— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15755
Holtoff: I have a wish. Rather, not a wish, but an idea of how air conditioning should look for car owners with xenon not provided by the factory design. No demons, scraps and other dirt. Gothic and technological. The sinner is placed in absolute darkness. and full. To close the eye for nothing. So a minute. Within a minute right in his eyes - xenon far away! for 20 seconds. Then again darkness. Light in the eyes again. Closing them, or turning your head away - it is not possible. And so for centuries.
and yes. It would be good if he would occasionally cry, “Lord, why am I tormented?”A loud voice from the sky answered:
My son is lost! Do not crack! I checked – Nothing is blind!"

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №15754
I went to the office of discoveries, bringing a dialogue:

I. Good morning! I found the player in the electric car, I would like to return to the owner.

She is. The good! Leave yourself, we don’t have room. In the best case, it will lie in the box, and in the worst it will disappear.

So, what if someone is looking for it?

It is more severe. You need a prize for honesty. Do you want good skies, 3 years are already lying?

No, no thank you. Sorry for the worry.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15753
XHH: It was a matter - I liked a girl. Very good body. And the breasts, it was seen that they were swallowed. But very good. In a year, I split it. The grandparents were absolutely concerned. I did not guess.

Was she 14? Was she sitting for a year? Was he in another country for a year? What did you do G?! to

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15752
Dedicated to announcements such as "I know the date of your death", "I know what you think" and so on:
Tell me, if you all know where my controller is from the TV and is it worth stirring up with Katya?

c) Khabarov

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №15751
In our school, a former pathologist read biology, once issued:
What happens if a two-month-old baby is hit with the head?
Hana the child.
He has no bones, only chest. It’s like breaking a green branch – it crumbles and doesn’t break.
What if he fell from the fifth floor?
The whole class:
Breaking the green branch, breaking the green branch.
and no. The Wicked.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15750
People are stupid...
On the TTC broke, I stand, I look under the hood, here passes a man on the merine (the speed has fallen to a minimum) and says:
I broke down, I was hungry! Not the brakes!
He throws me a snickers.

From the shit!
Give a man a snickers of the best incentive - he will call you an idiot and a fall.
No thanks though! And then's

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15749
If life is a game, then there should be a console.

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15748
Dymko (13:49:10 8/04/2009)
Porn musicals

Popoff (13:49:34 8/04/2009)
A funny idea.

Dymko (13:49:42 8/04/2009)
He is:
Oooooh, I’m going to take you...

She is:
Thou shalt settle,

Dymko (13:49:45 8/04/2009)

Dymko (13:49:56 8/04/2009)
He will plant her, he will plant her.

Popoff (13:50:27 8/04/2009)

[ + 101 - ] Comment quote №15747
Without humor

I didn’t think I would have to write "in response", but I don’t have the strength.

The racist shit.

As to the extinction of the nation and to make predictions for the future, it is better to learn to raise your children at least half as well as they are raised in the Caucasus and the East. And when a child sees quarrels in the family, the alkas and the idle parents, then you should not expect a miracle from him. Better to do business than bite your elbows out of jealousy. The nations that adopted Christianity a thousand years earlier. Fuck the nations whose grandparents fought with your grandfather in the WOW! (For the modern damaged life of pigeons, in the Great Patriotic War)

Morals have no nationality. And no one has to answer for them!! Except for themselves, no one is to blame for their ugliness.

Don’t give in to provocations!! to

Any proper person will plush, I’m sure.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15746
Chinese websites are better...they have the button "cross" on the banners REALLY closes the banner...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15745
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15744
We walked a couple, we sat down, we talked about neutral topics - for example, hollow money. From the topic of blood donation, the conversation moved to the topic of sperm donation.
Has anyone tried at all?
A neighbor’s friend gave up.
And how much...?
Three things I gave...
Three things? If I knew before!
by Fuck! How much money was wasted!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №15743
Announcement of sale of 1980 car.
Body: there is rot, not visible from above (only in the trunk and wings from below).
I exchange for equipment in any condition, off-road and tourist equipment, a cross motorcycle (you can not cross, or on a quad-cycle, a scooter), an elephant, a house in the village, a submarine or money =). Just selling is boring, so I change =)

X: Such people cannot be defeated!)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №15742
It does not contain humor at all.

The Russian people are dying 1 million a year. Your children, the brainless cosmopolitan, will be studying in a class where two-thirds are Ashot and Aslan.

Do not kill yourself, give up bad habits. You need your country.

Bring it to you.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15741
I sent the girl a quote about a guy who gave a flashlight in a box from under the rings, as a result of which they had to marry. So she surprised:

I approach from the McDonald’s box with Big Mac (it’s sold in a box). I sit down and stretch her. And she begins to cry and glow from happiness: “Dadadada, I agree, god! What a happiness"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15740
Comments on YouTube for the Clip

xxx: hey, this horse laughed me especially "go here n*hu"
YYY: I laughed at how you put the censorship

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №15739
Anyone else remembers? (c) :) So, someone else remembers what Brady’s tables are?

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15738
I try now to call the programmers from UralSibBank.. takes the phone guy, I say hello, type we have a question.. he apologize I am wildly tired.. and puts the phone!!!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15737
XXX: How are my pictures?? 7
Soap, I will send you.
XXX: The Soap

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15736
Potatoes of admin

I, of course, did not know that this dish is now so called, but I have been cooking it for a long time and have already developed the perfect, in my opinion, recipe...
so this is: clean the potato, cut it with circles with a thickness of 7mm (the ideal thickness is explained by experience), lay out a layer of circles in a plate and qualitatively lubricated on both sides with mayonnaise, then the second layer also and further by taste or by the amount of potatoes in the same spirit... sometimes I either press out there a little garlic or just put a couple of teeth next to it.. and all this happiness in the microwave for the first 7 minutes (depends on the individual characteristics and the power of the magnetron)... when you screw (either sparkly, or sparkly) you try to crush the potato with a villain..finger I do not advise. when the root flourishes without excessive resistance to the taste, you swallow the

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna