, brother.” Even looking at himself: maybe the jacket in dirt, or broken-no, everything is okay.
There was a recent case.
I went to a friend for a visit. I approach the entrance at the agreed time, I stand, write a text message to a friend: I came. My friend says it will come out now. I am at the door, waiting. Here, a woman approaches the entrance with bags, puts them on the asphalt and depicts a pause. He stands and looks at me. I am not attentive, I stand, I wait. Two minutes passed, and it was cold on the street, I was still walking for twenty minutes, frozen. I think I think I’m getting hot. I walked away from the door, slowly so along the house I walk, my feet snoop. I went from the door to the neighboring entrance, I turned, I went back and I saw a woman picking up the bags, approaching the door and quickly closing it behind her. I approach the door and immediately comes out with the words: "On the stairs I met the older woman in the house, she said that on the street some addict is trembling, so that I don't think about letting him in the entrance, I immediately realized that it was you" and cried. On the one hand, I laugh, and on the other, I want to cry.
Is that what is wrong with me?
It is unfortunate though)
The daughter (years 5 she was then, what) somehow in the pool is playing, I close to the "spiders" relax, half-eyed looking at her.
She went to talk to a girl instructor. We talked about something, laughed, and broke up. He plays further.
Then I saw that the girl was thinking about something. Suits to me.
Do you want to meet that aunt? He nodded to the instructor.
No, not very much. I am embarrassed.
Go and get acquainted!
Why to me? ! to What shall I tell her?
Say, “What is your name?”
It turns out that she forgot her name, and here she came up with a way to recognize him again. and :)
In the fourth grade we had graduation controls in mathematics and Russian language. I handed them over for five, and the rest of the time our cool manager decided to talk to us. Who he wants to be when he grows up. The turn comes to me and I say that I want to become an engineer-constructor in the aviation industry.
Instead of praise, she gave out that I was a fool and nothing good would grow out of me. I was so offended, 23 years have passed, and I don’t even know who glued her replacement shoes in the closet that day.
Unfortunately, the dream of becoming an engineer did not come true. At that time, the training cost horse money, and the budget was not enough points.
A lot can be achieved with a well-developed self-awareness. Self-respect for example.
Another ballad about customs
The year 1863. and Yokohama. A Dutch merchant from a newly arrived ship passes through the customs. Among the declared objects is a cage with 1 (one) living tiger for the Kyoto animal. Customs officials say they do not have any tigers on the list of taxable goods, they cannot determine the tariff, which means they are not entitled to pass the animal. The Dutch is hysterical. First, bringing the tiger back is a terrible expense, secondly, the deal will collapse... And the customs officers were so busy that they didn’t even react to the hints of gratitude, unlimited within reasonable limits. The buyer desperately demanded the Dutch consul.
A consul appeared, an unwavering red guy in a penny, looked at the merchant, the customs officers, the tiger and said that the customs officers were right. They are not obliged to meet and make additions to the tariff policy. And since the ship has already departed from loading, the merchant has nothing left but to forget about that money and release the tiger, since it is impossible to make a profit from it.
Where are the freedoms? - Where are the freedoms? here here?
- And where? - asked the consul. - He can't let him out behind the gates, it will be the carriage into the country of non-customs goods. Only here.
He will eat us!
I don’t know, I don’t think he’s hungry. And it clearly struck him. But it does not matter. Property is sacred and my guardian can dispose of his own as he pleases. Under Japanese law, of course. But the law does not prohibit it, right? So, I think we have come to a completely legal and mutually pleasant solution. I have honor.
The tiger was instantly expropriated and moved peacefully to the old capital.
As soon as Golikova said that it is necessary to be sober for vaccination, and also after 42 days not to drink - I immediately realized that mass vaccination in Russia has failed.