— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 73 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №45024
Fuck you! You have not put your heart under the oak and you are deprived of sex for a week.

[ + 72 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №45023
Conversation at work:

That’s why when I’m called from another area, they take money out of me? They call me, why should I pay?

YYY: In our country you have to pay even if you were called and you didn’t take the phone.

Zzzz:... and the one sitting next to him must also pay!

c) Calvinity

[ + 93 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №45022
George: I got the money here for the halter, I gave the share to the programmer, I come home - my wife from the threshold cheats about some curtains for the kitchen and new wallpapers, which must be hanged before the visit of the aunt.
George: Immediately new thoughts appear
Back to the shops at night.
A year ago I did something new...
40 pieces in a pocket
The programmer of Loh is now drinking whiskey in a soft chair.
And on the pen of the chair sits a half naked stripper.
And he offered me to go with him.
The unnamed and index finger untoldly drag in the air, and the brain feverishly crashes *Ctrl+Z, crash, Ctrl+Z!!by 1111*

[ + 61 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №45021
Sly: if you’ve noticed a mole – it means, soon, crazy, April.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №45020
from a message on pager:Julia sent:
Igor, Ira lies in the trunk, smells bad and decomposes. What to do with her?

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №45019
Callisto (23:37:03 24/03/2011)
the more I found checks and my mom will go with me, and she is like Rosario Agro, nobody has left her yet)))))
Callisto (23:42:50 24/03/2011)
When Chuck Norris knocked his next opponent’s mother’s window, she forced him to apologize and insert a new glass.
Dinner (23:43:50 24/03/2011)
Oh, poor old Chuck
Callisto (23:45:14 24/03/2011)
When Anatoly Wassermann stood on his mother's foot in the subway, she spotted him so intelligently that Onotole got the notebook and recorded it.

[ + 58 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №45018
I’ve heard this story a long time ago, and I don’t remember where it came from.
In Soviet times, my father worked somewhere in the north. And there the local population changed a sweater for a bottle of vodka. When asked from what wool they made it, he was answered that they said they found a strange hairy elephant in the eternal frost, the meat was eaten and the wool was a sweater.
So the guy inherited the planet's most unique MAMONTA wool sweater!
P.S I don’t know if it was true or a myth, but I really want to believe it.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №45017
You know less, you sleep more; you know more, you drink more.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №45016
Animals are animals.
People are hamburgers.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №45015
as you want, and as I think, the situation in the country was wonderfully outlined in a short dialogue:
Punch here!
What is written with a pen, you cannot cut off with a tail.
Yes, I have such a virtuoso.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №45014
BlackSelf: I hate spring! I want to have sex (

[ + 87 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №45013
The Destroyed:
I register on the website of the state service in order to quickly make overseas, but there is nothing simple: only in our country... the notification of registration on the site comes to the mail!!! by ordinary mail!! A unique country.

We have a truly unique country! Everyone sees himself as a global expert. Tell me, and how else should the state make sure that it is you who is registering, and not, for example, the employee of your human resources department who has all these data? How can you shut down the possibility of trading your data? Or maybe you have an ECP for signing electronic copies of documents and statements? The only option for now (I emphasize, for now) is to come to the mail with the passport and pick up the password. I work with services. I see what the state does (or at least tries) for the human being. very much things. Of course, not without the bad sheep. But believe me, among the ordinary population of bears is much more. Come, go to the public service competition, arrange yourself and do everything as you think it should be. Do not defy your country, love it. Until you begin to take it seriously, no one will do it.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №45012
Russia is a country of pastries from the future and documents from the past... The pastries are always "tomorrow", and the documents are all registered with "the last number".

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №45011
She: эх with the boy is fun to watch porn... straight afterwards at night is fun :)
I: You had an Estonian boy.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №45010
Saphire_boy: If I had the opportunity to ask the President of Russia one single question, I would look him in the eyes and ask only – “Tell me, you’re not ashamed?”
Besisland: A stupid question. He said, “No, I’m not ashamed,” and what next? He said, “Shameful,” and what?
semperante: No, he won’t say that. He will answer briefly and substantially. Approximately so: "Unfortunately, there are still completely unacceptable appearances in Russia. This is completely unacceptable. We must take all necessary measures to combat unacceptable phenomena. It is absolutely unacceptable that all necessary measures have not yet been taken to combat unacceptable phenomena. I have given the necessary instructions to take the necessary measures to combat unacceptable phenomena. I have instructed to report on how the presidential orders on combating unacceptable phenomena are being fulfilled. It is necessary."

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №45009
“This guy is clearly in shape.
Advantages and advantages together:
A beautiful heart.
The liver is normal.
The stomach is better not to find.
With such a beautiful device.
I live as much as I want!”
said pathologist
And silently the scalpel postponed.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №45008
Write me something nice ?
YYY: I remember the wonderful moment, before me you appeared!
XXX: No, it won’t go so, make it yourself)))
Like a cat loves a chicken with wings, like an admin film with puppies, so I love you! Ollo Ollo and Ninado Nothing!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №45007
One day, the woodsman Mikhalych walked around Lake Seliger, as he suddenly noticed.
In the woods, a bath in the form of a shrub, around which absolutely naked people ran.
The young nymphs.
"What else is this bl.d. in my area?" - I was upset to see the species
by Mikhailov. “Who are you?” he asked strictly.
"A... this is... our....... this is" - come out of the bath such a native, such a
Everyone knows the pain of the voice of the prime minister.
This is how the youth movement of supporters of Unity appeared in Seliger
Russia is "Our"

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №45006
I have not been so insidious yet.
On the eighteenth night, he decided to turn on the telephone for a noisy background, watched nothing, left on the "Boyce" - there was something so boring about boxers. I did not naturally watch - the sound made quieter and began to read the book. Suddenly a mummy’s voice comes from behind "What are you looking at?I raise my eyes and cuddle — on the screen quite quiet, but clearly fuck the grandmother.
Well, who knew that exactly at 11 a.m. the channel "Fighter" magic transforms into a Private

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №45005
I checked the case yesterday: I go, uncle is sleeping, no one else. He swallowed all the cats, drank the whole spinach, ate all the yogurt and swallowed the operation.
xxx: and also gone unnoticed
XXX: Thinking of Home

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna