— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39201
I found a black man's socks.
I think she produces them.

The channel is a portal system.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №39200
How to determine the size of a person? Maybe somebody will tell me;))
Artem: For reflection: the volume of the submerged body is equal to the volume of the displaced water. by Archimedes Mdzprčim
Vadim: Fuck, and I know, the jump of water displaced? Or you can make a cranky and pour it into the cranky))
Mindfully divide the body into elementary figures and, subtracting the sizes, calculate the volume of each, and then summarize.
Stephan: take a man, twist it completely, then scroll through the 3-liter banks and measure their quantity. A square meter is about 334 square meters.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №39199
Uraaaaaah, I first rolled a cup of tea OUT of the keyboard! ?

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №39198
The law of wickedness: get rubella the day before rubella vaccination:(

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №39197
<aaa> Title: All about quas / Quas preparation recipes / Quas "Moscow acid shields"
<bbb> Moscow sour ships are prepared very simply 8)
<bbb> you go to the subway in the morning
<bbb> and they are already there
<ccc> )

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №39196
Call for technical support:
A: Hello, is this technical support? (with a very drunk voice)
B: No, this is psychiatric hospital No. 6* behind the ugar*
A: Then take me please, my personal account 1234
B: Hungary

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №39195
mur_myau: One of my acquaintances has a hobbit folder on the flash drive.
Mur_myau: You can’t guess what’s inside.)
mur_myau: Airline route sheets in the word with a mark here and back. by Cheek:

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №39194
I will say:

From Wikipedia:
Zeus had the time to tear her out of the womb a premature fetus, squeezed in his hip and successfully carried it. Thus, Dionysus was born by Zeus from a hip. When Zeus was suffering from childbirth, Poseidon served him with tuna.

Who knows what this has to do with tuna?!...

You know, pregnant women - they are so capricious!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №39193
I am the most of those who sit at the table with a towel and then suddenly fall into the soup with their face.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №39192
<9Enotov> here sometimes you it, overcome obstacles, and in the end it turns out that your princess is in another castle!
<Spiked> worse, if you have already achieved it, settled in your castle, and as a result she runs away with the sanitary...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №39191
Pope approves use of condoms
Millions of Catholics breathed with relief)))))

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39190
Google continues to burn: on request "scouting of wild pigs" second result "A brief history of Ukraine and Ukrainians"

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №39189
xxx said the truth - got p*zdy
xxx: said a lie - got p*zdy a little later.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №39188
Commentary on the video of the accident:

The fools on the roads will fill the Russian land.
This is Kyrgyzstan
I am an imperialist.

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №39187
Yesterday I drank cappuccino at a restaurant, today 3 in 1 at the factory behind the machine.
WOW: And how, is there a difference? and ;-)
HGH: there is
It is 113 rubles.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №39186
I’m fast, like a flock of mutants during the chase.
I will control you as a controller.
I am hot, like hot.
I stretch like a vortex.
I am unstoppable, like a discharge.
I’m like a blood sauce :D
I’m going to throw you off like a trampoline.
You lost all the fucking!? to

[ + 84 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39185
Mrak: watched the happy broadcast about Valuev
Mrak: showed him how the fox digs out the mushrooms in the woods right with the root, instead of cutting.
I would be in the woods and see it.
I would silence the fool

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №39184
Go to any office, find a odmin, ask "Do you have a deer?". He will show you a whole herd and probably in the accounting office.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №39183
My friend’s microblog: Every man should get married sooner or later! Happiness is not the most important thing in life!!and "
and ah. If I were her guy, I would have thought a lot.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №39182
xxx: I saw a list on a website. He fell from the chair:
Mathematical Olympiads:
Vladimir Volfovich Uhlivodsky was voted by 1% of the literate population and 99% of the literate population. Prove that if Vladimir Volfovich shot 35% of the literate population, he would get at least 60% of the votes.
In the US presidential election, Barack Obama was voted by 10% of the Russian-speaking population, but 90% of the Jews. Prove that, contrary to popular belief, most Russians in America are not Jews.
3) A representative of the progressive youth movement bought 1 ton of grass. After drying, 1/5 he gave to friends, 2/3 of the remaining - sold. In the end, he had 100 kg left. How much of the mass in the purchased grass was occupied by water?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna