— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №39181
From the Habbri:
The noise of the cooler is the silence of the modern house :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №39180
He is viral?
He: not you
What is the fear of losing?
She is good)
he: aaaaahahahahahah
It’s not me, okay.
He is the author of books on programming.
See also: PRUFF
He is: Reference
It’s even something strange.)
What is Wanna Virtu?
He: not you
Wanna is his second name.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №39179
And more generally, if I need children, I will rape you.

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39178
and Lorn
I asked a friend what a biathlon is, she replied that it is such a two-core processor.

[ + 64 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39177
Loneliness is when you do not clean the history in the browser after you.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №39176
Who asked about British scientists?
Italian scientists believe that Facebook is harmful to asthmatics

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №39175
Conversation with a police officer:
Whose face is red?
I am ashamed
What are the eyes red?? to
I am ashamed of drinking.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №39174
Is the level of education in Russia falling? I live in Israel and work in a store. When I offer a club card to buyers, I say:
You will get a 5% discount!
For the entire purchase? (I am disappointed
Not you, for every thing. (With a proud voice, withholding laughter)
Well, then it is a different thing! Go to!

To the girls who worked with me, I explained long, stubbornly and with a calculator that it was the same thing. I suspect they agreed, but did not believe.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №39173
You live in my heart, in my soul, in my head.
Q: When will you pay the rent? : 8

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №39172
Prichin, yesterday, a courtman from Tver, moving along the picturesque bridge on a personal vehicle of a row4 toyota, lost control and broke into the maybach, causing damage of 8.5 thousand rubles.
NN: The Courthouse of the creature. The Toyota RAV4. Fuck it!! I want to take this street too!!! to

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №39171
[10:56:50] <SvetiK> where is the battle of ecstasy?=(
[11:03:49] <[Warlblch]> the Inquisition dispersed

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №39170
For now, my sweetheart.
For the time being, for the lover!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №39169
It must be that in the neighboring apartment, on the floor above, lives a family of descendants. They have three piano in the apartment. And at night they do not play on them, they move them!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №39168
If a real woman had the proportions of a Barbie doll, she would only be able to move on 4 limbs.

Hi to
That’s not bad either)

[ + 63 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39167
XXX is
Today I was a treasurer.

XXX is
pulled into the FIRMNAME cable for video surveillance, and found under the false ceiling all sorts of interesting things.

Types of bodies?

XXX is
of found: nylon new pack, three drills for the perforator, Nike cap, cross screwdriver, simcard bieline, bread with pavilion and the peak of the whole plate once filled before on the visible purse with two sausages and ketchup

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №39166
Conversation with Mom:
she: "what are you sitting at home today?" I: "yes" and at this time I turn off the heater with the words "the consumer of electricity" after that I go for a cotton blanket so that at night you don’t she asks: "when you were in the club last time" I: "where half a year ago"...she: "you’re’re not going to the’re sitting at’re saving electricity....welcome to our ranks"

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39165
Are your machines eating your socks?
Yesterday launched children's underwear, after washing I got - among T-shirts and trousers found a male black socks
I think she produces them.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №39164
xxx(01:38:16 05/07/2007)Listen, and maybe we get married!
xxx(01:39:24 05/07/2007)No, I am serious, go out for me!!! to
yyy(12:01:56 17/11/2010)therefore, I agree :-)
xxx(12:46:17 17/11/2010)yeye... apparently you thought well, only "bulls in time kiss", I’m already raising my daughter...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №39163
We are lying, but we are looking for a sincere look.
by Martin

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №39162
My uncle told me the story. During his student years, his friend (a political student) agreed to look after the apartment of relatives (aunt and uncle) who were leaving for a vacation. The friend himself lived in the dormitory, and the prospect was incredibly pleased. The family had a family: a cat.
And a couple of puppets. My aunt gave instructions:
This is the money you have for food, this is the meat for the cat.
It only eats meat, and it’s food for puppets.
My uncle and aunt went south. He stayed alone in a beautiful apartment. Two days of drinking (with active use of alcoholic beverages, and how much without them!). The money left by my aunt was all spent. The next day, my own money was exhausted. Eating is hunting. He ate meat intended for the cat, then began cooking the cabbage from the food for the paparazzi. By the time of arrival of relatives, the cat (who previously could curl his nose from cutting) was actively eating salted cucumbers, and the papagaies were delighted with the tiny pieces from the table. Poor non-separators lost weight and lost part of their feathers. And then came the day of arrival. Uncle and aunt looked around the clean washed apartment (the student tried). And then the aunt saw a cat eating his salt cucumbers:
What is it? What he eats? The Oak? The salt?
Students with an unfavorable view:
Probably lack of vitamins.
When I saw the puppy:
Why are poppies so thin and sluggish?
- They were bored, they ate nothing, absolutely... I was surprised... birds, and so on.
The loyalty...
My aunt blinked.
Popcorns were fed. They ate so much that they could not take off, but only sat in a cage, not believing in their happiness. The cat, after this story, began to do nuts on a black day (after the couch, the closet, etc.). D is Nits, naturally spoiled, issuing an untransmitted amber.
P.S The student was no longer asked to take care of the apartment and animals.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna