— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42530
My girlfriend burned. He says:
- I go out of the office yesterday, I look - a car someone stands with the "B" sign on the front. I think: "What a ugly Volga!"
Then I realized it was Bentley.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №42529
XXX: Greetings to everyone!! to
XXX: What are we talking about?
yyy: xxx, the impact of the caps lock key on the intelligence...

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №42528
<trololo> Ah, and I remember not drinking for a long time
<trollolo> Held
<trollolo> 14 years
<trololo> and then 9th class

[ + 109 - ] Comment quote №42527
Today I go to my pocket, next to the subway, I hear a man say in the phone:
Fuck, you fucking want me! I am a bandit, not a lawyer.! to

[ + 122 - ] Comment quote №42526
xxx: our grandmothers have long quarreled in the courtyard that when you throw a pack of garbage into the garbage pipe, someone else’s package can fly past from above and dust from the pipe...
xxx: from that moment in a month twice got to the moment when I approach the rubbish pipeline and a guy from the other floor loudly grabs in the pipe "fire in the hall" and only after that throws the bag xD

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №42525
taken from the site:

I have been in school for 15 years in 8th grade!!Before I was a good man but now I am a wretch because I do not teach lessons a week!!! Instead of doing lessons, I go to the sports hall or to another!!! How can you help me to learn???? to

If you are aware of the problem, it’s okay.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №42524
I have been doing hydraulics for two weeks. Time is pushing up, so the girl temporarily goes to the second plan...

DEW: What are you doing?

Calculation of the pipeline.
I am r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
which by the tubes there - here, t u d a - s y d a
forward - back... in p e r e d - n a z a d
The pipeline is hard and long.
The water is humid and warm.

[ + 106 - ] Comment quote №42523
Judging by contact, only chronically lonely girls know how ideal relationships are built and what a real man should be.
c) Deep

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №42522
Jana: Sash, I had another girlfriend here with a night stay. So she asks me on pleasure: "Men’s striptease will?")))
Sasha: Tell me, how did I find out that there would be another girl, in joy asked: "And it will pass?))
Anna is fucking. Well, Sasha, do you think one of us can do that?
Sasha: Well you know, it's like riding big, you learn once and for all life :) So you know how to ride big?
and no)
Do you know how to swim?
Tagged with: Toporiko))
You know how to tie the ropes?
I have always used lightning and lights.
Fuck, fuck, no questions

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42521
Moonchild: What can you expect from a person who in the midst of a serious philosophical conversation in the Asche says: I go out" and go out?

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42520
News, Putin about the terrorist attack in Domodedovo: "what about the treaty with criminal groups..." o_o, I think someone burned)

[ + 113 - ] Comment quote №42519
The 80-year-old Matan teacher so couples that they, in their time, despised homosexuals, and now they are in honor. We try to explain that this is not the case, and he is a counterargument to us:
So why are there only pimples in the state?! to

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №42518
YYY: How are you at work?
XXX: normal, more or less, but all the way somewhat less
YYY: to blaze! Should I choose from three options?

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №42517
The xxx:
I want love loves
Love of love? Why the Ladies? Do you not want love?

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №42516
Lida: It would be anything, but I had a soft toy when I was a kid.
Lida: We all thought she was a rabbit for a few years, until someone accidentally fell on her.
Lida: It turned out that she was talking and at the same time... “Hello! I am a bear!”

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №42515
I found in a blog:
" on 3 December
I went on a slide, broke the ski. The boys, the fools, pushed."o0

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №42514
What are the foods after the war? In my youth, the internet was given on cards!!! to

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №42513
Commentary on Japanese Toilet

This is how you unknowingly sit on the edges so that you do not shout loudly and then a push at your discretion will wash your back, wash your cloth and all this, contrary to the laws of physics, will flow not from top to bottom, but from your ass to your head.

[ + 114 - ] Comment quote №42512
She called Shvee to find out how much money she had to pay for the work she had done.
12 million euros? Okay thank you. Tomorrow I will hang the phone. I remember that in the same room a husband sits behind a comp and has not given signs of life for a long time. I shout, sweet, do you love me?
A wallet on the table.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №42511
Darya: Soon bear students in their courses will give references to the House series, indicating the season and series! = = )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna